Berikut adalah software aplikasi dsign grafis berbasis vektor, kecuali…
Correct Answer
A. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is not a vector-based graphic design software. It is a raster-based software that is primarily used for editing and manipulating images. Corel Photopaint, Corel Draw, and Macromedia Fireworks are all vector-based graphic design software that allow users to create and edit vector graphics. Microsoft Photo Editor is a raster-based software similar to Adobe Photoshop.
Berikut adalah salah satu ciri Grafis berbasis Vektor…
Correct Answer
B. Resolusi Dependent
The correct answer is "Resolusi Dependent." This means that the resolution of the vector-based graphics is dependent on the display device. When the graphics are enlarged, the resolution remains sharp and smooth. However, if the graphics are further enlarged beyond the capabilities of the display device, they may appear blurry or pixelated. The size of the resulting image is typically larger compared to raster-based graphics. The processor's performance is not significantly affected when working with vector-based graphics.
Program penyunting gambar, dimana kita bisa menyunting photo serta gambar-gambar yang lainnya baik itu hasil scan, transper dari photo digital atau camera dan yang lainnya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan program pengolah gambar atau design grafis yang disebut
Correct Answer
D. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a program that allows users to edit and manipulate photos and other images. It is commonly used for tasks such as retouching photos, creating digital artwork, and designing graphics. With Adobe Photoshop, users can adjust colors, remove blemishes, add text, apply filters, and much more. It is a powerful and versatile tool that is widely used by professionals in the field of graphic design and photography.
Sedangkan program pengolah gambar atau dsign grafis untuk pembuatan logo, brosur, pamplet dan lain-lain dapat menggunakan software
Correct Answer
C. CorelDraw
CorelDraw is a program specifically designed for image processing and graphic design, making it suitable for creating logos, brochures, pamphlets, and other similar materials. Microsoft Photo Editor is more basic and limited in its capabilities compared to CorelDraw. Corel Photopaint is a photo editing software, not specifically designed for graphic design. Macromedia Fireworks is primarily used for web design and prototyping, while Adobe Photoshop is a versatile image editing software that can also be used for graphic design. Therefore, CorelDraw is the most suitable option for the given purpose.
Yang paling benar cara masuk ke program CorelDraw dengan menggunakan icon atau shortcut adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Icon di doble klik
The correct way to enter the CorelDraw program is by double-clicking the icon.
Yang manakah petunjuk dalam kotak dialog Welcome to CorelDraw®12, yang artinya digunakan untuk membuat dokumen baru…
Correct Answer
B. New
The correct answer is "New". In the dialog box, the option "New" is mentioned as one of the clues for creating a new document in CorelDraw®12. This option is commonly used to start a new project or document from scratch.
File hasil kerja Corell Draw biasanya berextention...
Correct Answer
C. Cdr
The correct answer is Cdr. The file extension for Corel Draw files is typically .cdr. This file format is specific to Corel Draw software and is used for saving vector graphics. XLS is the file extension for Microsoft Excel files, Doc is for Microsoft Word documents, Ppt is for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and Pdf is for Portable Document Format files.
Kotak yang menggambarkan jenis dan ukuran kertas yang dipilih disebut…
Correct Answer
D. Property Bar
The correct answer is Property Bar. The property bar is a tool in software programs that allows the user to view and modify the properties or attributes of a selected object. In the context of the given question, the property bar would display and allow the user to select the type and size of paper for their drawing.
Sederetan menu tool dimana tiap bagian menu tool mempunyai sederetan sub tool-tool yang mempunyai fungsi sejenis dinamakan…
Correct Answer
D. Tool Box
The correct answer is "Tool Box" because it is a series of tool menus that have sub-tools with similar functions.
Bagian yang berisi tombol-tombol perintah yang berhubungan dengan tombol yang terpilih pada bagian tollbox yang berdasarkan objek yang aktif dinamakan…
Correct Answer
E. E. Property Bar
The correct answer is E. Property Bar. The property bar is the section that contains command buttons related to the selected button in the toolbox, based on the active object. It is where users can access and modify the properties and settings of the selected object.
