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20 Best IQ Quiz Questions for Your IQ Quiz


IQ or intelligence quotient is a metric that is often used to evaluate someone’s psychological abilities to decide their eligibility for a specific program.  

However, the existence and the use of not just IQ quizzes but all quizzes have long been debated. 

But the quizzes are here to stay. 

In fact, IQ quizzes are one of the most accurate ways of measuring a person’s intelligence. Even though you may think how a question followed by four options can measure something as complex as intelligence. 

But they do, and they do it very well. 

IQ Scale


123test, an online IQ test platform, even suggests that only 2.1% of the population has an IQ above 130, and they are classified as “extremely gifted.” 

On the contrary, 6.4% of the people are considered “cognitively impaired” as their IQ ranges between 70-79

Creating a baseline and measuring the cognitive capabilities so seamlessly is only possible through online quizzes.

Also, IQ quizzes are no gimmick. 

They are far more challenging than your average trivia or a knowledge quiz.

But the challenge doesn’t end there because coming up with IQ test questions to build a challenging IQ quiz is equally difficult. 

But you need not fret. We’ll talk about the must-have questions in an IQ quiz in detail, along with everything you need to know about IQ quizzes. So sit tight and keep your eyes peeled. 

What is an IQ Test?

IQ or Intelligence Quotient test refers to an assessment that measures the range of cognitive abilities of the individual and provides a numeric score that is representative of the intellectual abilities and mental age of that individual. 

So an IQ test measures the IQ. 

But what is IQ?

Simply put, IQ is the measurement of an individual’s reasoning and thinking ability. 

It represents the extent of a person’s ability to use information and logic to solve problems and make predictions. 

This is exactly what IQ tests are meant to find out. 

They assess these qualities by measuring the short and long-term memory of the people and also how well they solve puzzles and recall information. 

Intelligence Testing


Did you know?The concept of IQ was first introduced by a German psychologist William Stern and was first used by a French psychologist Alfred Binet in the early 1900s

Ideally, an IQ quiz will have multiple types of high IQ questions to test individuals on the above parameters. These types include: 

  • Analogies
  • Spatial and mathematical patterns
  • Classification
  • Visual
  • Logical

Every person thinks and acts differently, and most of it can be attributed to a person’s IQ. Some people have a better understanding of the world, and some don’t, hence the low IQ.

But let’s say you measured your IQ and got a score, to get an idea of how you fared, you need to know what’s considered a high IQ score.

Well, people with an IQ of over 130+ are considered to be extremely intelligent and way superior to the average person. 

However, people who score 69 or below can be classed as mildly impaired or disabled. 

Here is a table for your reference:

IQ Score Descriptive Classification
130+ Gifted or very superior
120-129 Superior 
110-119 High Average
90-109 Average
80-89 Low Average 
70-79 Borderline impaired
69 or below Mildly impared or diabled
Did you know?In 2016, 11-year-old Kashmea Wahi or Great Britain scored 162 on an IQ test. This score is quite similar to the scores of Stephen Hawkings and even Albert Einstein.

But does that mean she will go on to become the next Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein?

Maybe, or maybe not. 

Anyhow, now you know that IQ tests have a long successful history of measuring the capacity of a human mind. Let’s take a look at some of the types of IQ tests that exist. 

Related ReadThe 10 Best Online Quiz Maker Software

Types of IQ Tests

Since the introduction, IQ tests have come a long way and have been subjected to decades of testing and development. 

Today, we have tons of IQ trick tests, some with major and some with minor variations from the others. Let’s have a look at some of the most commonly used IQ tests out there: 

1. Differential Ability Scales

Differential Abilities Scale (DAS-II) provides detailed insights into the cognitive abilities of children when they are in the learning phase. The scores of this test highlight how interventions can be helpful in the development of those children.

It contains 20 main tests and 17 additional subtests that are given to the test takers.

Differential Ability Scales 


The tests contain a mix of verbal and non-verbal questions, and the age of children determines what test will be given to them. 

Recommended Age: 2 to 17 years of age.

Score Interpretation: Standard score and percentile by age.

2. Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test

The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT-2) is an individually administered, brief test that aims to measure the verbal and nonverbal intelligence of the test takers. These tests can also identify children at high risk who may require a more comprehensive evaluation. 

