
Asia Quizzes, Questions & Answers

It is the biggest continent of them all. 17 million square miles and more than 4 billion people living there. How much do you know about the Asian continent? Are you able to answer a couple of questions on it? What is the most commonly accepted boundary between Asia and Europe? What is the country with the largest population in Asia?

What are the two most important deserts in Asia? What percentage of the total land area on earth does Asia represent? What are the countries that form the group called the “Asian Tigers”? These are but a few of what you will be put up against. Such a big continent is worthy of a big quiz so get ready to be put to the test.

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  • Sample Question
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  • Sample Question
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The Guess That Asian Quiz is a fun and challenging way to test your knowledge of different Asian backgrounds. Can you recognize people from different Asian countries just by their looks? This quiz presents you with a series of...

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  • Sample Question
    How do you feel about the city?
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Do you know Asia is the largest continent in the world? There are so many countries in Asia. Here is an "Asian Countries and Capitals Quiz" for you. If you want to learn about different Asian countries and their...

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