Son un tipo de valores?
Correct Answer
C. Honestidad, sinceridad, respeto, lealtad
These are examples of values. Values are principles or beliefs that guide our behavior and actions. They are qualities or traits that are considered important and desirable in individuals and societies. Honestidad (honesty), sinceridad (sincerity), respeto (respect), and lealtad (loyalty) are all values that are highly regarded and encouraged in many cultures.
Carlos un alumno de tercer grado se encontro un celular en la cancha de la escuela, lo recoge y lo lleva a la direccion para que encuentren al dueño. identifica de que valor estamos hablando?
Correct Answer
C. Honestidad
Carlos muestra honestidad al recoger y llevar el celular a la dirección de la escuela para encontrar al dueño. La honestidad implica actuar de manera justa y sincera, sin engañar o robar. En este caso, Carlos podrÃa haber decidido quedarse con el celular, pero eligió hacer lo correcto y devolverlo. Su acción demuestra su honestidad y su compromiso con los valores morales.
El profesor indica a sus alumnos que este lunes los niños se formen por estatura de el mas pequeño adelante y el mas grande atras y martin que es el mas grande de los niños pelea por que quiere is al frente, ¿ que valor no esta respetando martin?
Correct Answer
A. Repeto
Martin no está respetando la indicación del profesor de formarse por estatura, ya que quiere ir al frente a pesar de ser el más grande.
Juanito esta enfermo y no pudo asistir a la escuela y rosita que vive cercas, por que es su vecino, le pide a la maestra la tarea de su compañero para llevarsela a casa y para que no se retrace. ¿que valor nos representa rosita?
Correct Answer
B. Amistad
Rosita represents the value of friendship. Despite not being obligated to do so, she shows concern for her sick friend Juanito by asking their teacher for his homework and taking it home for him. This act of kindness and support demonstrates the strong bond of friendship between Rosita and Juanito.
En el partido de futbol el equipo del cuarto grado le gano a sus compañeros de quinto, jose niño de cuarto al ganar se burlo de sus contrarios lo que los hizo enojar y le quisieron pegar. raul se interpuso y sugirio a sus compañeros de quinto que el partido ya se habia terminado y no importaba las burlas de los demas ¿que valor resalto raul?
Correct Answer
A. Tolerancia
Raul highlighted the value of tolerance by suggesting to his teammates from the fifth grade that the game had already ended and it didn't matter the taunts from the others. Tolerance is the ability to accept and respect the differences and opinions of others, even in difficult situations. Raul showed maturity and understanding by promoting a peaceful resolution instead of responding with aggression or anger.
El profesor eduardo todos los dias llega temprano a la escuela. siempre antes de las 7:30 y su entrada es a las 8:00 am por lo tanto es una persona puntual. ¿que valor se atribuye el profesor?
Correct Answer
C. Puntualidad
The correct answer is "Puntualidad" because the passage states that the professor always arrives early to school, before 7:30 am, even though his entry time is at 8:00 am. This shows that he is punctual, meaning he values and respects being on time.
Lupita compra en la cooperativa escolar con 10 pesos y la encargada por equivocacion le da feria de 20 pesos. si lupita tiene el valor de la honestidad ¿que debe de hacer?
Correct Answer
B. Decir a la persona encargada que le dio mal el cambio y regresar el resto del dinero
Lupita should inform the person in charge that they gave her the wrong change and return the remaining money. This is the honest thing to do because keeping the extra money would be considered stealing. By returning the money, Lupita is showing integrity and being responsible.
En la ciudad una lluvia dejo incomunicado a la poblacion por varios dias y don carlos dueño del super decide subir los precios a las mercancias. ¿que valor no respeto don carlos?
Correct Answer
A. Honestidad
During the rainstorm, the population was left stranded and unable to communicate for several days. In this difficult situation, Don Carlos, the owner of the supermarket, took advantage of the situation by raising the prices of goods. This action shows a lack of honesty, as he did not respect the principle of being truthful and fair in his dealings with the community.
Rosario llega de la escuela con mucha sed, abre el refrigerador de su casa para tomar agua y ve un chocolate que es de su hermano, como nadie la ve decide tomarlo y se va a su cuarto a comerlo, ¿cual fue el valor que no se aplico en este ejemplo?
Correct Answer
C. Respeto
In this scenario, Rosario's action of taking her brother's chocolate without permission shows a lack of respect. Respect involves considering the feelings and belongings of others, and in this case, Rosario did not show respect towards her brother by taking his chocolate without asking. Solidarity and friendship are not directly related to this situation, so the value that was not applied in this example is respect.
Que valor nos representa la siguiente imagen?
Correct Answer
A. Solidaridad
The image represents solidarity because it is often associated with people holding hands or helping each other, which signifies unity and support for one another. The values of sincerity and punctuality do not typically involve visual representations like this image does.
Un alumno molesta a luis y este no responde a la agresion. ¿Que valor se aplica en la imagen?
Correct Answer
C. Tolerancia
The correct answer is "Tolerancia". In the given scenario, a student is bothering Luis, but he chooses not to respond aggressively. Instead, he shows tolerance by not reacting to the aggression. Tolerance is the ability to accept or endure something without retaliating or responding negatively, which is demonstrated by Luis in this situation.
Victoria la osita comparte sus dulces con los demas. ¿Que valor observamos?
Correct Answer
A. Amistad
The value observed in this scenario is friendship. Victoria the bear is sharing her candies with others, which demonstrates a friendly and generous behavior.