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Famous Last Words
The phrase “famous last words” is usually uttered with tones of sarcasm, facetiousness, or of course, irony. But not at Easter. At Easter, certain “last words” from Scripture really are famous in that they carry hope and promise for the world, even when the words sound dark and final (i.e., “It is Finished.”)
The first four passages are last words from Jesus on different occasions at the time of His crucifixion and resurrection. Other passages are last words from New Testament letters---those moments when the writer was so brimming with gratitude that he just had to bust out a doxology--one of those famous benedictions crammed full of promise and hope.
While this “pop quiz” is simply for fun—connecting famous last words with the proper book—let yourself linger for a moment over each set of last words. Consider how the hope in each set of words is made possible through the Resurrection. The text is from the NIV.