How to Create a Quiz Using Hotspot Questions

A lot of times we hear from teachers who want to go beyond just text-based questions & answers in their classroom. Playing with question types or their diversity is what helps in building the students’ interests in class. Interactive tests help them gauge their individual learning ability. 

Studies show that test questions impact learning. But, very little has been talked about the emergence of hotspot questions in the learning sector.

At times, it’s important to start with the end in mind, so here is an example hot spot quiz for you to take before we jump into the specifics:

Imagine this: Fred, a 5th grader, is being monitored by his teachers for his average performance in three consecutive tests. Here’s what the teachers noticed:

  • All the correct answers came from the visual-type of questions. 
  • All the incorrect answers belonged to the text-type questions, wherein he had to type out the answer or pick an option. 

The teachers then gave Fred and other students two sets of tests- one with only visual questions and one with text-type of questions. 

To their surprise, most of the students performed better in the test that had only visual questions. 

This experiment made one thing very clear- a visual representation of any information helps some students remember & identify it better than the textual information. Questions often spark a thought which leads students to an independent search for information.

Thus, shaping their creativity. So, it is important that questions must be designed in a way that they spark the imagination of students. The questions asked by teachers are sometimes more valuable than information transferred to students.

Using image-based, or more commonly referred to as hot spot questions, in both teaching and assessment helps to improve knowledge retention. They may also allow a student to demonstrate his or her knowledge adequately.

Watch: How to Use Online Quiz Maker for Teachers

What Are HotSpot Questions?

‘Hotspot Questions’ are image-based (visual) questions that can be used to make quizzes interesting and fun. A typical hotspot question asks the test-takers to click a spot on an image as the correct answer like:

  • Anatomy: Locate parts of the body
  • Maths: Select polygon from the pattern
  • Geography: Locate areas on a map
  • General Knowledge: Locate historical monuments
  • Foreign Language: Select articles of clothing

Similarly, hotspot quiz questions can be put up as quiz bowl questions, trivia quiz questions, science quiz question, mathematics quiz question, anatomy quiz, geography quiz questions, world geography quiz questions, iq quiz questions, geography quiz game, art quiz, etc.

The options are endless!

The purpose behind using hotspot questions is ensuring that students can correctly identify key components visually and not just in theory.

How Do Hotspot Questions Work?

Hotspot questions boost interaction by asking the students to mark a particular spot on an image as their answer.

While creating the questions, the area of the image that acts as the answer can be determined, and the size can be customized.

The following few examples will help you understand how you can use hotspot questions for different subjects:


In mathematics, hot-spot questions can be constructed to:

  • plot points on dot plots, graphs, number lines, and coordinate grids 
  • select the portion of a shape or figure that corresponds to a question
  • bisect an angle or create a model of a specific fractional division of a shape.

The virtual sensors on the image function essentially like multiple choice questions, and the hotspot test takers are asked to choose the best one.


In science, hot-spot questions can be used to ask students to respond to a brief text or graphic stimulus of some point.

Then you can use them to locate answers on charts, graphs, or images that accurately answer questions about what they read and analyzed.

Refer to this example below:

Identify the extra color of spectrum in the given image of a prism:

Identify the extra color of spectrum

To answer this question, a student can simply mark a spot anywhere on the extra ray of color.


Anatomy is one subject that offers ample opportunities to create hotspot questions. For example, when you need your students to identify a body structure for the lab. 

Since labs and clinics are limited, students who study and practice Anatomy can be taught and assessed more practically with the help of hotspot questions.

Here’s how you can use hotspot questions for Anatomy: 

Create a multiple-choice question that asks students which treatment procedure to use given a specific patient presentation.

Follow that directly with a Hot Spot question. For example, ask students to locate the area of the body in which they will initiate a procedure.

Similarly, you can create hotspot questions for other subjects as well.


