Pernyataan berikut yang tidak termasuk fungsi sistem peredaran darah adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Penghantaran impuls
The statement "penghantaran impuls" does not belong to the functions of the circulatory system. The circulatory system is responsible for circulating food nutrients, distributing oxygen, transporting metabolic waste, and maintaining fluid balance in the body. However, the transmission of impulses is a function of the nervous system, not the circulatory system.
Cairan pada darah disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Plasma darah
Cairan pada darah disebut plasma darah. Plasma darah adalah komponen cair dari darah yang terdiri dari air, protein, garam, nutrisi, hormon, dan zat-zat lain yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Cairan ini berperan penting dalam transportasi zat-zat nutrisi, hormon, dan limbah di dalam tubuh.
Pernyataan berikut yang termasuk ke dalam fungsi plasma darah adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Mengatur keseimbangan osmosis darah di dalam tubuh
The correct answer is "mengatur keseimbangan osmosis darah di dalam tubuh." Plasma darah berfungsi untuk mengatur keseimbangan osmosis darah di dalam tubuh. Osmosis adalah proses perpindahan air melalui membran semipermeabel dari larutan dengan konsentrasi rendah ke larutan dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Plasma darah mengandung berbagai zat seperti protein, garam, dan nutrisi yang membantu menjaga keseimbangan osmosis darah agar tetap stabil.
Sel darah putih yang bersifat fagosit dan cenderung berwarna biru saat menyerap pewarna basa adalah … .
Correct Answer
D. Basofil
Basofil adalah sel darah putih yang bersifat fagosit dan cenderung berwarna biru saat menyerap pewarna basa.
Pada proses penggumpalan darah, perubahan protrombin menjadi trombin dipicu oleh ion ... .
Correct Answer
C. Ca2+
In the process of blood clotting, the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin is triggered by the ion Ca2+. Calcium ions play a crucial role in the coagulation cascade by binding to specific proteins and activating them. This activation leads to the formation of thrombin, which then converts fibrinogen into fibrin, the main component of blood clots. Without the presence of Ca2+, the clotting process would be impaired and blood would not be able to coagulate properly.
Golongan darah A, B, O, dan AB merupakan sistem pengelompokan darah berdasarkan ... .
Correct Answer
E. Aglutinogen darah dan aglutinin
The correct answer is "aglutinogen darah dan aglutinin". This answer is correct because the ABO blood group system is based on the presence of two antigens (aglutinogens) on the surface of red blood cells, known as A and B, and the presence of two corresponding antibodies (aglutinins) in the plasma, known as anti-A and anti-B. The combination of these antigens and antibodies determines the blood type, whether it is A, B, AB, or O. Therefore, the ABO blood group system is based on the presence or absence of these antigens and antibodies in the blood.
Perhatikan tabel transfusi darah berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 6-7.
Transfusi Darah
∞ = menggumpal
J = tidak menggumpal
Golongan darah A tidak dapat menerima golongan darah B karena … .
Correct Answer
D. Aglutinin b menggumpalkan aglutinogen B
According to the given blood transfusion table, blood type A can receive blood from type A and type O donors. However, it cannot receive blood from type B donors because agglutinin B in blood type A will cause agglutination with agglutinogen B in blood type B. Therefore, the correct answer is "Aglutinin b menggumpalkan aglutinogen B" which means agglutinin B causes agglutination with agglutinogen B.
Pernyataan yang tidak tepat adalah … .
Correct Answer
E. Golongan darah AB dapat menjadi donor bagi golongan darah A dan B
The correct answer is that blood type AB can donate to blood types A and B. This is because blood type AB has both A and B antigens on its red blood cells, making it compatible with both blood types. Blood type AB is known as the universal recipient because it can receive blood from any other blood type, but it can only donate to blood types A and B.
Katup-katup pada jantung berfungsi ... .
Correct Answer
E. Mengatur aliran darah agar tidak bercampur
The correct answer is "mengatur aliran darah agar tidak bercampur". The valves in the heart function to regulate the flow of blood and prevent the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. They ensure that blood flows in the correct direction, from the atria to the ventricles and then out to the rest of the body, without any backflow or mixing. This helps to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the circulatory system.
