Dr. Fayez gives ProProfs Training Maker Top Scores for its Excellence and Simplicity

Name: Dr. Fayez Al Farhan                                                                                                                                

Job Title: Founder & President of MBDLE

Website: www.mbdle.com                                                                                                       

Location: Saudi Arabia 

With over 32 years of experience in IT, HR, Banking and many more, Dr. Farhan ventured in the e-learning field and is now the Founder and President of MBDLE – Marketing & Business Development Leadership & Excellence, with a vision to promote and encourage self-education among people. Dr. Fayez has been a ProProfs user for a while and we spoke with him about his experience, likes, developments in the eLearning industry and more.

Can you tell us more about your company and your relation to the e-learning industry?

I have been involved with project management for decades and it has been my endeavor to utilize my experience to build a new generation of an open e-training platform which encourages learning and propels learners to self-educate. I’ve been at it for a while now and with the kind of interest and success I’m seeing, I plan on giving my best to the business even more.

In what ways have you used e-learning to develop your training programs?

E-learning is immensely helpful in creating and developing self-training programs. The beauty of e-learning is that anyone who wishes to learn can self-train, develop his skills or foray into a new career or area of learning. In my experience, it is also exceedingly beneficial to trainers or teachers looking for enhanced training methods. It can easily be adopted by corporate trainers and managers alike to train better and gain enhanced overall insight.

How did you learn about ProProfs? How has your experience been so far?

I spent a lot of time and did a lot of research on finding the best solution that could cater to my requirements and also reduce my expenses. Since I’m into training, I was looking to find a software system that could allow me to create training programs thereby reducing my efforts in developing a solution myself. I found tons of websites online and compared many online training programs till I finally decided to go with ProProfs. What I liked most about it was the fact that they promised to provide me the simplicity I was looking for, the best in technology along with a highly professional support team that takes care of amazing customer experience every time.

“I am currently using ProProfs Training Maker and I’m very happy with it. It is tremendously effective in creating interactive e-training programs which have really benefited me. Plus, ProProfs is also available in Arabic which is a big plus for me ”

– Dr. Fayez Al Farhan  


What do you mainly use ProProfs for?

I mainly use ProProfs to develop specialized training programs in skill development, career, vocational training as well as awareness campaigns that help trainees gather knowledge and experience.

What do you like most about ProProfs?

I think ProProfs is a reliable solution that enables trainers to concentrate in the development of his training material rather than focus on other technical issues that he may not be too familiar with. It’s a ready made software that can be used by anyone. And  in my opinion, that is fabulous!

“I selected ProProfs after looking at tonnes of websites since it provided simplicity & the best technology” – Dr. Fayez Al Farhan  

What ProProfs features are you using currently and how has it positively impacted you?

I am currently using the Training Maker and I’m very happy with it. It is tremendously effective in creating interactive etraining programs which have really benefited me.

What is the future of the e-learning industry? In what ways can it be improved?

The future will be bright and promising if we succeed in supporting technologies to provide interactive personal training. It needs consistent improvement and programs must be customized to meet the requirements of every trainee / learner.

What advice would you offer to others looking to train or teach online?

Invest as much as you can to find a reliable solution that works for you! Whatever solution you opt for must be user-friendly and must enable you to focus on creating training programs efficiently.

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