With ProProfs responsive flashcards teachers can encourage learners to study flashcards on the go, using multiple devices such as iPhones, Android smartphones, laptops, tablets and more.
Teachers can create their own set of mobile-friendly flashcards or choose from 100,000 ready-to-use flashcards in ProProfs library. They can easily add pictures and weblinks to the flashcards, which can be viewed on smartphones, making it easy and fun for learners to memorize words, formulas and quotes.
By 2015, 80% of people accessing the Internet will be doing so from mobile devices.
A Horizon Report
Mobile view of a flashcard:
Tablet & desktop view of a flashcard:
Top Benefits:
Learning on the go – With ProProfs, learners can swipe through flashcards from any device provided they are connected to the Internet. This could be from their homes, while they’re stuck in traffic or waiting in a long queue. Mobile flashcards makes learning possible at anytime, and from anywhere.
Boost learner engagement – Smartphones are ideal for viewing content that is easily consumable such as images, short definitions, word meanings etc. Since flashcards mostly contain such content, learners find it more engaging to view flashcards on their smartphones rather than desktops.
Reach out to more learners – The Horizon Report indicates that 80% of people are accessing the Internet from their mobile devices. This not only makes it important but also essential for instructors to adopt mobile technology in their learning to reach out to a large learner base, which consists predominantly of mobile users.