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Most Emotionally Touching Story 2013
Across the Desert, Across the Sea, FemShep + Saren
- 1.52% (3 vote)
After Dark, FemShep/Garrus
- 0% (0 votes)
After Dark II, FemShep/Garrus
- 0.51% (1 vote)
All The King's Horses, All The King's Men, FemShep/Garrus
- 12.69% (25 vote)
An Argument, A Seperation, FemShep/Liara
- 3.05% (6 vote)
Bath, FemShep/Garrus
- 3.05% (6 vote)
Better Together, Liara + Hannah Shepard
- 1.52% (3 vote)
The Bitter Angel, FemShep
- 1.02% (2 vote)
brokerreport939.omni, FemShep/Garrus
- 2.03% (4 vote)
The Chronicle of the Normandy, FemShep/Garrus
- 0% (0 votes)
Clandestine, FemShep
- 1.02% (2 vote)
Come Home, FemShep/Garrus
- 1.52% (3 vote)
Cry, Baby, Cry, FemShep/Liara
- 2.54% (5 vote)
Cry Baby Redux, FemShep/Liara
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Entropy, FemShep/Garrus
- 7.61% (15 vote)
False Dichotomy, FemShep/Garrus
- 3.05% (6 vote)
Final Courtesy, FemShep
- 1.02% (2 vote)
The Flaws of Great Men, ManShep/Ashley
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Forgive Me, FemShep/Garrus
- 1.02% (2 vote)
Hatching, Wrex/Bakara
- 0% (0 votes)
Home, ManShep/Kaidan
- 5.08% (10 vote)
Ima, Jack + Samara
- 0% (0 votes)
I'm Watching You, Nihlus/Saren
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Jack, Cupid's Evil Big Sister, Jack + Jacob/Kasumi
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Lessons in Humility, FemShep/Morinth
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Nestling, FemShep/Garrus
- 0% (0 votes)
New Game, FemShep
- 2.03% (4 vote)
Only Skin, FemShep/Kaidan + FemShep/Garrus
- 0% (0 votes)
Paint, FemShep/Garrus
- 0% (0 votes)
Running Barefoot Into Night, ManShep/Vega
- 0% (0 votes)
The Shepard Code, FemShep/Garrus
- 4.06% (8 vote)
Soft, FemShep/Garrus
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Stability, Jacob/Miranda
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Synchronicity Sunrise, Shala'raan/geth
- 2.03% (4 vote)
That Which Was Lost, Benezia
- 8.63% (17 vote)
Transitions, FemShep/Saren
- 0% (0 votes)
The Translation in Blood, Hannah Shepard/Sparatus
- 2.54% (5 vote)
Transmission, Legion/Samara
- 0.51% (1 vote)
Unknown Side Effect, FemShep/Garrus
- 1.02% (2 vote)
Valley of Dying Stars, FemShep/Garrus
- 2.54% (5 vote)
Variations on a Theme, With Tank and Gunfire, FemShep/Garrus
- 14.21% (28 vote)
Videotape, FemShep/Garrus
- 4.06% (8 vote)
When the Lines Get Blurry, FemShep/Garrus
- 4.06% (8 vote)
With Eyes Wide Closed, turian
- 2.54% (5 vote)
Total Votes: 197