Cairan perikardium pada jantung berfungsi ... .
Correct Answer
C. Mengurangi gesekan saat jantung berdenyut
The pericardial fluid in the heart functions to reduce friction during the heartbeat. It acts as a lubricant between the layers of the pericardium, allowing the heart to contract and relax smoothly without any rubbing or resistance. This helps to maintain the efficiency of the heart's pumping action and prevents damage to the heart muscle.
Arah impuls saraf yang memicu denyut jantung yang benar adalah … .
Correct Answer
B. Nodus aurikularis – nodus sinoaurikularis – otot serambi – atrioventrikularis – berkas His – sistem Purkinje – otot ventrikel
The correct answer is Nodus aurikularis – nodus sinoaurikularis – otot serambi – atrioventrikularis – berkas His – sistem Purkinje – otot ventrikel. This sequence accurately represents the pathway of the nerve impulses that trigger the heartbeat. The impulse starts at the sinoatrial (SA) node, then travels to the atrial nodes, followed by the atrial muscles, atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle of His, Purkinje system, and finally the ventricular muscles. This sequence ensures the coordinated contraction of the heart chambers, allowing for efficient blood circulation.
Alat untuk mengukur tekanan darah disebut … .
Correct Answer
C. SpHygmomanometer
A sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure. It consists of an inflatable cuff that is wrapped around the upper arm, a pressure gauge, and a stethoscope or electronic sensor. When the cuff is inflated, it temporarily cuts off blood flow through the brachial artery. As the pressure in the cuff is released, blood flow resumes and the pressure at which the first sound is heard through the stethoscope or detected by the sensor is recorded as the systolic blood pressure. The pressure at which the sound disappears is recorded as the diastolic blood pressure. Therefore, a sphygmomanometer is the correct tool for measuring blood pressure.
Fungsi pembuluh darah adalah ... .
Correct Answer
B. Mengalirkan darah
The correct answer is "mengalirkan darah". Blood vessels are responsible for carrying blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing waste products. They play a crucial role in maintaining proper circulation and ensuring that all organs and tissues receive the necessary blood supply. Therefore, the function of blood vessels is to transport or "mengalirkan" blood throughout the body.
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
Vena, kapiler, dan arteri berturut-turut ditunjukkan oleh huruf ... .
Correct Answer
E. Q - R - P
The correct answer is Q - R - P. The image shows the sequence of vena, kapiler, and arteri, which corresponds to Q - R - P.
Pembuluh darah P memiliki dinding yang tebal untuk ... .
Correct Answer
D. Menahan tekanan darah yang tinggi
The blood vessel P has a thick wall to withstand the high pressure of blood flow. This is necessary to prevent the blood vessel from bursting or leaking under the force of the blood being pumped by the heart. The thick wall of the blood vessel helps to maintain the integrity and stability of the vessel, ensuring that it can effectively transport blood throughout the body without any damage or disruption.
Pernyataan yang benar mengenai seluruh arteri di tubuh manusia adalah ... .
Correct Answer
E. Membawa darah dari jantung
Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body. Therefore, the correct answer is "membawa darah dari jantung" which translates to "carry blood from the heart".
Vena cava superior adalah vena yang membawa darah yang kaya CO2 menuju ... .
Correct Answer
B. Atrium kanan
The correct answer is "atrium kanan" because the vena cava superior is a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper body to the right atrium of the heart.
Perhatikan skema peredaran darah manusia berikut.
Ventrikel kiri ditunjukkan oleh nomor ... .
Correct Answer
A. 6
The left ventricle is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. In the given diagram, the number 6 is pointing towards the left ventricle. Therefore, the correct answer is 6.
Darah yang kaya oksigen akan masuk ke ruang jantung dengan nomor ... .
Correct Answer
C. 3
Darah yang kaya oksigen akan masuk ke ruang jantung dengan nomor 3. Ini karena ruang jantung nomor 3 adalah atrium kiri, di mana darah yang kaya oksigen dari paru-paru akan memasuki jantung melalui vena pulmonalis.
Vena pulmonalis ditunjukkan oleh nomor ... .
