
Biological Evolution Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Welcome to Biological Evolution Quizzes! Evolution is a fundamental concept in biology that explains the diversity of life on Earth and how species have changed over time. These quizzes are designed to test your knowledge and understanding of biological evolution, allowing you to explore and reinforce your knowledge of this fascinating subject. Through these quizzes, you will delve into various aspects of biological evolution, including natural selection, adaptation, speciation, genetic variation, and the mechanisms driving evolutionary change.

You will be challenged with questions about the fundamental principles and processes of evolution, the evidence supporting the theory of evolution, the role of mutations and genetic drift in driving evolutionary change, and the relationship between evolutionary biology and other fields of science. These quizzes suit students studying biology, individuals interested in evolutionary science, or anyone seeking to expand their knowledge of the natural world. They will help you deepen your understanding of the mechanisms and patterns of evolution and the implications of change for the diversity of life and our knowledge of the natural world. Please note that these quizzes are designed for educational purposes and aim to promote a better understanding of biological evolution.

They are intended to supplement comprehensive instruction or professional guidance in evolutionary biology. So, get ready to explore the captivating world of biological evolution, test your knowledge, and gain new insights into the mechanisms that have shaped life on Earth. Enjoy the quizzes and have fun discovering the wonders of evolutionary science!

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Questions: 12  |  Attempts: 190   |  Last updated: Feb 10, 2023
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    Which of the following is NOT evidence supporting evolution?
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This is the Biological Evolution MCQ Quiz! There are different theories put in place to explain evolution. With the transfer of genes between populations new traits are bound to be observed by researchers which in some cases...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1658   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Darwin's theory of natural selection to explain evolution is also known as
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Questions: 46  |  Attempts: 186   |  Last updated: Feb 10, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is evolution?
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Questions: 43  |  Attempts: 196   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What two factors determine the phenotypic variation we see in populations?  (mark both)
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