Soal Latihan Dinamika Peran Indonesia Dalam Perdamaian Dunia
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Yang dimaksud dengan hubungan internasional adalah….
A. Hubungan internasional adalah hubungan antarnegara atau antar individu dari negara yang berbeda
dalam bidang tertentu untuk kepentingan kedua belah pihak.
B.Seperangkat cara/kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh suatu negara untuk mengadakan hubungan dengan
negara lain dengan tujuan untuk tercapainya tujuan negara serta kepentingan nasional Negara yang
C. Keseluruhan hubungan yang dijalankan oleh suatu negara dengan semua pihak yang tidak tunduk
pada kedaulatannya.
D. Politik antarnegara yang mencakup kepentingan dan tindakan beberapa atau semua negara serta
proses interaksi antarnegara maupun antarnegara dengan organisasi internasional.
E. Organisasi yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek hukum internasional dan mempunyai kapasitas untuk
membuat perjanjian internasional.
Correct Answer
A. A. Hubungan internasional adalah hubungan antarnegara atau antar individu dari negara yang berbeda
dalam bidang tertentu untuk kepentingan kedua belah pihak.
Explanation Hubungan internasional refers to the relationships between countries or individuals from different countries in specific fields for the benefit of both parties. This definition encompasses the main idea of international relations, which involves interactions and collaborations between nations or individuals from different nations. It emphasizes the mutual interests and cooperation that occur in various areas of international affairs.
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Alasan pentingnya membuat hubungan internasional adalah hubungan antarbangsa dan negara, antara lain untuk ...
A. Memelihara kesungguhan masing-masing negara
B. Menghormati kedaulatan negara yang merdeka
C. Meningkatkan kegiatan hubungan diplomatik
D. Memudahkan kerja sama luar negeri di segala bidang
E. Lebih menjamin adanya kepastian hukum
Correct Answer
B. B. Menghormati kedaulatan negara yang merdeka
Explanation The important reason for establishing international relations is to respect the sovereignty of independent nations. International relations are crucial for maintaining peace and cooperation among nations, and respecting the sovereignty of each nation is a fundamental principle in these relations. By recognizing and honoring the independence and self-governance of each country, international relations can foster mutual understanding, trust, and cooperation.
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2. Memanfaatkan kerja sama internasional bagi bangsa Indonesia ialah ...
A. Meningkatkan kemajuan di berbagai bidang kehidupan
B. Mengatasi segala macam masalah internasional
C. Memperkuat pelaksanaan hukum internasional
D. Mengetahui keunggulan bangsa-bangsa lain
e. Mewujudkan keamanan dan kesejahteraan
Correct Answer
E. e. Mewujudkan keamanan dan kesejahteraan
Explanation The correct answer is e. Mewujudkan keamanan dan kesejahteraan (Realizing security and prosperity). This is because international cooperation allows Indonesia to work together with other nations to address common challenges and promote peace and stability. By collaborating with other countries, Indonesia can enhance its security and ensure the well-being of its people. International cooperation also enables Indonesia to access resources, knowledge, and expertise from other nations, which can contribute to the country's development and prosperity.
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3. Ikut mewujudkan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan perdamaian abadi dan keadilan sosial adalah tujuan nasional Indonesia yang tercantum dalam ...
a. Pancasila
B. Pembukaan UUD Negara RI Tahun 1945
C. Batang tubuh UUD Negara RI Tahun 1945
D. Penjelasan UUD Negara RI Tahun 1945
Correct Answer
B. B. Pembukaan UUD Negara RI Tahun 1945
Explanation The correct answer is b. Pembukaan UUD Negara RI Tahun 1945. The opening of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states the national goals of Indonesia, which include the realization of a world order based on freedom, eternal peace, and social justice. This opening serves as a preamble to the constitution and outlines the fundamental principles and aspirations of the Indonesian nation.
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4. Pelaksanaan politik luar negeri bebas aktif Indonesia diabadikan untuk ...
