Hello Student:
You are about to take a lesson quiz. Typically you have 20 minutes to take the lesson quiz. A lesson quiz with a lot of questions will allow more time. Don't be rushed. Correct answers for this quiz come from the downloaded text. There may be some unique situations that you will have a correct answer from another viewpoint, but if the answer is not from the included lesson text it will be counted incorrect.
It is permissible for you to print the text and have it with you when you take the quiz as our goal is to instruct you in the Word, not determine how intelligent or unintelligent you are.
If your quiz score is low, you may retake this quiz one additional time by waiting at least one hour after receiving your quiz grade. You must wait at least one hour or longer before retaking the quiz to qualify for a possible higher score. Failure to wait one hour or longer may jeopardize your higher score. A higher score may be used from this quiz to determine your final average grade on your transcript course grade.