The KBIT-2 Test is ideal to be used in education, clinical or research settings. 

The test was primarily created and used to assess people with gifted intelligence. It can only be given in English, or it may defeat the purpose of this intelligence test.

Recommended Age: 4 to 90 years of age

Score Interpretation: Crystallized, fluid, IQ composite.

3. Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) is a non-verbal test that measures general human intelligence using sensory images to get an estimate of an individual’s fluid intelligence. 

It contains 60 IQ test questions with sensory images, and the questions tend to get progressively harder. 

Raven's Progressive Matrices


This test is especially great to assess the problem-solving and deductive reasoning of the test takers. 

Recommended Age: 5 to 60 years of age

Score Interpretation: Summary and detailed percentile

4. Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales

The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) is not only comprehensive and cost-effective but also of high quality and reliable to clinicians in making decisions about classification, education, selection, and placement. 

It is a quick memory assessment that assesses both verbal and non-verbal skills and is responsible for measuring the cognitive abilities of a person to remember certain actions and words.

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales


The test includes 4 main tests, and more subtests can be added as per the need. 

Talking about administration, a total of 4 tests only take about 20 to 25 minutes, with just 10 additional minutes for memory assessment. 

Recommended Age: 3 to 94 years of age

Score Interpretation: Median score and standard deviation

5. Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities

The Woodcock-Johnson (WJ-III) test is a comprehensive series of exams that are designed to measure general intellectual abilities along with academic performance, oral language, cognitive ability, and scholastic aptitude. 

These tests can be used for a range of activities, including planning individual and educational programs, diagnosing learning disabilities, and for organizational research. 

Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities


The WJ-III includes 10 standard battery tests and 10 more extended battery tests. It has both long and short forms of tests and is best for measuring the cognitive abilities of the test takers. 

Recommended Age: 2 to 90 years of age

Score Interpretation: Standard score and detailed percentile

If we start to list down, there are tons of IQ tests that can be administered to the test takers. However, these 5 are the most common and flexible IQ tests that you can take or administer to assess the cognitive abilities of the test takers.

Now let’s move ahead and look at some of the uses of IQ tests. 

Uses of IQ Tests

There are plenty of ways in which IQ tests can be used; here are some of the most common ones:

1. Educational Assessment and Placement

Educational assessments and placements act as a guidance program for students to plan better for their future and also look for suitable employment options based on their own abilities and skills. 

This is why it’s important to determine the students’ intelligence level to ensure that they’ll be able to succeed when they have to become a professional.

Educational Assessment and Placement


The best way to do this is by assessing them using standardized tests with IQ test questions, which will assess their capacity to think rationally and deal effectively with day-to-day problems. 

The tests will also highlight the problematic areas of the specific students, which will help in guiding them towards a more appropriate career path.

2. Cognitive Research

As we know, IQ tests are responsible for characterizing the efficiency in which an individual gathers and processes information that can be termed as cognitive. 

In simple terms, IQ tests leave out the non-cognitive aspects of the test takers like interpersonal skills or socio-emotional skills and measure their cognitive abilities in detail. 
These IQ tests are then subjected to different research and used to predict variations and performance in different activities such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. 

Also, the critique of IQ tests leads to the inception of several broad psychological theories of intelligence that may lay the foundation for the future. 

3. Job Candidate Evaluation

Career assessments have become an integrated part of every recruitment process. 

They give extremely valuable insights as to how a given candidate can use their skills in the workplace to garner substantial long-term results.

When done perfectly, businesses can assess potential candidates using IQ tests. They can hire individuals who exhibit better adaptability and flexibility to learn and grow within the business while contributing towards the goals and reducing costs.  

A tool like ProProfs Quiz Maker is perfect for a job with such requirements. It has a built-in drag and drop editor with tons of IQ quiz templates that you can easily edit within minutes and deploy on your respective domain for free and conduct research and evaluations with ease.

Discover Hiring Skill Assessments

4. Audience Engagement

IQ tests are not the most attractive when it comes to generating audience engagement.

This is where quizzes come in. 

An IQ trick questions test in the form of a quiz can do wonders because adding quizzes to your events will help you gather attention towards your product or service when linked with a competition to gain rewards.