Geography is one subject that has the most scope for hotspot questions. Questions like – locate areas on a map, mark tributaries, select the continent, etc. can be easily created in hotspot forms

Watch: How to Create a Hotspot Quiz

Here are a few examples of geography hotspot questions :

1- Mark the approximate location of Paris in the world map given below:

 geography hotspot questions
2- In the following image, locate the sights of tributaries for Eno river:


Art Theory: 

Hotspot questions come in handy when it comes to the subject of Art Theory. You see, assessing the understanding of art for better cognitive learning is all about recognizing and identifying the concepts. So, if one was to identify and analyze the oddity about a piece of art, hotspot questions can be the best bet.

For instance, the world-famous painting of Van Gogh called “The Starry Night” can be used for a hotspot question.

Any student of art history must be well versed with the concepts of the painting called “Starry Night” and wouldn’t fumble in identifying a false one. So, if you need to assess a student for his identification skills, you can use the following question-

Identify the misplaced star in the given painting:

Art Theory Quiz

This is a false painting and so, there are many misplaced stars. 

So, a student would just have to create a hotspot on the misplaced star as their answer. 


You may not think about it at first, but I feel history could be a subject that can make the most of hotspot questions. A history quiz can have n number of identification questions created in the form of hotspot quiz questions.

Questions about the identification of a specific place, or people in history can be easily created with hotspot questions.

Here’s an example:

In the image below, identify the founder of the Nazi Empire

History Quiz

Even if the students forget the name of the founder, they wouldn’t forget identifying him just by looking at him. 

Now that we know the different ways hotspot questions can be used, let’s have a look at how we can make a quiz out of them.

How to Create an Online Quiz Using Hotspot Questions?

Creating an online quiz or an online test is quite an easy thing to do. And, creating an online test for students using hotspot questions is also no biggie. 

Read More:- How to Create a Quiz

You simply have to follow a set of rules, create interesting hotspot questions, and put together those questions to make your quiz.

The process becomes even simpler when you make use of an online quiz tool like ProProfs to create online quiz.

Here’s a quick run-down of the simple steps that you need to follow to create your online quiz with ProProfs online quiz maker.

Step 1: From your dashboard, navigate to ‘Create a quiz‘ —–> ‘Create Scored Quiz.’


Step 3: The next step is to add the questions. From the menu appearing at the top left corner of your page, select “Hotspot.” 

add hotspot quiz

Select ‘Browse My Computer’ to upload a file from your computer. You can also upload a question from the “Question Library.”

To change the template image with your image, click on Change.

change the quiz template image

Step 5: After uploading the image, in the Change section, you can adjust the size of the hotspot area as per your requirements.

Uploading the quiz image


To create space for your correct answer, press and drag the mouse pointer over the area to make a rectangle.

Step- 6: The next step is assigning scores & grades to correct answers in advance. You can also create personalized feedback for the correct answer. 

Step 7: Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you get your required number of questions. Click on Save to complete adding the question. I recommend keeping the question count between 8-10.

Read More:- 15 Golden Rules You Should Follow to Create the Perfect Online Test

Step-7: Additionally, you can customize your online tests, using your own logo and themes. 

Bingo! You have your Hotspot questions quiz ready. Share it with your students via email or embed the quiz link on your website.

Watch: How to Create an Online Quiz

Hotspot Is the Way to Go…

Online quizzes are easy to build and easier to share using an online test maker. Creating hotspot questions will not only keep up the interest of your students but also have them looking forward to more class quizzes. An interesting way to enhance learning, isn’t it?

So what are you waiting for? Try Proprofs Quiz Maker today to easily create your hotspot questions quiz or online tests.

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About the author

Michael Laithangbam is a senior writer & editor at ProProfs with over 12 years of experience in enterprise software and eLearning. His expertise encompasses online training, web-based learning, quizzes & assessments, webinars, course development, LMS, and more. Michael's work has been featured in industry-leading publications such as G2, Software Advice, Capterra, and eLearning Industry. Connect with him on LinkedIn.