Prions And Poxviruses

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Papua new guinea, eating the dead, with tremors/ataxia/postural inability, cerebellar symptomes.

60 yo Pt with fatigue, disordered sleep, behavoiral change, dementia, visual loss.

What is the most common form of this diease?
Other 2 forms of diease?
Sporadic (most common), familial (earlier onset, AD lys->glu), Iatrgenic CJD

28 year old in UK eats a lot of hamburgers. 5 years later he developes psychiatic/behancior symptoms, painful dysesthesias and neruological signs. His MRI shows a bilateral pulvinar sign.

what does he have?
dx test?
What genetic marker does he have?
Variant CJD (Mad Cow)-> Bovinr Dpinhigotm Encephalopathy
Dx test: tonsil lymphoid culture genetics: homozygous for met at codon 129

pt in somolia with abrupt onset malaise, high fever, vomiitng and severe head ache. 3 days later a rash started of his hand and feet and moved inward. the pustules are umbilicated and at the same stage of devlopemnt.

what is the virus?
what wat the first vaccine use?
Smallpox (variola major, 90%)
first vaccine: cowpox then live vaccine c bifurcated needle

Kid comes in with a Benign/local popular rash, single or multiple umbilicated skin papules.

Molluscum Contagiosum

In New Zealand a sheep herder has a single red nodule that forms into a vesicle on his hand. It is self-healed in 4 weeks.

What is it.