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How to Host a Quiz on Zoom

Zoom quizzes have made their way to being the top choice of people when it comes to conducting quizzes during video conferences.  But where did it all come from? When the pandemic pushed billions of people in their homes, they had to find a way to stay connected to the world. And this is how...
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17 Best Quiz Plugins For WordPress in 2024

Constantly coming up with new ways to interact with your audience can be tough, but you can always create quizzes, especially using WordPress quiz plugins for your website! Today, it’s a known fact that quizzes can hook readers and keep them on websites for hours. They are the most engaging type of content on social...
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What Is a Pre-Employment Personality Test & How to Conduct It

Onboarding a bad employee can cost an organization productivity, reputation, staff morale, and a whole lot of money. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh once reckoned that his company had lost “well over $100 million” due to hiring mistakes.  But the good news is that a pre-employment personality test can help ensure that your company avoids all...
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Facebook Quiz Magic: Tips to Master the Formula for Viral Success & Hot Leads

Making your brand stand out has never been more important than it is in today’s hyper-competitive business environment. But, with everyone using all the top business strategies and best practices, standing out can be tough.  What you need are some powerful yet relatively underutilized branding and marketing techniques. Here’s one: You can make a Facebook...
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Top 10 Quiz Ideas to Market Your Brand and Business

With businesses seeking alternative strategies for brand awareness and consideration, online quizzes have emerged as a powerful marketing medium. Quizzes are undoubtedly contributing majorly to many brand success stories today. However, quiz marketing only works if you come up with a quiz idea that is right for your business and then implement it for maximum...
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20 Best IQ Quiz Questions for Your IQ Quiz

IQ or intelligence quotient is a metric that is often used to evaluate someone’s psychological abilities to decide their eligibility for a specific program.   However, the existence and the use of not just IQ quizzes but all quizzes have long been debated.  But the quizzes are here to stay.  In fact, IQ quizzes are one...
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How to Create an Engaging Product Recommendation Quiz

Since online shopping and eCommerce have gained prominence, people have gained access to more products than ever at their fingertips.  But what if you’re not sure what to buy? This phenomenon is quite natural and called ‘Overchoice’ or ‘Choice overload,’ where people find it extremely difficult to decide when they have too many options.  That’s...
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40 Best True or False Quiz Questions

What comes to your mind when you think of a quiz? “A question followed by four answer options.” In other words- ‘a multiple-choice question,’ right? Well, that’s natural when the majority of quizzes available on the web are multiple-choice. But, there’s another type of quiz that can be equally fun and a right measure of...
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How to Make Snapchat Quizzes

You’ve heard about quizzes, you’ve heard about personality quizzes, but have you heard about Snapchat quizzes?  On October 5, 2021, all of Facebook’s apps, including Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, went down for more than five hours.  When I couldn’t find any other way to keep myself entertained during those hours, I turned to Snapchat!  And...
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100 Best Online Quizzes in 2024

Feeling bored? Have the urge to procrastinate? Want to learn something new? Want to publish amazing content? Of all the ways the internet helps us in these scenarios, online quizzes rank among the best. Not only are they a treasure trove of fun & insights, but they’re also a cathartic experience in themselves.  Especially personality...
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