Bagian yang berisi menu perintah untuk menjalankan suatu perintah yang terdiri dari kata-kata dinamakan…
Correct Answer
E. Text Tool
The correct answer is "Text Tool" because the question is asking for the part that contains the command menu for executing a command consisting of words. The Text Tool is a feature or option in a software or application that allows users to input and manipulate text. It typically includes options for formatting, editing, and manipulating text. Therefore, the Text Tool is the most appropriate answer in this context.
Yang dimaksud dengan scrollbar ada ...
Correct Answer
E. Penggulung layar
The correct answer is "Penggulung layar". This is because a scrollbar is a tool or feature in a user interface that allows users to scroll through content that is larger than the visible area. It is typically used to navigate through long documents or web pages. In this context, "Penggulung layar" refers to the scrolling function of a screen or display.
Yang dimaksud dengan Titlebar adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Judul program yang sedang aktif
Titlebar adalah bagian dari jendela program yang menampilkan judul program yang sedang aktif. Titlebar biasanya terletak di bagian atas jendela dan berisi judul program serta tombol-tombol kontrol seperti tombol minimize, maximize, dan close. Dengan melihat titlebar, pengguna dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi program apa yang sedang aktif dan dapat memanipulasi jendela program tersebut.
Tombol yang berfungsi untuk memilih garis dan objek, mengatur ukuran objek, memiringkan objek dan memutar objek disebut ...
Correct Answer
E. Pick Tool
The correct answer is the Pick Tool. The Pick Tool is used to select lines and objects, adjust the size of objects, tilt objects, and rotate objects. It allows users to manipulate and modify the selected elements in a design or drawing.
Tombol yang berfungsi untuk mengubah bentuk objek disebut…
Correct Answer
E. Shape Tool
The correct answer is Shape Tool. The Shape Tool is a button that allows the user to change the shape of an object. This tool is commonly found in graphic design software and allows the user to select from a variety of shapes such as rectangles, circles, and polygons. By using the Shape Tool, the user can easily modify the appearance of an object by resizing, reshaping, or adding various effects to it.
Tombol yang berfungsi untuk merubah tampilan ukuran objek disebut…
Correct Answer
B. Zoom Tool
The correct answer is Zoom Tool. The Zoom Tool is used to change the display size of objects. It allows users to zoom in or out on an object or a specific area of a document, making it easier to view and work with. This tool is commonly found in graphic design and image editing software, as well as in presentation software, allowing users to adjust the zoom level for better visibility and precision.
Ellipse Tool adalah tombol yang berfungsi untuk …
Correct Answer
C. Membuat bentuk lingkaran pipih
The correct answer is "Membuat bentuk lingkaran pipih". This is because the Ellipse Tool is specifically designed to create ellipses or oval shapes, which are flattened circles.
Interaktif Fill Tool adalah tombol yang berfungsi untuk …
Correct Answer
B. Menerapkan berbagai macam warna pada fill
The Interaktif Fill Tool is a button that is used to apply various colors to the fill of an object. It allows users to choose from a wide range of colors and apply them to the fill of shapes or objects. This tool is useful for adding color and visual interest to designs or illustrations.
Outline Pen Dialog adalah tombol yang berfungsi untuk
Correct Answer
A. Menggambar bentuk segi banyak
The correct answer is "Menggambar bentuk segi banyak". This is because the term "Outline Pen Dialog" refers to a button or feature that is used for drawing shapes with multiple sides or polygons. The other options mentioned in the question, such as applying various colors to fill, creating oval shapes, drawing gridlines, and changing outline settings, are not directly related to the function of the "Outline Pen Dialog" button.
No Fill adalah tombol yang berfungsi untuk …
Correct Answer
B. Menonaktifkan warna objek
The correct answer is "Menonaktifkan warna objek". The question asks about the function of the "No Fill" button. "No Fill" is a feature commonly found in graphic design software that allows users to remove the fill color from an object, leaving it transparent or empty. This can be useful when users want to remove the color from an object or create a transparent background.