Correct Answer
B. 8
The correct answer is 8 because the question is asking for the number that represents the pulmonary veins. The pulmonary veins are responsible for carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart. In the given options, number 8 represents the pulmonary veins, making it the correct answer.
Nomor 10 menunjukkan … .
Correct Answer
D. Vena cava superior
The correct answer, vena cava superior, is a major vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper body to the right atrium of the heart. It is located superiorly to the heart and is responsible for returning blood from the head, neck, upper limbs, and chest to the heart.
Nomor 6 menunjukkan … .
Correct Answer
A. Atrium kiri
The correct answer is "Atrium kiri." This suggests that the number 6 is indicating the left atrium.
Berikut ini adalah fungsi pembuluh limfa, kecuali … .
Correct Answer
D. Mengangkut darah yang telah rusak
The correct answer is "Mengangkut darah yang telah rusak" (Transporting damaged blood). The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting lymph fluid, which contains waste products, excess fluid, and immune cells, from the tissues back into the bloodstream. It also plays a crucial role in immune function, producing antibodies and destroying disease-causing pathogens. However, the lymphatic system does not transport damaged blood. That task is performed by the circulatory system, specifically the veins, which carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart for oxygenation.
Penyakit akibat penurunan kekuatan kontraksi otot jantung adalah ... .
Correct Answer
C. Gagal jantung
Gagal jantung adalah penyakit yang terjadi akibat penurunan kekuatan kontraksi otot jantung. Pada kondisi ini, jantung tidak mampu memompa darah dengan efisien ke seluruh tubuh, sehingga menyebabkan gejala seperti sesak napas, kelelahan, dan pembengkakan pada kaki. Kelemahan otot jantung dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, termasuk penyakit jantung koroner, tekanan darah tinggi, dan kerusakan jantung akibat penyakit lain seperti diabetes.
Produksi sel darah putih melebihi batas normal merupakan ciri penyakit ... .
Correct Answer
B. Leukemia
Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the production of white blood cells in the body. When the production of white blood cells exceeds the normal limit, it can be a characteristic of leukemia. Anemia, thalasemia, jantung, and sickle cell anemia do not specifically involve an overproduction of white blood cells, making leukemia the correct answer in this context.
Berikuit ini yang bukan merupakan gangguan pada sistem peredaran darah adalah … .
Correct Answer
E. Rakitis
Rakitis bukanlah gangguan pada sistem peredaran darah. Rakitis adalah penyakit tulang yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan vitamin D, yang dapat menyebabkan tulang menjadi lemah dan mudah patah. Gangguan pada sistem peredaran darah seperti AIDS, anemia, eritroblastosis fetalis, dan hipotensi melibatkan masalah dalam sirkulasi darah dan komponen darah seperti sel darah merah, sel darah putih, dan tekanan darah.
Alat peredaran darah pada cacing tanah adalah … .
Correct Answer
A. Lima lengkung aorta
The correct answer is "lima lengkung aorta". The explanation for this is that in earthworms, the circulatory system consists of a series of five aortic arches that act as the main pumping organs. These aortic arches contract in sequence to propel the blood forward, allowing for the circulation of nutrients and oxygen throughout the worm's body. Therefore, the five aortic arches are the main blood vessels responsible for the circulation of blood in earthworms.
O2 dalam tubuh belalang diangkut oleh … .
Correct Answer
D. Trakea
The correct answer is trakea. Trakea is responsible for transporting O2 in the body of a grasshopper.
Aliran darah pada ikan adalah … .
Correct Answer
B. Jantung – aorta ventral – insang – aorta dorsal – kapiler – vena – jantung
The correct answer is "Jantung – aorta ventral – insang – aorta dorsal – kapiler – vena – jantung". This is because the blood flow in fish starts from the heart (jantung), then it goes to the ventral aorta, followed by the gills (insang), then it goes to the dorsal aorta, then to the capillaries (kapiler), then to the veins (vena), and finally back to the heart.
Pembuluh darah katak yang merupakan percabangan aorta menuju kulit disebut … .
Correct Answer
C. Arteri kutanea
The correct answer is "arteri kutanea" because it refers to the blood vessels that branch off from the aorta and supply blood to the skin of the frog.