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Best Minifill/Drabble 2013
brokerreport939.omni, FemShep/Garrus
- 26.21% (27 vote)
Circean Poison, Kalros/reaper
- 4.85% (5 vote)
Cry, Baby, Cry, FemShep/Liara
- 16.5% (17 vote)
I Don't Whine, Wrex/Aria
- 0% (0 votes)
The Man for the Job, Doctor Who crossover
- 4.85% (5 vote)
Mighty Man Noodle
- 1.94% (2 vote)
The Miller's Daughter, Charr/Ereba
- 10.68% (11 vote)
Mouthful, FemShep/Garrus
- 5.83% (6 vote)
No Twilight Mother, Her
- 3.88% (4 vote)
Season of Mists, FemShep/Ashley
- 8.74% (9 vote)
Shepard is a Size Queen, FemShep/Garrus
- 4.85% (5 vote)
Stability, Jacob/Miranda
- 2.91% (3 vote)
We Face Our Enemy Together, FemShep + Harbinger
- 1.94% (2 vote)
Wild Roses of Tuchanka, Charr/Ereba
- 5.83% (6 vote)
untitled, Garrus + Shepard's daughter
- 0.97% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 103