Siapakah pengasas Kerajaan melayu Melaka?
Correct Answer
A. Parameswara
Parameswara is the correct answer as he is widely recognized as the founder of the Malay kingdom of Melaka. He was a prince from Palembang who fled to Sumatra, and later established the kingdom in Melaka in the 15th century. Parameswara played a crucial role in transforming Melaka into a thriving trading hub and a powerful empire in Southeast Asia. His reign marked the beginning of the golden age of Melaka, making him the rightful founder of the kingdom.
Bagaimanakah Melaka mendapat nama?
Correct Answer
B. Sempena nama sebatang pokok.
Melaka mendapat nama sempena sebatang pokok.
Agama Islam mudah diterima oleh kebanyakan penduduk di Nusantara kerana.......
i agama Islam mudah dipelajari..
ii agama Islam tidak membezakan bangsa dan keturunan
iii belum adaagama yang dianuti oleh penduduk Nusantara ketika itu.
iv mereka dipaksa oleh pemerintah untuk memeluk agama Islam.
Correct Answer
A. I dan ii
The correct answer is i dan ii. This is because the statement "agama Islam mudah dipelajari" suggests that Islam is easy to learn and understand, making it more accessible to the majority of people in Nusantara. Additionally, the statement "agama Islam tidak membezakan bangsa dan keturunan" indicates that Islam does not discriminate based on race or lineage, making it more inclusive and appealing to a diverse population.
Pasangan manakah yang salah?
Pembesar Tugas
1. Syahbandar menjaga pelabuhan Melaka.
2. Bendahara penasihat utama Sultan
3. Temenggung ketua angkatan tentera
4. Laksamana ketua angkatan laut
Correct Answer
C. 3
The incorrect pair is number 3, which states that the Temenggung is the chief of the army. In fact, the Temenggung is the chief minister or chief administrator in the traditional Malay political system, not the leader of the army. The correct pair is number 4, which states that the Laksamana is the chief of the navy.
Antara yang berikut, siapakah yang dikatakan golongan istana?
i permaisuri
ii dayang dan inang pengasuh
iii putera dan puteri raja
iv pengawal istana
Correct Answer
B. I dan iii
The individuals who are considered part of the palace are the queen (permaisuri) and the royal prince and princess (putera dan puteri raja). Therefore, the correct answer is option i and iii.
Senarai di atas ini merupakan barang-barang dagangan yang dibawa dari ___________________.
Correct Answer
D. China
The list above consists of trade goods that were brought from China.
Melaka telah jatuh ke tangan Portugis semasa zaman pemerintahan __________________________________ .
Correct Answer
D. Sultan Mahmud Syah
During the time of Sultan Mahmud Syah's reign, Melaka fell into the hands of the Portuguese.
Tun Perak pernah berkhidmat di bawah pemerintahan sultan-sultan yang berikut kecuali _________________ .
Correct Answer
C. Parameswara
Tun Perak pernah berkhidmat di bawah pemerintahan sultan-sultan yang disebutkan kecuali Parameswara.
Antara yang berikut, manakah yang merupakan cara-cara penyebaran agama Islam di Nusantara?
i melalui perdagangan
ii melalui dakwah
iii melalui peperangan
iv melalui perkahwinan campur
Correct Answer
D. I, ii, iii, dan iv
The correct answer is i, ii, iii, and iv because all of the options listed are methods of spreading Islam in Nusantara. Through trade (i), Muslim traders introduced Islam to the region. Through preaching (ii), Islamic scholars and missionaries spread the teachings of Islam to the local population. Through warfare (iii), Muslim rulers and armies expanded the influence of Islam in Nusantara. Through mixed marriages (iv), Muslims married into local communities, leading to the conversion of their spouses and the spread of Islam. Therefore, all of these methods were used to spread Islam in Nusantara.
"Takkan melayu Hilang di Dunia"
Siapakah yang mengucapkan ungkapan di atas?
Correct Answer
A. Hang Tuah
The quote "Takkan melayu Hilang di Dunia" is a famous Malay proverb which translates to "Malays will never disappear from the world." Hang Tuah, a legendary Malay warrior, is often associated with this quote as he is known for his loyalty and dedication to his people and culture. Therefore, it can be inferred that Hang Tuah is the one who said this expression.