Make Fill in the Blank Question Responses Case Sensitive

Fill in the blank question responses can now be made case sensitive.

Fill in the Blank questions present the learner with a sentence with a blanked out word, and a space to respond. Depending on how the question was created,  the response may be case-sensitive (by default, it is set to ignore case). By a simple click, you can now enable case sensitive response such that “A” and “a” are treated differently.  Example, if the correct answer is “ABC” and student typed “abc”, it would graded as incorrect response (not a match) if case sensitive grading is enabled.

How To Enable Case Sensitive Grading For Fill In The Blank Questions

While creating the Fill In The Blank question click “case sensitive” checkbox as shown in the screenshot below:

Enable Case Sensitive Grading

Enabling this would make answers case sensitive. Example, if enabled “Abc” would not match  “abc” or “ABC” . You can add multiple answers that may be treated as correct.