A. Kepentingan internasional
B. Kepentingan regional
C. Kerjasama regional
D. Keamanan hubungan luar negeri
E. Perdamaian dunia
Correct Answer
B. B. Kepentingan regional
Explanation The implementation of Indonesia's free and active foreign policy is memorialized for the sake of regional interests. This suggests that the main objective of Indonesia's foreign policy is to prioritize and protect the interests of the region it belongs to. This could involve promoting regional cooperation, addressing regional conflicts, or advancing the overall development and stability of the region. By choosing this answer, it implies that Indonesia's foreign policy is driven by the desire to contribute to the well-being and progress of its neighboring countries and the wider region.
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5. Tujuan diselenggarakannya hubungan Internasional adalah ...
A. Kerja sama diselenggarakannya masalah internasional
B. Menggalang persahabatan antarbangsa
C. Kerja sama politik, ekonomi, dan hankam
D. Saling menghormati kemerdekaan, dan kedaulatan bangsa
e. Menciptakan keamanan, kesejahteraan, dan perdamaian dunia
Correct Answer
D. D. Saling menghormati kemerdekaan, dan kedaulatan bangsa
Explanation The purpose of conducting international relations is to promote mutual respect for independence and national sovereignty. This involves recognizing and honoring the freedom and sovereignty of each nation. By doing so, countries can establish peaceful and cooperative relationships based on mutual understanding and respect for each other's rights and autonomy.
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6. Tujuan politik luar negeri Indonesia adalah ...
A. Ikut aktif dalam bebagai kegiatan internasional
B. Memperhatikan kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan bangsa
c. Mendukung netralitas wilayah internasional
d. Menciptakan masyarakat adil dan makmur
e. Menggalang kerja sama negara yang netral
Correct Answer
A. A. Ikut aktif dalam bebagai kegiatan internasional
Explanation The correct answer is a. Ikut aktif dalam bebagai kegiatan internasional. This answer suggests that the goal of Indonesia's foreign policy is to actively participate in various international activities. This could include diplomatic negotiations, economic cooperation, and cultural exchanges with other countries. By being actively involved in international affairs, Indonesia aims to promote its national interests, enhance its global reputation, and contribute to global peace and stability.
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7. Tujuan dibentuknya PBB antara lain ...
A. Menyelesaikan perselisihan secara damai
b. Menghormati persamaan kedaulatann semua negara
c. Tidak mencampuri urusan dalam negeri suatu negara
d. Memelihara perdamaian dan keamanan internasional
e. Pusat segala kerja sama internasional
Correct Answer
D. d. Memelihara perdamaian dan keamanan internasional
Explanation The correct answer is d. Memelihara perdamaian dan keamanan internasional. The United Nations was formed with the purpose of maintaining peace and security in the international community. It aims to prevent conflicts, resolve disputes peacefully, and promote stability and security among nations. By fostering cooperation and dialogue among member states, the UN works towards preventing wars and ensuring the safety and well-being of people around the world.
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8. Mahkamah Internasional adalah badan peradilan internasional PBB yang berkedudukan di .....
A. New York
B. Den Haag
C. Washington
D. Tokyo
E. Paris
Correct Answer
B. B. Den Haag
Explanation The correct answer is b. Den Haag. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It is located in The Hague, Netherlands. The ICJ settles legal disputes submitted to it by states and gives advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and specialized agencies.
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9. Sikap yang perlu kita dukung dalam pelaksanaan politik luar negeri bebas aktif adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ...
A. Mengirimkan pasukan perdamaian atas nama PBB
B. Mendukung uji coba nuklir di gurun pasir
c. Ikut aktif dalam gerakan Nonblok
D. Berperan aktif dalam kegiatan diplomatik
e. Meningkatkan peranan di ASEAN
Correct Answer
B. B. Mendukung uji coba nuklir di gurun pasir
Explanation The correct answer is b. Mendukung uji coba nuklir di gurun pasir. This is because supporting nuclear testing in the desert contradicts the principles of free and active foreign policy, which emphasize peace, diplomacy, and non-alignment. Supporting nuclear testing goes against the goal of promoting peace and stability in international relations.
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10. Salah satu contoh peranan PBB dalam bidang hukum dan kemanusiaan yang dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat internasional ialah ...
