Isi kandungan Surah Al-Kafirun secara umum adalah tentang...
Correct Answer
A. Toleransi social
The general content of Surah Al-Kafirun is about social tolerance.
Bentuk toleransi dalam perbedaan pendapat dapat diwujudkan dengan cara ...
Correct Answer
D. Mengedepankan dialog dan menghormati pendapat orang lain
Tolerance in differences of opinion can be achieved by prioritizing dialogue and respecting others' opinions. This means engaging in open and respectful discussions, actively listening to others, and being willing to consider alternative viewpoints. It involves creating an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and respected, rather than resorting to forcing one's own will, intimidating others, creating tension, or using anarchic methods to solve problems.
Surah Yunus ayat 41 mengajarkan pada kita, dalam menyikapi orang-orang yang mendustakan Al-Qur’an, dengan cara mengatakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Bagiku pekerjaanku dan bagimu pekerjaanmu
The correct answer suggests that in Surah Yunus ayat 41, it teaches us to respond to those who deny the Quran by saying "Bagiku pekerjaanku dan bagimu pekerjaanmu" which means "For me, my job and for you, your job." This implies that everyone is responsible for their own actions and beliefs, and it is not our place to judge or interfere with others' responsibilities.
Orang non Islam yang tunduk dan patuh pada aturan-aturan islam dan berjanji akan memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban atas dirinya selain masalah keyakinan dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
C. Kafir zimmi
The term "Kafir zimmi" refers to non-Muslim individuals who live in an Islamic state and agree to abide by Islamic laws and fulfill their obligations, excluding matters of faith. They are granted certain rights and protection under Islamic law, but they are still considered non-Muslims. This term is used to describe a specific category of non-Muslims in an Islamic society.
Dalam surah Al-Kahfi ayat 29 dinyatakan bahwa manusia bebas memilih untuk ....
Correct Answer
E. Beriman atau kafir
In Surah Al-Kahfi ayat 29, it is stated that human beings have the freedom to choose between believing or disbelieving. Therefore, the correct answer is "Beriman atau kafir" which means "Believing or disbelieving" in English.
Di bawah ini adalah yang bukan manfaat dari toleransi antar umat beragama...
Correct Answer
C. Mengajak penganut agama lain untuk masuk Islam
The given answer suggests that "Mengajak penganut agama lain untuk masuk Islam" (Inviting followers of other religions to convert to Islam) is not a benefit of religious tolerance. This is because religious tolerance involves respecting and accepting the beliefs and practices of different religions, rather than trying to convert others to one's own religion. The act of inviting others to convert may be seen as disrespectful and intolerant towards their beliefs.
Perhatikan tanda-tanda di bawah ini !
1) Terjadinya gempa bumi yang dahsyat di kawasan timur tengah
2) Matahari terbit dari arah barat
3) Gunung-gunung meletus dan bertebaran bagaikan kapas ditiup angin
4) Jumlah kaum wanita lebih banyak dibandingkan kaum laki-laki
Tanda-tanda datangnya kiamat kubra ditunjukkan oleh nomor ...
Correct Answer
B. 2 dan 3
The signs of the arrival of the great apocalypse are indicated by numbers 2 and 3 because the rising of the sun from the west and the eruption of mountains and their scattered debris are considered as significant and extraordinary events that are believed to signal the end of the world.
Salah satu fungsi beriman kepada hari akhir adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Mendorong manusia bersifat optimis, berhati-hati dan waspada dalam bertindak
Believing in the Day of Judgment encourages humans to be optimistic, cautious, and vigilant in their actions. This belief reminds individuals that their actions in this life have consequences and will be accounted for in the afterlife. It encourages them to have a positive outlook, be careful in their behavior, and be mindful of their choices to ensure they are in line with their beliefs and values.
Timbangan amal perbuatan yang diperbuat oleh manusia selama hidup di dunia adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Mizan
The correct answer is "Mizan." Mizan refers to the balance or scale that will be used on the Day of Judgment to weigh a person's good and bad deeds. This concept is rooted in Islamic beliefs, where it is believed that one's actions in life will be weighed to determine their fate in the afterlife.
Bangkitnya manusia dari alam kubur untuk dikumpulkan di Padang Mahsyar disebut ...
Correct Answer
C. Yaumul ba’ats
The correct answer is "Yaumul ba'ats". This term refers to the Day of Resurrection in Islamic belief, when all humans will be raised from their graves and gathered on the field of Mahsyar for judgment. This event is an essential part of Islamic eschatology and is mentioned in the Quran.
Peristiwa hancur dan binasanya alam semesta beserta isinya merupakan awal dari kehidupan akhirat. Pernyataan tersebut adalah pengertian dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Kiamat kubra
The given statement explains that the destruction and annihilation of the universe and everything in it marks the beginning of the afterlife. This aligns with the concept of "Kiamat kubra" which refers to the Day of Judgment or the Great Apocalypse in Islamic eschatology.