Articles Vs Quizzes


There are tons of ways in which you can implement these IQ quizzes, and they generate a lot of excitement in the participants as they can use their knowledge to find out more about themselves and the product or service that is linked to the quiz. 

As an organizer, you can easily use the quizzes to draw attention to a particular event or a product or use it in your features and benefits when promoting the event.

Related Read– To learn more about how to write engaging quiz questions, have a look at How To Write Engaging Quiz Questions

5. Lead Generation

Generating leads is one of the most tedious yet crucial tasks that every organization has to deal with. 

This is how lead generation quizzes were born. 

Quizzes Stats


The idea is quite simple: have people answer a few questions about your core business that will test their knowledge and offer something in return. 

It helps people get a better understanding of their knowledge and skills, and you can use those insights to encourage them to solve their lack of understanding about your business. 

You can even collect their contact information and use them for your marketing efforts which will elevate the chances of being converted even more. 

Bacon Freak Lead Generation


Quizzes are one of the most underutilized ways of lead generation, and they work wonders when it comes to discovering your audience’s needs and preferences in an interactive way. 

Now that we have established how IQ tests can be great for multiple purposes, let’s take a look at how you can create these trick question tests. 

Related Read– To get a more detailed view at growing your email list through quizzes, have a look at How to Grow Your Email List with Quizzes

How to Create an IQ Test?

When it comes to creating an IQ test, there are 2 primary ways to go about it. We’ll be using ProProfs Quiz Maker as an example to build our quiz because it is the simplest one out there. 

Let’s begin:

1. Creating an IQ Quiz Using Templates

The simplest way of creating any quiz is to look for pre-build templates for your quiz and choose the most suitable one. If you don’t like some of the elements within the template, you can easily edit them within seconds and pretty much guarantee to create engaging quizzes right out of the box.

Step 1- Go to your dashboard and click on “Create a quiz

ProProfs Create A Quiz

Step 2- In the next window, you’ll need to choose between a “scored” or a “personality” quiz.

Create A Quiz

Step 3- Enter IQ quiz in the search bar that appears next and choose your favorite template

Quiz Templates

Explore Quiz Templates

Step 4- After selecting, edit your quiz questions and layout the way you want and then click on “Use this quiz”

Quiz Customizations

2. Creating an IQ Quiz From Scratch

If you know what you’re doing and have done this before, creating a quiz from scratch can be the thing for you. You can just let your creative juices flow and make something unique from top to bottom that suits your brand and personality the right way. 

Step 1- Go to your dashboard and click on “Create a quiz”

ProProfs Create A Quiz

Step 2- In the next window, you’ll have to choose between a “scored” or a “personality” quiz. Click on “scored quiz” like before. 

Create A Quiz GIF

Step 3- When the templates window appears, click on “Create from scratch”

Quiz Templates and Examples

Step 4- After selecting, you’ll be directed to the quiz editor. Firstly give your quiz a title, description, and edit cover. 

Quiz Editor

ProProfs Quiz Editor

 Step 5- Add questions by choosing the question type and edit the layout. 

Add New Questions in Quiz

Quiz Question Types

Step 6- Add automatic grading and scoring.

Quiz Grading and Scoring

Step 7- Configure settings and choose from result types and themes to make your quiz look more engaging and professional. 
Quiz Theme Customizer

See, it’s not that complicated after all!

Watch- How to Create an Online Quiz in Under 5 Mins

Creating a quiz is easy and now that we are done with most of the things, let’s take a final look at the 20 IQ test questions that you can ask in your IQ quiz. 

But before that, have a look at some examples.

Popular IQ Quizzes for You to Try

It’s no surprise that there are already tons of IQ quizzes floating in the online space that you can try. Here are some of the best ones:

A 20 trick questions quiz that has all the standard components of an IQ test is the go-to quiz for the quiz takers to evaluate their IQ.

A relatively short and fun quiz with only 8 IQ test questions that will test your knowledge on the “World’s easiest IQ quiz.”

Following the previous pattern, another short quiz with only 8 tricky IQ questions will put your brain to the test with some challenging IQ trick questions.

No adult wants to hear this. This is why this 10 IQ trivia question quiz will test your knowledge and determine if you really are as smart as a 13-year-old.

A very detailed IQ trick questions test trivia that has 26 different IQ trivia questions and will test your psychological skills to the best of its ability. 