A. Berakhirnya perang Amerika Serikat dengan Irak
B. Berakhirnya Perang Dingin antara AS dan US
C. Menghentikan percobaan nuklir
D. Penandatanganan piagam HAM sedunia
e. Penyelesaian sengketa Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan
Correct Answer
D. D. Penandatanganan piagam HAM sedunia
Explanation The correct answer is d. Penandatanganan piagam HAM sedunia. This is because the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (piagam HAM sedunia) by member states of the United Nations is an example of the role of the UN in the field of law and humanitarianism. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a landmark document that outlines the fundamental rights and freedoms that all individuals are entitled to, regardless of their nationality, race, religion, or gender. By signing this declaration, countries commit to upholding and protecting human rights, promoting equality, and preventing human rights abuses.
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11. Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia melawan penjajah sesuai dengan asas piagam PBB adalah ...
A. Ikut mewujudkan ketertiban dunia
B. Merdeka dan persamaan martabat
C. Berserikat, berpolitik, dan bernegara secara bebas
D. Menolak segala bentuk ketertiban orang asing
E. berusaha untuk memenuhi kesejahteraan rakyat
Correct Answer
B. B. Merdeka dan persamaan martabat
Explanation The struggle of the Indonesian people against colonialism is in line with the principle of the United Nations Charter, which emphasizes the right to self-determination and the equality of all nations. The answer, "Merdeka dan persamaan martabat" (freedom and equality of dignity), reflects the idea that the Indonesian people fought for their independence and the recognition of their equal worth and rights as a nation.
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12. Deklarasi Bangkok ditandatangani pada tanggal…..
A. 8 Agustus 1965
B. 8 Agustus 1966
C. 8 Agustus 1967
D. 8 Agustus 1968
E. 8 Agustus 1969
E. 8 Agustus 1969
Correct Answer
C. C. 8 Agustus 1967
Explanation The correct answer is c. 8 Agustus 1967. This is the correct date for the signing of the Bangkok Declaration.
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14. Wakil dari Filiphina yang ikut menandatangani Deklarasi Bangkok adalah…..
A. Tun Abdul Razak
B. Narsisco Ramos
C. Thanat Khoman
D. Rajaratnam
E. U nu
Correct Answer
B. B. Narsisco Ramos
Explanation Narsisco Ramos is the correct answer because he was the representative from the Philippines who participated in the signing of the Bangkok Declaration. The Bangkok Declaration was a document signed by the founding members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967. It aimed to promote peace, stability, and cooperation among Southeast Asian countries.
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14. Corak politik dari Negara-negara anggota Gerakan Non-Blok adalah….
A. Kemandirian
B. Memihak ke blok Barat
C. Memihak ke blok Timur
D. Bebas Aktif
E. Neokolonialisme
E. Neokolonialisme
Correct Answer
A. A. Kemandirian
Explanation The correct answer is a. Kemandirian. The political stance of the member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement is independence or non-alignment. This means that they do not align themselves with either the Western or Eastern bloc during the Cold War. Instead, they choose to remain independent and not take sides in the conflict between the two superpowers. This allows them to pursue their own national interests and maintain autonomy in their foreign policy decisions.
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15. Berikut ini merupakan tujuan Gerakan Non-Blok, kecuali…..
A. Mendukung pergerakan dekolonialisasi
B. Menentang imperialisme
C. Ikut serta membantu Negara yang sedang bertikai
D. Mengurangi keteganagan antara Blok Barat dan Blok Timur
E. Sebagai wadah perjuangan politik Negara yang sedang berkembang
Correct Answer
C. C. Ikut serta membantu Negara yang sedang bertikai
Explanation The correct answer is c. Ikut serta membantu Negara yang sedang bertikai. The other options all align with the goals of the Non-Aligned Movement, which include supporting decolonization, opposing imperialism, reducing tension between the Western and Eastern Blocs, and serving as a platform for political struggle for developing countries. However, helping countries in conflict is not explicitly mentioned as a goal of the Non-Aligned Movement.
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16. Berdirinya Gerakan Non-Blok antara lain dilatarbelakangi oleh…..
A. Keinginan menyaingi kekuatan Blok Barat dan Blok Timur
B. Keinginan untuk menjadi kekuatan dunia
C. Adanya pertentangan antara Blok Barat dan Blok Timur
D. Keinginan menghimpun kekuatan
E. Aadanya kekuatan gerakan zionisme
Correct Answer
C. C. Adanya pertentangan antara Blok Barat dan Blok Timur
Explanation The establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement was motivated by the existence of conflicts between the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc. This suggests that the Non-Aligned Movement was formed as a response to the Cold War and the division of the world into two opposing camps. The movement aimed to maintain neutrality and independence from both blocs, allowing member countries to pursue their own interests without aligning with either superpower.
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17. Indonesia ikut membantu dalam rangka penyelesaian konflik di Kamboja dengan jalan….
A. Menyelenggarakan KTT Non-Blok
B. Mendesak PBB agar turut tampil dalam masalah Kamboja
C. Mengirimkan bantuan secara militer
D. Menyelenggarakan Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM)
E. Menampung pengungsi-pengungsi Kamboja
Correct Answer
D. D. Menyelenggarakan Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM)
Explanation The correct answer is d. Menyelenggarakan Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM). This is because the Jakarta Informal Meeting was a diplomatic effort by Indonesia to bring together the conflicting parties in Cambodia and facilitate a peaceful resolution. It provided a platform for dialogue and negotiation, allowing the parties to address their concerns and find common ground. By organizing this meeting, Indonesia played a significant role in the peace process and contributed to the resolution of the conflict in Cambodia.
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18. Peranan Indonesia dalam organisasi ASEAN, kecuali….
A. Indonesia menjadi mediator atas konflik yang terjadi antara Filiphina dan Moro National Front (MNFL)
yang menguasai Mindanau Selatan
B. Indonesia menjadi tempat proyek dan komite pangan, pertanian dan kehutanan, yaitu untuk suplai dan
keperluan makanan, serta tempat salah satu proyek pupuk urea ammonia dari komite industry,
perdagangan dan energi
C. Indonesia mendukung kesepakatan Asia sebagai kawasan yang bebas, damai netral atau zone of
peace, freedom, and neutrality (ZOPFAN)
D. Menjadi tuan rumah dalam acara-acara penting ASEAN (KTT I, IX, XVII, XIX yaitu di Jakarta dan di Bali)
E. Menjadi propokator terhadap Negara yang sedang berkonflik
Correct Answer
E. E. Menjadi propokator terhadap Negara yang sedang berkonflik
19. Peranan Indonesia dalam Gerakan Non-Blok adalah….
A. Ikut memprakarsai berdirinya Gerakan Non Blok dengan menandatangani Deklarasi Beograd sebagai
hasil Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Gerakan Non Blok I pada tanggal 1-6 September 1961
B. Indonesia juga berperan penting dalam meredakan ketegangan di kawasan bekas Yogoslavia pada
tahun 1991
C. Indonesia sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Gerakan Non Blok X yang
berlangsung pada tanggal 1-6 September 1992 di Jakarta
D. Ekspor dan impor perdagangan Indonesia dengan negara anggota GNB
D. Ekspor dan impor perdagangan Indonesia dengan negara anggota GNB
Correct Answer
E. D. Ekspor dan impor perdagangan Indonesia dengan negara anggota GNB
20. Organisasi kelengkapan PBB yang berwenang memberi saran kepada Dewan keamanan adalah....
A. Mahkamah Internasional
B. Dewan Perwakilan
C. Majelis Umum
E. Dewan Ekonomi dan Sosial
E. Dewan Ekonomi dan Sosial
Correct Answer
C. C. Majelis Umum
Explanation The correct answer is c. Majelis Umum. The Majelis Umum, also known as the General Assembly, is the main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the United Nations. It consists of all 193 member states of the UN and provides a forum for member states to discuss and coordinate on international issues, including matters of peace and security. While other organs of the UN, such as the Security Council, have the authority to make binding decisions, the General Assembly plays a crucial role in providing recommendations and guidance to the Security Council on matters of international peace and security.
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