Virus tidak dapat masuk dalam kelompok makhluk hidup karena ….
Correct Answer
A. Virus dapat dikristalkan
Virus tidak dapat masuk dalam kelompok makhluk hidup karena virus tidak memiliki sel atau struktur seluler yang kompleks seperti makhluk hidup lainnya. Virus adalah parasit intraseluler obligat yang membutuhkan sel inang untuk berkembang biak. Meskipun virus dapat menularkan penyakit dan berkembang biak di dalam sel inang, virus itu sendiri tidak dapat dikristalkan karena tidak memiliki struktur yang teratur seperti kristal.
Ukuran virus sangat kecil, yaitu ….
Correct Answer
B. 20 – 300 milimikron
The correct answer is 20 - 300 milimikron. This is because viruses are extremely small in size, typically ranging from 20 to 300 milimikron. Milimikron is a unit of measurement used to describe the size of particles at the nanoscale level.
Virus tersusun atas selubung protein yang disebut ….
Correct Answer
C. Kapsid
A virus is composed of a protein coat called a capsid, which protects the genetic material of the virus. The capsid is responsible for the shape and structure of the virus. It helps in the attachment of the virus to the host cell and also aids in the delivery of the viral genetic material into the host cell. Therefore, the correct answer is "kapsid".
Virus mengambil alih fungsi DNA bakteri. Tujuan tindakan virus ini adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Mensintesis protein dan membuat struktur tubuh virus yang baru
The correct answer is "mensintesis protein dan membuat struktur tubuh virus yang baru". This is because viruses take over the functions of bacterial DNA in order to replicate and produce new viral proteins and structures. By doing so, the virus can create new copies of itself and continue infecting other bacterial cells.
Bagian yang tidak dimiliki oleh virus adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Selubung protein
Viruses do not have a protein coat or envelope. They are made up of genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. The capsid protects the genetic material and helps the virus attach to and enter host cells. However, viruses do not have a complete cellular structure like cells do, so they do not have other cellular components such as cell membranes, cytoplasm, organelles, or a nucleus.
Virus yang menginfeksi bakteri disebut ….
Correct Answer
B. Bakteriofag
A virus that infects bacteria is called a "bakteriofag".
Virus hanya dapat hidup secara parasit sehingga untuk memelihara virus harus digunakan medium berupa ….
Correct Answer
E. Embrio ayam
The correct answer is "embrio ayam". This is because viruses can only survive as parasites and require a host to replicate and survive. An embryonated chicken egg provides an ideal environment for viruses to grow and replicate, making it a suitable medium for virus maintenance.
Ekor virus menempel pada dinding bakteri terjadi pada tahap ….
Correct Answer
D. Adsorpsi
Ekor virus menempel pada dinding bakteri terjadi pada tahap adsorpsi. Adsorpsi adalah tahap awal dalam siklus replikasi virus di mana virus menempel pada permukaan sel inangnya. Pada tahap ini, ekor virus menempel pada dinding bakteri sehingga virus dapat menginfeksi dan mereplikasi diri dalam sel inangnya.
Tahap pembentukan disebut juga sebagai tahap ….
Correct Answer
A. Sintesis
The correct answer is "sintesis." In the context of the question, "Tahap pembentukan" refers to the stage of formation or synthesis. This suggests that the process being referred to involves the creation or combination of different elements or components to form a new substance or product. The other options, such as "injeksi" (injection), "perakitan" (assembly), "adsorpsi" (adsorption), and "melebur" (melting), do not accurately describe the process of formation or synthesis.
Saat DNA virus masuk ke dalam sel bakteri adalah pada tahap ….
Correct Answer
B. Injeksi
When a DNA virus enters a bacterial cell, it goes through the process of injection. This is when the viral DNA is injected into the host cell, bypassing the need for the virus to enter the cell through any other means such as fusion or endocytosis. In this process, the viral DNA is directly delivered into the host cell's cytoplasm, where it can then initiate replication and hijack the cell's machinery to produce more viral particles.
Tahap saat kapsid yang terpisah-pisah antara kepala, ekor, dan serabut ekor menjadi rangkaian kapsid yang utuh adalah tahap ….
Correct Answer
C. Perakitan
The correct answer is "perakitan" because it refers to the stage where the separate parts of the capsid, such as the head, tail, and tail fibers, come together to form a complete capsid structure. This process involves the assembly of the individual components into a cohesive unit, resulting in the formation of a fully functional capsid.
