Rukun iman yang ke enam adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Qodho Qodar
The correct answer is "Qodho Qodar". Qodho Qodar refers to the belief in predestination, that everything that happens in the universe is according to the will and decree of Allah. This belief acknowledges that Allah has complete control over all aspects of life and that everything happens for a reason. It is an important aspect of the Islamic faith and is one of the six pillars of faith, known as Rukun Iman.
Contoh jujur seorang siswa ...
Correct Answer
A. Tidak mencontek
The correct answer is "tidak mencontek" because the question states that the example of an honest student is someone who does not cheat.
Hidup bersih membuat kita menjadi ...
Correct Answer
A. Terhindar dari penyakit
A clean lifestyle helps us avoid diseases. Keeping our surroundings clean and maintaining personal hygiene can prevent the spread of germs and bacteria that cause illnesses. By practicing cleanliness, we can reduce the risk of getting sick and maintain good health.
Bersuci untuk menghilangkan ....
Correct Answer
A. Hadas dan najis
The correct answer is "Hadas dan najis". Hadas and najis are terms used in Islamic cleanliness rituals. Hadas refers to a state of impurity that a person may enter due to certain actions or conditions, such as sexual intercourse or menstruation. Najis, on the other hand, refers to impurities that are considered unclean and must be removed, such as urine or feces. Therefore, the correct answer suggests that the act of purification is done to remove impurities related to hadas and najis, rather than for cleansing the body or body odor.
Masuk kamar mandi mendahulukan kaki ...
Correct Answer
B. Kiri
The correct answer is "Kiri" because the question is asking which foot should be entered into the bathroom first. Since "kiri" means "left" in Indonesian, it implies that the left foot should be the one to enter the bathroom first.
Syahadat di bagi menjadi
... macam.
Correct Answer
B. 2
The correct answer is "2" because the question states that "Syahadat di bagi menjadi ... macam." This implies that there are multiple types or categories of Syahadat. Since the given options are numbered, it can be inferred that the correct answer is the option with the number "2".
Menjalankan haji
termasuk rukun Islam ke ...
Correct Answer
C. 5
Menjalankan haji adalah salah satu dari lima rukun Islam. Rukun Islam adalah lima kewajiban utama yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap muslim. Haji adalah ibadah yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam setidaknya sekali seumur hidupnya, yang melibatkan perjalanan ke Mekah, melakukan serangkaian ritual, dan mengunjungi beberapa tempat suci. Oleh karena itu, menjalankan haji termasuk dalam rukun Islam ke-5.
Arti surat al kautsar ...
Correct Answer
A. Nikmat yang banyak
The correct answer is "nikmat yang banyak" because the phrase "Arti surat al kautsar" suggests that the question is asking for the meaning or translation of Surah Al-Kauthar. "Nikmat yang banyak" translates to "abundant blessings" or "many blessings," which is a well-known interpretation of the content of Surah Al-Kauthar in the Quran.
Bunyi syahadat rasul ...
Correct Answer
B. Waashaduanna muhammadar rosulullah
The given answer "Waashaduanna muhammadar rosulullah" is the correct completion for the phrase "Bunyi syahadat rasul ..." in the question. This phrase is part of the Islamic declaration of faith known as the Shahada. It translates to "I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." This declaration is an essential part of the Islamic faith and is recited by Muslims as a testimony of their belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad.
Tolong menolonglah dalam hal ...
Correct Answer
A. Kebajikan
The correct answer is "Kebajikan" because the phrase "tolong menolonglah dalam hal" suggests that the sentence is asking for help or assistance in a certain matter. "Kebajikan" means goodness or virtue, which implies that the sentence is asking for help in matters related to good deeds or moral values. The other options, "kejelekan" (badness) and "kerugian" (loss), do not fit the context of the sentence.
Sebelu makan sebaiknya ...
Correct Answer
B. Berdoa
Before eating, it is recommended to pray.
Berwudu adalah untuk menghilangkan hadast ...
Correct Answer
C. Kecil
The correct answer is "kecil". The word "berwudu" refers to the act of performing ablution or cleansing rituals before prayer in Islam. In this context, "menghilangkan hadast" means to remove impurities or states of impurity. The word "kecil" means small, and in this case, it refers to minor impurities that can be removed through ablution. Therefore, the correct answer implies that ablution is performed to remove minor impurities.
Rukun Islam yang ke 3 adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Zakat
The correct answer is zakat. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is the obligation for Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those in need. This act of giving is seen as a way to purify one's wealth and to help those who are less fortunate. It is considered a religious duty and an act of worship.
Rukun Iman yang ke 2 adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Iman kepada Malaikat
The correct answer is "Iman kepada Malaikat". This is because the second principle of Rukun Iman (Pillars of Faith) in Islam is belief in the existence of angels. Muslims are required to have faith in the angels as they are believed to be created by Allah and serve as messengers and helpers in carrying out His commands.
Arti surat al nasr ...
Correct Answer
C. Pertolongan
The correct answer is "pertolongan". The phrase "Arti surat al nasr" suggests that the question is asking for the meaning or translation of Surah An-Nasr. Out of the provided options, "pertolongan" is the only word that can be translated as "help" or "assistance", which fits the context of Surah An-Nasr as it talks about the victory and help that Allah provides to His messenger. Therefore, "pertolongan" is the most appropriate answer.
Andi suka menolong temannya termasuk akhlaq yang ...
Correct Answer
Andi's willingness to help his friends shows that he possesses commendable moral values and a good character. He is known for his noble actions and is highly regarded for his kindness and generosity.
Membasuh muka adalah termasuk rukun ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "wudhu". Wudhu is an Islamic ritual cleansing of specific body parts before prayer. It involves washing the face, hands, and feet. Membasuh muka means "washing the face" in Indonesian, which is a part of the wudhu process. Wudlu, on the other hand, is not a recognized term in Islamic rituals and does not have any specific meaning. Therefore, the correct answer is wudhu.
Seorang muslim hendaknya makan makanan yang ...
Correct Answer
Muslims should eat food that is halal, meaning it is permissible according to Islamic dietary laws. Additionally, they should also eat food that is good or beneficial for their health. Therefore, the correct answer is "halal, baik" which means "halal, good" in English. This means that Muslims should prioritize consuming food that is both permissible and beneficial for their well-being.
Ketika keluar kamar kecil mendahulukan kaki ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "kanan" because in the given sentence, it is mentioned that when leaving the restroom, the foot that should be prioritized is the right foot. Therefore, "kanan" which means "right" in Indonesian, is the correct answer.
Rukun Islam yan pertama adalah ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "syahadat". This is because the question is asking for the first pillar of Islam, and the first pillar is indeed the "syahadat" or the declaration of faith. This pillar requires Muslims to bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. It is a fundamental belief in Islam and the starting point of practicing the religion.