Hari kiamat pasti datang dan tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahuinya, karena Allah swt. Merahasiakan waktunya. Pernyataan tersebut termuat dalam firman Allah yaitu Al-Qur’an ...
Correct Answer
B. Taha ayat 15
The correct answer is Taha ayat 15 because it states that the Day of Judgment is certain to come, but its timing is known only to Allah. This aligns with the statement given in the question that the Day of Judgment will come, but no one can know when it will happen because Allah has kept it a secret.
Kematian makhluk bernyawa dari kehidupan yang fana dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Kiamat sugra
The correct answer is "Kiamat sugra." This is because "Kiamat sugra" refers to the minor or lesser apocalypse in Islamic eschatology, which is the end of the world as we know it. It is a temporary and partial destruction of the world before the final and complete destruction known as "Kiamat kubra." This term is used to describe the death of living beings from the transient life.
Efek positif meyakini hari akhir adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Selalu berbuat baik
Meyakini hari akhir dengan keyakinan bahwa akan ada pertanggungjawaban atas perbuatan di dunia ini dapat memberikan efek positif untuk selalu berbuat baik. Keyakinan ini dapat menjadi motivasi untuk melakukan kebaikan tanpa pamrih, karena percaya bahwa setiap perbuatan baik akan mendapatkan balasan yang baik pula di akhirat. Dengan demikian, seseorang yang meyakini hari akhir cenderung selalu berusaha untuk berbuat baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Iman pada hari akhir dapat menimbulkan raja’ dan ...
Correct Answer
B. Khauf
The correct answer is "Khauf". "Khauf" is an Arabic word that means fear or awe. In the context of the given statement, it suggests that having fear or awe of the Day of Judgment can lead to righteousness and good deeds. This fear can motivate individuals to strive for spiritual growth and adhere to moral values in order to prepare for the afterlife.
Seorang hamba yang ringan timbangan amal baiknya akan masuk neraka ...
Correct Answer
C. Hawiyah
Hawiyah is the correct answer because it is one of the names of Hell in Islamic belief. It refers to a deep pit or chasm within Hell where the sinners are punished. This punishment is reserved for those whose good deeds are outweighed by their bad deeds. The phrase "Seorang hamba yang ringan timbangan amal baiknya" translates to "A servant whose good deeds are light in weight" which implies that their sins outweigh their good actions, leading them to be destined for Hawiyah in the afterlife.
Hari di mana seluruh amal perbuatan akan ditimbang adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Yaumulmizan
Yaumulmizan is the correct answer because it refers to the day of weighing or the day of judgment. It is believed that on this day, all of a person's deeds will be weighed to determine their fate in the afterlife. This concept is central to Islamic beliefs about accountability and the consequences of one's actions.
Sikap rida bukan berarti apatis dalam mencari karuania Allah swt., sebagai manusia seharusnya ..
Correct Answer
B. Berusaha mencari karunia Allah sesuai bakat dan kemampuannya
The correct answer suggests that having a rida attitude does not mean being apathetic in seeking the blessings of Allah. As humans, we should strive to seek the blessings of Allah according to our abilities and talents. This means actively putting effort into finding opportunities and utilizing our skills to earn the blessings and favors of Allah. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and utilizing our potential to seek the blessings of Allah rather than relying solely on fate or reducing our efforts and worship in order to seek attention from Allah.
Sikap menerima atas segala ketentuan Allah swt., tenang dalam menghadapi cobaan dengan senantiasa berusaha tidak mudah putus asa disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Sabar
Sabar is the correct answer because it means to have patience and perseverance in facing trials and difficulties. It is the ability to remain calm and not easily give up or lose hope. This attitude includes accepting and surrendering to Allah's decree and trusting in His plan. Sabar is an important virtue in Islam and is encouraged to be practiced in various situations to maintain a strong faith and positive mindset.
Dalam Surah Al-Ma’idah ayat 8 kita dianjurkan untuk berbuat adil, karena keadilan itu lebih dekat dengan ...
Correct Answer
E. Ketakwaan
In Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 8, we are encouraged to practice justice because it brings us closer to God-consciousness or takwa. This means that by being just and fair in our actions and decisions, we are fulfilling our duty to God and striving to be mindful of His presence in our lives. Practicing takwa leads to a deeper connection with God and a sense of spiritual well-being.
Ukuran keadilan tidak sekedar diukur dengan bagian yang kongkrit sama rata saja, tetapi ...
Correct Answer
C. Kelapangan hati dan pertimbangan rasio
The correct answer suggests that the measurement of justice is not only based on equal distribution of tangible resources, but also on the generosity of one's heart and the ability to make rational considerations. This implies that justice goes beyond material wealth and includes qualities like empathy, compassion, and fairness in decision-making.
Agama Islam menganjurkan pada umatnya untuk berlaku adil.kita diperintahkan berlaku adil kepada ...
