Vozite lijevom prometnom trakom u situaciji kao na slici. Koja je prometna površina lijevo od prometne trake kojom vozite?
Correct Answer
B. Biciklistička traka
In the given situation, the question is asking about the traffic area to the left of the traffic lane the person is driving in. The correct answer is "biciklistička traka" which translates to "bicycle lane" in English. This means that to the left of the traffic lane, there is a designated area for bicycles to ride.
U situaciji kao na slici, u slučaju neposredne opasnosti, kako vozač može upozoriti djecu?
Correct Answer
B. Zvučnim znakom upozorenja
In the given situation, the driver can alert the children by using a sound warning. This means that the driver should honk the horn to warn the children of the immediate danger. This is an effective way to get their attention and make them aware of the potential danger.
Vozite cestom sa zaleđenim kolnikom u situaciji kao na slici. O čemu morate voditi brigu prilikom kočenja?
Correct Answer
C. O putu kočenja koji je osmerostruko dulji
When driving on an icy road, the surface has less friction, making it harder for the tires to grip the road. This means that the braking distance will be much longer compared to normal road conditions. Therefore, when braking on icy roads, one must be aware that the braking distance will be eight times longer than usual.
Vozeći cestom naišli ste na mjesto izvođenja radova. Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Prilagoditi brzinu situaciji na cesti
C. Paziti na radnike koji obavljaju radove
In this situation, the correct answer is to adjust your speed according to the road conditions and to be cautious of the workers performing the construction work. This means that you should slow down and proceed with caution, paying attention to any signs or signals indicating the presence of construction work or workers. It is important to prioritize safety and be aware of your surroundings to avoid any accidents or harm to yourself or others.
Smije li vozač vozila iz srednje prometne trake, kada to bude dopušteno, skrenuti ulijevo u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
B. Smije jer to dopuštaju oznake na kolniku
The driver is allowed to turn left because the road markings permit it.
Zbog čega se ne smije pretjecati vozila u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
B. Zbog toga što je to kolona vozila
The correct answer is "zbog toga što je to kolona vozila." In the given situation, it is not allowed to overtake vehicles because it is a column of vehicles. This means that there is a line of vehicles traveling closely together, which makes it unsafe to overtake due to limited visibility and potential hazards.
Koju prometnu traku mora koristiti vozač koji se vozilom uključuje u promet na autocesti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
C. Traku za ubrzavanje
The driver must use the acceleration lane when entering the highway. This lane is specifically designed to allow drivers to increase their speed and merge smoothly into the flow of traffic. Using the emergency stopping lane or the right lane would be incorrect and potentially dangerous.
Zbog čega vozač za vožnje autocestom u situaciji kao na slici mora naročito paziti na razmak od vozila ispred?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Zbog toga što je sklizak kolnik
C. Zbog toga što postoji opasnost od naleta na vozilo ispred
In the given situation, the driver must pay special attention to the distance from the vehicle in front because the road surface is slippery (sklizak kolnik) and there is a risk of collision with the vehicle in front (opasnost od naleta na vozilo ispred).
Vozite cestom u situaciji kao na slici. Kako ćete postupiti?
Correct Answer
B. Voziti s povećanim oprezom i 200 metara nakon znaka očekivati djecu na cesti
The correct answer is to drive with increased caution and expect children on the road 200 meters after the sign. This means that the driver should be alert and prepared for the possibility of encountering children on the road after passing the sign. It is important to maintain a safe speed and be ready to react to any unexpected situations involving children.
Što utječe na uočavanje prometne situacije tijekom vožnje u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Vrsta prometnog znaka
C. Brzina vožnje
The type of traffic sign and the speed of driving both affect the perception of the traffic situation while driving. The type of traffic sign provides information and instructions to the driver, which can help them anticipate and react to any potential hazards or changes in the road conditions. The speed of driving also plays a crucial role in the ability to observe and react to the traffic situation. Driving at a higher speed may reduce the time available for the driver to process visual information and make appropriate decisions, increasing the risk of accidents.
Koje opasnosti možete predvidjeti za vožnje nizbrdicom?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Produljen put kočenja
C. Pregrijavanje kočnica
When driving downhill, two potential dangers that can be anticipated are an extended braking distance and overheating of the brakes. The extended braking distance occurs because the force of gravity is working against the vehicle, making it harder to slow down or stop. This can be particularly risky if the driver is not prepared for it. Additionally, the constant use of brakes while descending can cause the brakes to overheat, which can lead to a decrease in their effectiveness and potential brake failure. Therefore, both the extended braking distance and overheating of the brakes are hazards to consider when driving downhill.
Kako treba voziti zavojem u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Do polovice zavoja smanjiti brzinu
B. Od polovice zavoja postupno povećavati brzinu
When approaching a curve, it is important to reduce speed to maintain control and prevent skidding. Therefore, the correct approach is to decrease speed until reaching the midpoint of the curve, and then gradually increase speed. This allows for better maneuverability and reduces the risk of accidents or losing control of the vehicle. Driving at the maximum speed allowed outside of urban areas is not recommended as it can be unsafe, especially when navigating curves.
