Biografi asalna tina kecap bio anu hartosna hirup sareng graphy
hartosna tulisan. Dumasar kana kecap dasar,
biografi asalna tina basa ...
Correct Answer
A. Inggris
The given passage mentions that the word "biography" is derived from the English language. Therefore, the correct answer is "Inggris" (English).
Biografi ngandung informasi dina bentuk fakta sareng anu dipidangkeun
dina wangun ...
Correct Answer
D. Narasi
The correct answer is "Narasi." A narasi is a form of storytelling that presents information in a factual and chronological manner. It provides a narrative structure to convey events or experiences. In a biografi, information is presented in a factual manner about someone's life, making it a form of narasi.
Bio hartina hidup , graphy berarti...
Correct Answer
C. Tulis
Based on the given options, "Tulis" is the most suitable answer as it means "write" in Indonesian. The question seems to be asking for the meaning of "graphy" and "Tulis" is the only option that matches with the meaning of writing or written form. The other options such as "Lisan" (oral), "Kata" (word), and "kalimat" (sentence) do not align with the meaning of "graphy". Therefore, "Tulis" is the correct answer.
Kuayana biografi, urang tiasa terang kahirupan hiji jalmi sareng
panjelasan tindakan atanapi paripolah dina hirupna.
Dumasar kana katerangan éta tiasa disebutkeun yén
biografi nyaéta
Correct Answer
A. Buku anu eusina nyaritakeun kahirupan hiji jalmi
The correct answer is "buku anu eusina nyaritakeun kahirupan hiji jalmi". This is because the question asks for an explanation of what a biografi is, and this answer states that it is a book that tells the story of someone's life. The other options do not accurately describe a biografi.
Salah sahiji ciri biografi
Correct Answer
Ngabentuk struktur anu diwangun ku orientasi,
kajadian atanapi masalah, sareng reorientasi.
This answer explains that one of the characteristics of a biography is the formation of a structure that is built around orientation, events or problems, and reorientation. It also mentions that the sentence is formulated according to the rules.
Teks biografi disebatkeun faktual dumasar kana ..
Correct Answer
C. Pangalaman hirup hiji jalmi anu di caritakeun dina tokoh biograpi
The correct answer is "pangalaman hirup hiji jalmi anu di caritakeun dina tokoh biograpi" which means "the life experience of a person portrayed in the biography". This answer is supported by the statement that a biography is based on factual information about the person's life and experiences.
Dina nyieun naskah biografi, rupa-rupa bahan utama sareng dukungan
diperyogikeun. Anu kalebet bahan utama pikeun nyieun téks biografi
Correct Answer
D. Buku harian, surat-surat, kliping koran, jeung sajabana
The main materials for creating a biography text are personal documents such as diaries, letters, newspaper clippings, and other similar materials. These sources provide firsthand accounts and insights into the life and experiences of the person being written about. They offer a more personal and intimate perspective, allowing the biographer to delve deeper into the subject's thoughts, feelings, and actions. Buku harian, surat-surat, kliping koran, jeung sajabana (diaries, letters, newspaper clippings, and other similar materials) serve as primary sources of information for the biographer to construct an accurate and comprehensive biography.
Panulis biografi tiasa ngan ukur nganggo sababaraha baris kalimat,
sapertos dina bentuk buku.
Biografi anu ngan ukur ngécéskeun kanyataan ngeunaan
fakta-fakta kahirupan hiji jalmi ogé peran anu pentingna nyaéta…
Correct Answer
C. Biografi singkat
A biografi singkat is a short biography that provides concise information about a person's life and their important role. It is a condensed version of a full-length biography, typically written in a few sentences or paragraphs. This type of biografi is useful when a brief overview of a person's life is needed, such as in a profile or introduction.
Ieu mangrupikeun léngkah-léngkah pikeun nyaritakeun deui
eusi téks biografi, kecuali
Correct Answer
Maca téks biografi gancang
The correct answer is "Maca téks biografi gancang". This option is the only one that does not provide a step or action to be taken in order to retell the biography text. The other options all suggest specific steps such as reading the text carefully, taking note of important elements, and developing the main ideas in one's own words.
Pikeun ngadamel téks biografi anu saé sareng dipikaresep ku pembaca,
éta kedah diperhatoskeun ... téks biografi.
Correct Answer
C. Sturktur sareng kabahasaan
The correct answer is "Sturktur sareng kabahasaan" because the given sentence is discussing the requirements for creating a biography text that is interesting and engaging for readers. It mentions that the structure and language used in the text need to be carefully considered. Therefore, "Sturktur sareng kabahasaan" (structure and language) is the most relevant answer.