Correct Answer
B. Setiap orang
Agama Islam menganjurkan umatnya untuk berlaku adil kepada setiap orang. Ini berarti bahwa umat Muslim diharapkan untuk memperlakukan semua orang dengan adil dan tidak membedakan mereka berdasarkan status, suku, agama, atau asal usul mereka. Prinsip ini mencakup semua individu, tidak hanya keluarga atau orang lain, tetapi juga termasuk penguasa atau pemimpin. Dalam Islam, adil berarti memberikan hak-hak yang sama kepada semua orang tanpa diskriminasi.
Salah satu contoh sikap yang menunjukkan rida adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Senantiasa bersyukur atas segala sesuatu
Rida is an Arabic term that refers to being content and accepting of whatever situation or decree that Allah has ordained. One way to demonstrate rida is by always being grateful for everything, which means being thankful for both the blessings and the challenges in life. This attitude reflects a deep trust and acceptance of Allah's wisdom and plan.
Penegakan keadilan yang pernah dicontohkan oleh Rasullah saw, sebagaimana dalam pernyataannya ...
Correct Answer
A. Memotong tangan Fatimah, jika ia mencuri
The explanation for the given correct answer is that Rasullah saw exemplified the enforcement of justice by stating that if Fatimah steals, her hand should be cut off. This shows that even if someone is from his own family, he would not hesitate to implement the punishment for a crime committed. This demonstrates the importance of upholding justice and not showing favoritism or bias towards anyone, regardless of their relationship.
Pernyataan yang benar adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Qanaah sama dengan kesabaran
The correct answer is Qanaah sama dengan kesabaran. Qanaah is an Arabic term that means contentment or satisfaction with what one has, while kesabaran means patience. Therefore, Qanaah sama dengan kesabaran implies that contentment is similar to patience in dealing with life's challenges and being satisfied with what one has.
Arti penting niat dalam amal saleh adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Menentukan apakah suatu amal termasuk ibadah atau tidak
The importance of intention in righteous deeds is to determine whether an action is considered an act of worship or not. Intention plays a crucial role in distinguishing between mere actions and acts of worship. It is the intention behind the action that determines its spiritual significance and whether it will be rewarded by Allah. Therefore, having a sincere and righteous intention is essential in ensuring that our actions are accepted as acts of worship.
Dalam beramal saleh, niat seharusnya dilaksanakan dengan ...
Correct Answer
C. Ikhlas karena allah semata
The correct answer is "Ikhlas karena allah semata." This means that in performing righteous deeds, the intention should be solely for the sake of Allah. It should not be done to seek attention from other creatures or to gain a special position. The intention should be pure and sincere, solely focused on pleasing Allah.
Perilaku amal saleh adalah sangat luas, dalam hal ini Rasulullah pernah menjelaskan amal saleh yang berkaitan dengan sedekah yaitu ...
Correct Answer
B. Tersenyum adalah termasuk ibadah
The given answer states that smiling is considered an act of worship. This is because Prophet Muhammad once explained that a smile can be a form of charity and a good deed. It is a simple act that can bring happiness to others and is encouraged in Islam.
Rela menerima dan merasa cukup dengan apa yang dimiliki serta menjauhkan diri dari sifat tidak puas dan merasa kurang disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Merasa tentram dan merasa berkecukupan dalam hidupnya
The correct answer suggests that feeling peaceful and content with what one has in life leads to a sense of tranquility and sufficiency. This mindset helps to distance oneself from feelings of dissatisfaction and inadequacy.
Arti potongan ayat adalah
Correct Answer
B. Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati
The correct answer is "Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati" because it directly translates to "Every living creature will definitely die." This statement aligns with the concept of mortality and the inevitability of death for all living beings.
Artti lafal adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah.
The correct answer is "Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah." This answer reflects the speaker's refusal to worship or follow what the other person worships. It shows a sense of independence and personal choice in matters of belief and worship.
Potongan ayat artinya...
Correct Answer
B. Apa yang Kamu sembah
The given answer "Apa yang Kamu sembah" is the correct translation of the phrase "What do you worship" in the provided passage. The passage is discussing the concept of faith and worship, and this answer accurately captures the question being asked.
Potongan artinya...
Correct Answer
A. Untukmu agamamu
The given answer "Untukmu agamamu" means "For you, your religion" in English. This phrase suggests that the speaker acknowledges and respects the other person's religion, emphasizing the importance of religious freedom and individual beliefs. It also implies that the speaker does not impose their own religion on the other person, promoting tolerance and acceptance.
Potongan ayat artinya adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Dan untukkulah, agamaku
The correct answer is "and for me, my religion". This is because the phrase "dan untukkulah" translates to "and for me" or "and for my sake". The word "agamaku" means "my religion". Therefore, the correct translation of the given phrase is "and for me, my religion".