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Encourage Learning on the go with Mobile Flashcards

With ProProfs responsive flashcards teachers can encourage learners to study flashcards on the go, using multiple devices such as iPhones, Android smartphones, laptops, tablets and more. Teachers can create their own set of mobile-friendly flashcards or choose from 100,000 ready-to-use flashcards in ProProfs library. They can easily add pictures and weblinks to the flashcards, which...
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Use E-Signatures for Your Forms

Have you ever created surveys or forms for online market research or an in-person questionnaire that really needed a signature field? With our e-signature feature, you can easily get the signatures of your respondents while creating registration forms, application forms, a non-disclosure agreement, a sales contract, online petitions or even online training. These can also...
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Easily add users from Gmail, Outlook, Excel & more

Exciting news, course creators! With ProProfs, you can easily add large number of learners to your training courses by importing contacts from Gmail, Google Apps Email, Outlook or even Excel. The feature helps save a lot of time and is a great option for course creators to quickly add new users to their courses. Here’s...
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Create quizzes in minutes with ProProfs’ new platform

ProProfs Quiz Maker has launched its new quiz making interface, that enables users to create quizzes easily in minutes. It includes a set of powerful new features designed to give users greater flexibility and a delightful experience while creating quizzes. The upgraded version offers an interactive “drag and drop” interface, enterprise white label options, and...
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ProProfs wins Gold in Brandon Hall Learning Technology Awards

We’re incredibly proud and happy to share that ProProfs Quiz Maker won Gold in Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards 2014. ProProfs Quiz Maker was awarded in the Best Advance in Technology for Testing and Evaluation category by a panel of judges, which included “independent senior industry subject matter experts and practitioners, and Brandon Hall...
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ProProfs Awards & Celebrations 2014

Keeping the tradition alive at ProProfs, our CEO Sameer Bhatia, took us out for an annual outing on a beautiful Saturday to Surjivan resort near Manesar, Gurgaon. And boy, it was a day filled with excitement, celebrations and honors! The whole team spent the day bonding with each other over tasty food, awesome adventure activities...
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Show only Relevant Questions with Branching Logic in Surveys

Using branching logic, you can hide unnecessary questions to keep surveys short and relevant for your respondents. This improves their experience and increases completion rates of your survey. The feature also helps you effectively capture the information you need from your respondents. Read the full post to learn more about the feature or create a...
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Know your Audience Better with ProProfs Poll Maker

Want to create smart polls that capture more than just opinions? With ProProfs Poll Maker, you can even capture voter’s information such as their names, email addresses, phone numbers and more. You can view this data in your poll results to identify who voted, when they voted, their emails, phone numbers, IP addresses and more...
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Save Time by Tracking Activity Across all Your Surveys at a Click

Have you ever wished that you could see all that’s been happening with your account at the single click of a button? ProProfs “Recent Activity Report” lets you do just that by helping you track activity across all of your surveys from one central location. This consolidated report saves you tons of time as you...
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Improve Learning with Worksheets and Handouts

With ProProfs, you can supplement learning with downloadable handouts and worksheets. At times, learners might find it difficult to grasp certain topics in your course. You can help them overcome this knowledge gap using downloadable handouts, at the end of a page or chapter, which quickly explains the key concepts that your course deals with....
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