Pretječe vas drugo vozilo na cesti koja nije dovoljno široka. Kako ćete postupiti?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Pomaknuti svoje vozilo što više udesno
B. Ako je potrebno, čim bude moguće, zaustaviti vozilo na prikladnom mjestu
When another vehicle is approaching you on a narrow road, it is important to move your vehicle as far to the right as possible. This allows enough space for the other vehicle to pass safely. If necessary, you should also stop your vehicle at a suitable place until the other vehicle has passed. This ensures the safety of both vehicles and prevents any potential accidents.
Koje su opasnosti moguće zbog smanjenja uočavanja prometne situacije tijekom vožnje u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Nalet na vozilo ispred
C. Prelazak preko dvostruke pune crte
The possible dangers of reduced visibility while driving in a situation like the one shown include the risk of colliding with the vehicle in front and the risk of crossing over a double solid line.
Gdje ćete obaviti prestrojavanje vozilom, u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Na dovoljnoj udaljenosti ispred raskrižja
In the given situation, the correct answer is "na dovoljnoj udaljenosti ispred raskrižja" which means "at a sufficient distance in front of the intersection". This means that the driver should perform a lane change at a safe distance before reaching the intersection, ensuring that they have enough time and space to safely merge into the desired lane without causing any obstruction or danger to other vehicles. By doing so, the driver can maintain a smooth flow of traffic and reduce the risk of accidents or conflicts at the intersection.
Koje opasnosti možete očekivati u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ometanje i ugrožavanje drugih sudionika
B. Nailazak pješaka ispred autobusa
In the given situation, there are two potential dangers that can be expected. The first danger is the interference and endangerment of other participants, which means that there may be actions or behaviors that disrupt or put others at risk. The second danger is the occurrence of pedestrians crossing in front of the bus, which can pose a risk for both the pedestrians and the bus driver. These two dangers highlight the need for caution and attentiveness in the depicted situation.
Što označuje žaruljica na instrumentnoj ploči sa simbolom kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Korištenje sigurnosnog pojasa
The "što označuje žaruljica na instrumentnoj ploči sa simbolom kao na slici?" translates to "What does the light bulb on the instrument panel with a symbol like the one in the picture indicate?" The correct answer, "korištenje sigurnosnog pojasa," translates to "use of seat belt." This suggests that the light bulb symbol indicates that the seat belt should be worn.
Koja je zadaća električnih uređaja na vozilu?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Osigurati struju za uključivanje motora u rad
B. Osigurati napajanje potrošača tijekom vožnje
The purpose of electrical devices in a vehicle is to provide power for starting the engine and to supply power to various components while driving.
Koliko najmanje metara ceste mora osvijetliti svjetlosni snop dugog svjetla ispred vozila noću?
Correct Answer
B. 100
The minimum distance that the high beam light of a vehicle should illuminate the road at night is 100 meters. This is important for the safety of the driver and other road users, as it allows the driver to see any obstacles or hazards on the road ahead in time to react and avoid them. Illuminating the road at this distance ensures a clear and visible view of the road, reducing the risk of accidents or collisions.
Smiju li se vučenim vozilom prevoziti osobe?
Correct Answer
C. Ne smiju
According to the given answer, it states that people are not allowed to be transported by a towed vehicle.
Po čemu prepoznajete vozilo koje obavlja prijevoz opasnih tvari?
Correct Answer
B. Po postavljenom pravokutnom pločom narančaste boje s crnim rubom s prednje i stražnje strane vozila
Vozilo koje obavlja prijevoz opasnih tvari prepoznaje se po postavljenom pravokutnom pločom narančaste boje s crnim rubom s prednje i stražnje strane vozila.
Što se događa sa širinom vidnog polja pri povećanju brzine?
Correct Answer
A. širina vidnog polja se smanjuje
When the speed increases, the width of the field of view decreases. This is because as the speed increases, objects in the periphery of our vision move by more quickly, making it more difficult for our eyes and brain to process them. As a result, our focus narrows, leading to a decrease in the width of our field of view.
Zbog čega vozači slabije opažaju prometne znakove u naselju?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Zbog složene prometne situacije
C. Zbog podjele pažnje
Drivers may have difficulty perceiving traffic signs in urban areas due to the complex traffic situation. In busy city streets, there may be multiple signs, signals, and distractions that can make it harder for drivers to focus on and notice individual traffic signs. Additionally, drivers may also have divided attention, as they need to be aware of other vehicles, pedestrians, and potential hazards while driving in urban areas.
Na kojoj se propisanoj udaljenosti od mjesta prometne nesreće postavlja sigurnosni trokut na cesti izvan naselja?
Correct Answer
C. Najmanje 100 metara
The correct answer is "najmanje 100 metara". According to regulations, a safety triangle should be placed at a minimum distance of 100 meters from the scene of a traffic accident on a road outside of settlements. This is to ensure that approaching vehicles have enough time to notice the hazard and take appropriate action to avoid it.