Enzim yang dihasilkan oleh virus yang dapat memecahkan dinding sel bakteri disebut …
Correct Answer
D. Lisozim
Lisozim adalah enzim yang dihasilkan oleh virus atau organisme lain yang dapat memecahkan dinding sel bakteri. Enzim ini bekerja dengan menghancurkan peptidoglikan, komponen penting dalam dinding sel bakteri, sehingga menyebabkan lisis atau pecahnya sel bakteri. Dengan demikian, lisozim berperan dalam mekanisme pertahanan alami tubuh terhadap infeksi bakteri.
Ilmuwan yang pertama kali mengadakan eksperimen tentang virus adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Iwanovski
Iwanovski is the correct answer because he was the first scientist to conduct experiments on viruses. He conducted his experiments in the late 19th century and discovered that a certain disease affecting tobacco plants was caused by a filterable agent that was smaller than bacteria. This agent was later identified as a virus. His experiments and findings laid the foundation for the field of virology.
Virus tidak dianggap sebagai sel karena ….
Correct Answer
D. Virus tidak memiliki sitoplasma dan membran sel, berukuran sangat kecil, serta dapat dikristalkan
Virus tidak dianggap sebagai sel karena virus tidak memiliki sitoplasma dan membran sel. Selain itu, virus berukuran sangat kecil dan dapat dikristalkan, yang merupakan karakteristik yang berbeda dengan sel-sel organisme lainnya. Virus juga tidak dapat melakukan pembelahan seperti sel-sel organisme hidup, tetapi mereka dapat melakukan proliferasi dengan mengambil alih sel inang untuk mereplikasi diri mereka sendiri. Virus juga hanya dapat hidup sebagai parasit, bergantung pada sel inang untuk bertahan hidup dan mereplikasi diri.
Ilmuwan yang mengemukakan bahwa virus tembakau dapat dikristalkan adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Wendell
Wendell adalah ilmuwan yang mengemukakan bahwa virus tembakau dapat dikristalkan.
Pada saat virus berada dalam tahap lisogenik, mengapa tubuh tidak merasa sakit? Hal ini disebabkan virus ….
Correct Answer
D. Masih berada dalam sel sehingga sistem imun tidak dapat mendeteksi benda asing
During the lysogenic stage, the virus remains inside the host cell and integrates its DNA into the host genome. This allows the virus to replicate along with the host cell's DNA without causing any immediate harm or symptoms. As a result, the immune system does not detect the foreign virus particles since they are still within the host cell. This is why the body does not feel sick during the lysogenic stage of a viral infection.
Dalam suatu larutan terdapat virus dan bakteri. Cara memisahkan bakteri dan virus tersebut adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Menyaring larutan menggunakan saringan keramik
The correct answer is "menyaring larutan menggunakan saringan keramik" because ceramic filters have very small pores that can effectively separate bacteria and viruses from the solution. The small size of the pores allows only water and smaller molecules to pass through, while bacteria and viruses are trapped and retained by the filter. This method is commonly used in water filtration systems to remove harmful microorganisms.
Virus yang hanya menyerang kera dan manusia dengan gejala pendarahan di dalam dan di luar tubuh disebut dengan virus ….
Correct Answer
B. Ebola
Ebola is the correct answer because it is a virus that specifically affects both humans and primates, causing severe bleeding inside and outside the body. The other options, such as dengue fever (demam berdarah), hepatitis, and herpes, do not specifically target primates and do not typically cause the same level of hemorrhaging as Ebola.
Penyakit cacar air disebabkan oleh virus ….
Correct Answer
C. Varisela
The correct answer is Varisela. Varisela is the Indonesian term for chickenpox, which is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This virus is responsible for causing chickenpox in children and can also cause shingles in adults. It is transmitted through direct contact with the fluid from the blisters of an infected person. Symptoms of chickenpox include a rash of itchy, fluid-filled blisters, fever, and fatigue.
Sintesis DNA virus terjadi di dalam ….
Correct Answer
D. Tubuh inang
The correct answer is "tubuh inang". This is because DNA virus synthesis occurs within the host's body. DNA viruses need to enter a host cell in order to replicate and produce more virus particles. Once inside the host's body, the virus hijacks the host's cellular machinery to synthesize its own DNA, leading to the production of new virus particles. Therefore, the synthesis of DNA viruses occurs within the body of the host.