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Best Het Story (non FemShep/Garrus) 2013
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, FemShep/Thane
- 1.4% (3 vote)
The Care and Feeding of Spectres, FemShep/turian
- 20.09% (43 vote)
Dream A Little Dream, FemShep/Sparatus
- 3.27% (7 vote)
Fragile, FemShep/Mordin
- 0.93% (2 vote)
Hide, FemShep/Sparatus
- 1.4% (3 vote)
In Command, Garrus/Miranda
- 19.16% (41 vote)
I Don't Whine, Wrex/Aria
- 1.4% (3 vote)
Jimmy Vega's Illustrious Stripping Career, FemShep/Vega
- 3.74% (8 vote)
Medicine Man, Ashley/Garrus
- 3.74% (8 vote)
The Miller's Daughter, Charr/Ereba
- 3.74% (8 vote)
A Night Off, FemShep/Zaeed
- 0.93% (2 vote)
One Night With the Commander, FemShep/turian
- 1.87% (4 vote)
Romance and Guns, turian/human
- 1.4% (3 vote)
The Six Times Kal'Reegar Solved Tali'Zorah's Problems..., Tali/Kal'Reegar
- 17.29% (37 vote)
Steer Me, FemShep/Hackett
- 0.93% (2 vote)
Synchronicity Sunrise, Shala'raan/geth
- 1.4% (3 vote)
Transitions, FemShep/Saren
- 2.8% (6 vote)
Transmission, Legion/Samara
- 0% (0 votes)
The Translation in Blood, Hannah Shepard/Sparatus
- 14.49% (31 vote)
Total Votes: 214