S kojim opasnostima morate računati u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. S povećanom opasnošću od zanošenja
C. S dolaskom vozila iz suprotnog smjera
In the given situation, there are two potential dangers to consider. The first danger is the increased risk of skidding or losing control of the vehicle due to the road conditions or other factors. This is indicated by the phrase "s povećanom opasnošću od zanošenja" which translates to "with an increased risk of skidding." The second danger is the presence of oncoming vehicles, as mentioned in the phrase "s dolaskom vozila iz suprotnog smjera" which translates to "with the arrival of vehicles from the opposite direction." Therefore, the correct answer is to be cautious of both the increased risk of skidding and the presence of oncoming vehicles.
Vozite cestom na kojoj su kolotrazi u situaciji kao na slici. Kako ćete postupiti pri mijenjanju prometne trake?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Smanjiti brzinu vožnje
C. Pod oštrim kutom prijeći preko kolotraga
When changing lanes on a road with tracks, it is necessary to reduce the speed of the vehicle to ensure safety. Additionally, it is important to cross the tracks at a sharp angle to minimize the risk of the vehicle getting caught or stuck on the tracks. This will help to prevent accidents and ensure a smooth transition between lanes.
Koje su opasnosti moguće u situaciji kao na slici, ako vozite tako da vozilo ne možete zaustaviti do kraja preglednosti?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nalijetanje na vozilo ispred
B. Slijetanje vozilom s kolnika
If you are driving in a way that you cannot stop the vehicle within the visibility range, there is a possibility of colliding with the vehicle in front of you or veering off the road. These are the dangers that can occur in such a situation.
Koje opasnosti prijete u na cesti izvan naselja?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Vožnja na premalom razmaku
C. Vožnja u koloni
The correct answer is "vožnja na premalom razmaku" and "vožnja u koloni". These two options indicate the potential dangers that exist on the road outside of settlements. "Vožnja na premalom razmaku" refers to driving too closely to the vehicle in front, which can increase the risk of accidents and collisions. "Vožnja u koloni" refers to driving in a convoy or in a line of vehicles, which can also pose risks if proper distance and caution are not maintained. Both of these behaviors can lead to accidents and should be avoided.
Čemu služi dvostruka isprekidana razdjelna crta u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
B. Za obilježavanje prometnih traka s izmjenjivim smjerom kretanja na kojima je promet upravljan semaforima
The double dashed line is used to mark lanes with reversible traffic flow, where the direction of traffic can change. These lanes are controlled by traffic lights, indicating when traffic can flow in each direction.
Čemu služi smjerokazni stupić u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Za označavanje ruba kolnika
The purpose of the directional pole in the situation depicted in the image is to indicate the edge of the roadway.
Kako ćete postupiti nakon ovoga prometnog znaka?
Correct Answer
A. Voziti ravno ili udesno
After encountering this traffic sign, you have the option to either continue driving straight or turn right. This means that you can choose to go straight ahead or make a right turn, depending on your intended direction.
Približavate se ulasku vozilom na autocestu, u situaciji kao na slici. Što znači svjetlo postavljeno iznad prometne trake?
Correct Answer
C. Slobodan prolazak prometnom trakom
The light above the traffic lane indicates that the lane is clear and vehicles are allowed to pass through without any restrictions or obstructions.
Na što upozoravaju oznake na kolniku i prometni znak u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Na završetak lijeve prometne trake 50 metara od prometnog znaka
B. Na obvezu mijenjanja prometne trake
The markings on the road and the traffic sign in the situation indicate that there is a requirement to change lanes to the left and that the left lane will end 50 meters from the sign.
Vozeći cestom naiđete na dio ceste koji je obilježen ovim prometnim znakom. Gdje morate računati s pojavom djece?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ispred škole
C. Ispred dječijeg vrtića
D. Ispred dječijeg igrališta
The given traffic sign indicates that you should be cautious and expect the presence of children. Based on the options provided, you should be cautious and expect the presence of children in front of a school, a children's daycare center, and a children's playground. These are places where children are likely to be present, so it is important to drive carefully and be aware of their potential presence.
Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Propustiti oba vozila
In this situation, the correct answer is to give way to both vehicles. This is because both vehicles are approaching from the right side, which means they have the right of way. As a responsible driver, you should always prioritize the safety of yourself and others on the road by following the rules and giving way to vehicles that have the right of way.
Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer
A. Propustiti vozilo iz suprotnog smjera
In the given situation, the correct answer is to yield to the vehicle coming from the opposite direction. This means that you should let the other vehicle pass before proceeding. This is important for maintaining traffic safety and avoiding any potential accidents or collisions.
Kako ćete postupiti u situaciji kao na slici?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Voziti prije autobusa
C. Propustiti motocikl
In this situation, the correct answer is to drive before the bus and yield to the motorcycle. This means that you should wait for the motorcycle to pass before proceeding, as motorcycles are smaller and more vulnerable on the road. It is important to prioritize the safety of all road users, and yielding to motorcycles helps to ensure their safety.
Zbog čega morate, u situaciji kao na slici, propustiti vozilo koje nailazi iz suprotnog smjera?
Correct Answer
A. Zbog toga što zadržava smjer kretanja
In the given situation, you must give way to the vehicle coming from the opposite direction because it maintains its direction of movement. This means that the vehicle has the right of way and you should wait for it to pass before proceeding.