الطريقة الصحيحة لتحديد عدم استجابة الشخص هي؟
Correct Answer
D. حرك الضحية و خاطبه : هل أنت بخير؟
The correct answer is to move the victim and ask them if they are okay. This is the most appropriate way to determine if a person is unresponsive. By physically moving the victim and speaking to them, you can assess their level of consciousness and responsiveness. This action allows you to gather information about their condition and potentially provide assistance or seek further medical help if needed.
الطريقة الأفضل للتحقق من تنفس الضحية هي:
Correct Answer
C. راقب صدره إن كان يصعد و ينزل ، و إستمع و تحسس خروج الهواء من أنفه و فمه
The best way to check the victim's breathing is to observe if their chest is rising and falling, and listen and feel for the air coming out of their nose and mouth. This method allows for a more accurate assessment of the victim's breathing as it directly observes the physical movements and airflow associated with breathing.
ما هي أفضل وضعية للضحية عندما تقوم بالإنعاش القلبي الرئوي؟
Correct Answer
D. ممدد على أرض صلبة
The best position for the victim during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is lying on a hard surface. This position allows for better access to the victim's chest and facilitates effective chest compressions. Lying on a hard surface also helps maintain proper alignment of the victim's airway, making it easier to deliver rescue breaths. Additionally, a hard surface provides stability and support, ensuring that the CPR provider can perform compressions with enough force to effectively circulate blood.
بعد المستشفيات، ما هو أكثر مكان يتعرض فيه الناس لتوقف القلب؟
Correct Answer
B. المنزل
People are more likely to experience cardiac arrest at home because they spend a significant amount of time there. Home is where most individuals relax and engage in daily activities, which can sometimes lead to unhealthy habits such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. Additionally, emergencies at home may not be immediately noticed or responded to, further increasing the risk of cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to prevent cardiac arrest at home.
أثناء الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي؛ ما هي نسبة (الضغط على الصدر/ التهوية) في حالة الأطفال والرضع ؟
Correct Answer
A. ٣٠ ضغطة مقابل تهويتين
During pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the recommended ratio of chest compressions to ventilations is 30:2. This means that for every 30 chest compressions, there should be 2 ventilations. This ratio is specific to infants and children and is different from the ratio used for adults. The purpose of this ratio is to ensure adequate circulation and oxygenation during CPR, as chest compressions help to circulate blood while ventilations provide oxygen to the lungs.
أثناء الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي؛ ما هي نسبة (الضغط على الصدر/ التهوية) في حالة الشخص البالغ ؟
Correct Answer
B. ٣٠ ضغطة مقابل تهويتين
During cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the recommended ratio of chest compressions to ventilations for an adult is 30 compressions to 2 ventilations. This means that for every 30 chest compressions, two ventilations should be given. This ratio ensures adequate circulation of blood and oxygen to the vital organs during CPR, increasing the chances of survival.
ما هي وضعية التعافي (Recovery) ؟
Correct Answer
A. وضع الضحية على أحد جانيه
ماذا يجب عليك ان تفعل إذا كان للضحية طاقم أسنان مركب؟
Correct Answer
D. دعه في مكانه إن كان في وضعية صحيحة
If the victim has a dental prosthesis, it is recommended to leave it in place if it is properly positioned. This is because removing it may cause further damage or discomfort to the victim.
ما هي أفضل وسيلة لفتح مجرى الهواء قبل البدأ بالتهوية من الفم إلى الفم ؟
Correct Answer
B. إرجاع الرأس إلى الخلف و رفع الذقن إلى الأعلى
The best way to open the airway before starting mouth-to-mouth ventilation is to tilt the head back and lift the chin up. This position helps to align the airway and prevent any obstruction, allowing for effective ventilation.
و أنت بالبيت و بعد طلب الإسعاف للإبلاغ عن السكتة القلبية، ماذا يجب ان تفعل؟
Correct Answer
C. إفتح الباب، و إبدأ بعملية الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي