¿Quien vió a un varon delante de el con una espada desenvainada en su mano?.
Correct Answer
C. Josue
Josué vio a un varón delante de él con una espada desenvainada en su mano.
¿Cuantas mujeres tuvo Salomon?
Correct Answer
A. 700 esposas y 300 concubinas
Salomon tuvo 700 esposas y 300 concubinas. This answer suggests that Salomon had a large number of wives and concubines. This is in line with historical accounts and biblical references that state Salomon had many wives and concubines, as he was known for his wealth and power.
¿Que creó Dios en el quinto dia?
Correct Answer
D. Aves que vuelan sobre la tierra
On the fifth day, God created birds that fly in the sky. This is stated in the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis. According to the creation story, God created different creatures on different days, and on the fifth day, He created the birds to fill the sky and fly over the earth.
¿De cual arbol dijo Dios que no comieran Adan y Eva?
Correct Answer
D. Del arbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal
In the Bible, it is mentioned that God instructed Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This tree is often referred to as the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" or "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." It is believed that eating from this tree would result in their disobedience and the introduction of sin into the world. Therefore, the correct answer is "Del arbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal."
¿Que animales envio Noe para ver si el agua habia decrecido?
Correct Answer
B. Un cuervo y una paloma
Noah sent a raven and a dove to see if the water had decreased. The raven was sent first, but it did not return, indicating that the water had not yet receded. Then, Noah sent a dove, which returned with an olive leaf, indicating that the water had indeed decreased. Therefore, the correct answer is "Un cuervo y una paloma" (A raven and a dove).
¿Que nombre le puso el faraon de Egipto a Josue luego de hacerlo gobernador?
Correct Answer
C. Zafnat-Panea
After Joshua successfully became the governor, the pharaoh of Egypt gave him the name Zafnat-Panea.
¿Quien dijo? " Porque a dondequiera que tu fueres, ire yo, y donde quiera que vivieres, vivire yo. Tu pueblo sera mi pueblo, y tu Dios mi Dios".
Correct Answer
A. Rut la moabita
The correct answer is Rut la moabita. This is because the quote mentioned in the question is from the book of Ruth in the Bible. In this passage, Ruth, a Moabite woman, expresses her loyalty and commitment to her mother-in-law Naomi, stating that she will go wherever Naomi goes and that Naomi's people will be her people.
¿Que escaseaba en los tiempos de Samuel?
Correct Answer
C. La palabra de Jehova
Durante los tiempos de Samuel, la palabra de Jehová escaseaba. Esto significa que las personas no tenían acceso a la guía y la sabiduría divina que se encuentra en la palabra de Dios. Esta escasez de la palabra de Jehová puede haber llevado a la falta de dirección espiritual y moral en la sociedad de ese tiempo. Sin la palabra de Dios para guiarlos, las personas podrían haberse sentido perdidas y sin un propósito claro en sus vidas.
¿Que rey de Juda comenzo a gobernar siendo niño a la edad de 7 años?
Correct Answer
B. Joas
Joas is the correct answer because he was the king of Judah who began to rule at the age of 7. He was the youngest king in the history of Judah and ruled for 40 years. Joas is also known for his efforts to repair the temple and restore the worship of God in Judah.
¿Que profeta dijo: Andaran dos juntos si no estuvieren de acuerdo?
Correct Answer
C. Amós
Amós es el profeta que dijo: "Andarán dos juntos si no estuvieren de acuerdo". Esta declaración se encuentra en el libro de Amós en el Antiguo Testamento de la Biblia. Amós fue un profeta del siglo VIII a.C. que fue enviado por Dios para advertir a Israel sobre su pecado y la inminente destrucción que enfrentarían si no se arrepentían. En este contexto, la frase "Andarán dos juntos si no estuvieren de acuerdo" se refiere a la necesidad de tener unidad y acuerdo en la búsqueda de la justicia y la rectitud.
¿De quien era hijo el profeta Joel?
Correct Answer
A. De Petuel
The correct answer is "De Petuel." This answer states that the prophet Joel was the son of Petuel.
¿A cual profeta Dios le dijo: "Antes que te formase en el vientre te conoci, y antes que naciese te santifique, te di por profetas a las naciones"?
Correct Answer
D. Jeremias
Jeremias is the correct answer because in the given verse from the Bible, God is speaking to Jeremiah and telling him that He knew him before he was formed in the womb and set him apart as a prophet to the nations. This verse can be found in Jeremiah 1:5.
¿ A que profeta Dios le pego su lengua del paladar hasta permanecer mudo para que no hablase al pueblo por ser rebeldes?
Correct Answer
D. Ezequiel
The correct answer is Ezequiel. In the book of Ezekiel in the Bible, it is mentioned that God touched Ezekiel's tongue and made it stick to the roof of his mouth, rendering him mute, as a punishment for the rebelliousness of the people. This was done to prevent him from speaking to the people and delivering his prophecies.
Completa este verso: Sera como arbol plantado junto a corrientes de agua, que da su fruto en su tiempo,
Correct Answer
C. Y su hoja no cae; y todo lo que hace prosperará.
This answer completes the verse by stating that the tree's leaf does not fall and everything it does will prosper. It emphasizes the idea that the tree is strong and fruitful, bringing joy and confidence to the speaker's heart and soul.
¿Que se construyó primero en Jerusalen cuando volvieron a habitarla los que regresaron del cautiverio despues de 70 años?
Correct Answer
C. El altar de Dios
After returning from captivity, the first thing that was built in Jerusalem was the altar of God. This was a significant and symbolic act as it represented the reestablishment of worship and the renewal of the covenant with God. The altar was a central place for offering sacrifices and seeking forgiveness and communion with God. By prioritizing the construction of the altar, the people demonstrated their commitment to their faith and their desire to reconnect with God after years of exile.
¿Quien dirigió el primer grupo de cautivos que regreso a Jerusalen?
Correct Answer
C. Zorobabel
Zorobabel is the correct answer because he was the leader of the first group of captives who returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. He played a significant role in the rebuilding of the city and the temple. Esdras and Nehemias were also important figures in the restoration of Jerusalem, but Zorobabel was specifically mentioned as the leader of the first group of returnees. Sambalat, on the other hand, was an enemy of the Jews and opposed their efforts to rebuild Jerusalem.
¿En que lugar hizo Elias que cayera fuego para demostrar que Jehova es Dios?
Correct Answer
A. En el monte carmelo
Elias hizo que cayera fuego en el monte Carmelo para demostrar que Jehova es Dios.
¿Porque no se le permitio a David la construccion del templo?
Correct Answer
B. Por haber derramado mucha sangre.
David no se le permitió la construcción del templo debido a que había derramado mucha sangre. Esto puede referirse a los numerosos conflictos y guerras en los que David participó durante su reinado, lo que implicó derramamiento de sangre. Como resultado, Dios consideró que David no era apto para construir un templo en su honor.
¿Cuando cesó el maná?
Correct Answer
C. Cuando comenzaron a comer del fruto de la tierra prometida
The correct answer is "Cuando comenzaron a comer del fruto de la tierra prometida." This means that the manna ceased when the people of Israel started eating the produce of the promised land. This suggests that the manna was provided by God as a temporary provision during their journey in the wilderness, and once they entered the land flowing with milk and honey, they no longer needed the manna.
¿Que rey le quitó la viña a Nabot?
Correct Answer
C. Acab
Acab es el rey que le quitó la viña a Nabot.