Now that you know the types, it’s time to answer an important question – or What kind of questions are on an IQ test? Hop to the next question to discover a variety of such questions.

20 Best IQ Quiz Questions (With Formats)

There are tons of different formats of questions that you can ask in your quiz. Here are some of them. 


1. Buffalo is to the cow as ____  is to pig.

  • Goat 
  • Mule
  • Boar
  • Hare

Answer: Boar

2. Bridge is to river as ____ is to the mountain.

  • Water
  • Rock
  • Tunnel
  • Rail

Answer: Tunnel

3. Flow : River :: Stagnant :

  • Rain
  • Stream
  • Pool
  • Canal

Answer: Pool

4. Cloth : Mill :: Newspaper :

  • Editor
  • Reader
  • Press
  • Paper

Answer: Press

5. BEGK : ADFJ :: PSVY :

  • ROUX
  • ORUX
  • LQUT
  • LOQT

Answer: ORUX

Pattern Driven

1. If in a certain code language BOSTON can be written as SNSNSN, then how would you write CALIFORNIA in the same code language?



2. If NEW YORK can be encrypted as PGYAQTM, how can you code the word CHARLOTTE?



3. The letters of the given word “COXIME”, when re-arranged, make the names of the countries. Tick the choice that gives the first letter of the country.

  • M
  • I
  • X
  • C

Answer: M

4. The letters of the given word “SAPIER”, when re-arranged, make the names of the countries. Tick the choice that gives the first letter of the country.

  • S
  • E
  • I
  • P

Answer: P

5. The missing numbers in the below series would be 1:1, 8:4, 9:27, 64:16, 25:125, ?:?, 49:343

  • 36:316
  • 216:36
  • 316:16
  • 316:316

Answer: 216:36


1. At a conference, 12 members shook hands with each other before & after the meeting. How many handshakes occurred?

  • 100
  • 132
  • 145
  • 144
  • 121

Answer: 132

2. The day after the day after tomorrow is four days before Monday. What day is it today?

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

Answer: Monday

3. When Jack, James, Jim and Jane stand by age, Jack being the youngest stands first while James brings up the rear. However, when they stand by height, Jim being the shortest stands first while James comes to the third spot. In both lines Jane remains at the second position. Who is immediately younger than James?

  • Jack 
  • James
  • Jim
  • Jane

Answer: Jim

4. A fisherman has 5 fish (namely A, B, C,D, E) each having a different weight. Which is the lightest fish of them all?

  • A weighs twice as much as B.
  • B weighs four and a half times as much as C.
  • C weighs half as much as D.
  • D weighs half as much as E.
  • E weighs less than A but more than C.

Answer: C is the lightest

5. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  • Feathers
  • Tentacles
  • Scales
  • Flagella

Answer: Feathers


1. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

Spatial Quiz Questions


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Answer: 1

2. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  • Scandium
  • Tellurium
  • Francium
  • Strontium

Answer: Tellurium

3. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

Spatial Quiz Question 1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Answer: 1

4. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Cobalt
  • Aluminum

Answer: Aluminum

5. Which figure is identical to the first? 

Spatial Quiz Question 2

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Answer: A

As you can see, it’s possible to create such tests with a variety of question types such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, matching or more. A good quiz tool offers you the choice to create quizzes using such types and even more.

View More IQ Question Types

Measure Intelligence Through IQ Quizzes Now

Now that you know how IQ quizzes have revolutionized the IQ testing processes, we can establish the fact that these IQ quizzes are not a fluke. 

The process that we discussed above, followed by the quiz questions, can easily be used by you to create some of the best IQ quizzes for people out there. 

Further to that, you don’t even need to search for an online quiz builder anymore. ProProfs Quiz Maker is a free and resourceful quiz maker tool that is more than ideal for all your quiz-making needs. 

Over to you now, it’s time to finally create a challenging quiz that will give every quiz maker a run for their money. So sign up for free today and get cracking. 

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About the author

Michael Laithangbam is a senior writer & editor at ProProfs with over 12 years of experience in enterprise software and eLearning. His expertise encompasses online training, web-based learning, quizzes & assessments, webinars, course development, LMS, and more. Michael's work has been featured in industry-leading publications such as G2, Software Advice, Capterra, and eLearning Industry. Connect with him on LinkedIn.