Perhatikan beberapa organ tubuh manusia di bawah ini!1). paru-paru2). jantung3). ginjal4). lambung5). limpaDi antara organ tersebut yang berfungsi sebagai alat ekskresi adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. 1 dan 3
Organ tubuh manusia yang berfungsi sebagai alat ekskresi adalah ginjal. Ginjal berperan dalam menyaring darah dan menghasilkan urine untuk mengeluarkan produk sisa metabolisme dari tubuh. Paru-paru dan jantung tidak berfungsi sebagai alat ekskresi, tetapi memiliki fungsi lain dalam sistem pernapasan dan peredaran darah. Lambung berperan dalam proses pencernaan, sedangkan limpa berperan dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah 1 dan 3.
Perhatikan hasil tes urin di bawah iniUrin Amir dites benedict hasil: Hijau, dites biuret hasil: KekuninganUrin Budi dites benedict hasil: Biru muda, dites biuret hasil: UnguUrin Adi dites benedict hasil: Merah bata, dites biuret hasil: KekuninganDari tabel di atas Budi dan Adi mengalami kelainan….
Correct Answer
A. Albuminuria dan diabetes mellitus
Based on the given information, Budi's urine tested positive for blue color with Benedict's test, indicating the presence of reducing sugars, which is a characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Adi's urine tested positive for a brick-red color with Benedict's test, indicating the presence of reducing sugars, which is also a characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Additionally, both Budi and Adi's urine tested positive for a yellowish color with the biuret test, indicating the presence of protein, specifically albumin, which is a sign of albuminuria. Therefore, the correct answer is albuminuria and diabetes mellitus.
Bagian-bagian ginjal dari luar ke dalam adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Korteks-medula-pelvis
The correct answer is korteks-medula-pelvis. This is because the outermost layer of the kidney is called the cortex (korteks), followed by the middle layer called the medulla (medula), and finally the innermost part called the pelvis (pelvis).
Organ tubuh yang mempunyai fungsi menghasilkan bilirubin adalah …..
Correct Answer
D. Ginjal
The correct answer is Ginjal. The kidney is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood, including bilirubin. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is produced when red blood cells are broken down. It is then processed by the liver and eventually excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, the kidney plays a crucial role in the production and elimination of bilirubin in the body.
Perhatikan gambar berikut!Bagian kulit yang berfungsi menghasilkan keringat ditunjukkan oleh nomor ….
Correct Answer
C. 3
The image is not provided, so it is not possible to determine which part of the skin is indicated by number 3. Therefore, an explanation cannot be provided.
Di bawah ini merupakan faktor yang TIDAK mempengaruhi pengeluaran keringat pada manusia adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Umur
Umur is the correct answer because age does not directly affect sweat production in humans. Factors such as emotions, temperature, nerve stimulation, and physical activity can all influence sweat production. However, age itself does not have a direct impact on the amount of sweat a person produces.
Organ manusia yang bertanggung jawab mengekskresikan sisa-sisa metabolisme dalam darah adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Ginjal dan paru-paru
Ginjal dan paru-paru adalah organ manusia yang bertanggung jawab mengekskresikan sisa-sisa metabolisme dalam darah. Ginjal berperan dalam menyaring darah dan mengeluarkan limbah berupa urine, sedangkan paru-paru berperan dalam mengeluarkan karbon dioksida dan zat-zat lainnya melalui proses pernapasan. Kedua organ ini bekerja sama untuk membersihkan darah dari sisa-sisa metabolisme dan menjaga keseimbangan dalam tubuh.
Fungsi paru-paru sebagai organ ekskresi adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Mengeluarkan CO2
The correct answer is "mengeluarkan CO2". The lungs are responsible for the exchange of gases in the body. They take in oxygen (O2) from the air and release carbon dioxide (CO2) as a waste product. This process is known as respiration. Therefore, the lungs function as an excretory organ by expelling CO2 from the body.
Fungsi keringat yang diekskresikan kulit adalah untuk….
Correct Answer
A. Menjaga kelembaban kulit
The correct answer is "menjaga kelembaban kulit". Sweat glands in the skin produce sweat, which helps to regulate body temperature by cooling the skin through evaporation. This moisture also helps to keep the skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity.
Perhatikan keterangan di bawah ini1. tempat pembongkaran sel darah merah2. tempat sintesis asam lemak3. mengubah glukosa menjadi glikogen4. tempat penyimpanan vitamin Cdari keterangan di atas yang meupakan fungsi dari hati adalah….
Correct Answer
B. 1 dan 3
The correct answer is 1 dan 3. The liver is responsible for both the breakdown of red blood cells (pembongkaran sel darah merah) and the conversion of glucose into glycogen (mengubah glukosa menjadi glikogen).
Peran hati dalam memudahkan pencernaan lemak adalah dengan….
Correct Answer
B. Mengubah lemak menjadi glukosa
The liver plays a role in facilitating the digestion of fats by converting fats into glucose. This process is known as gluconeogenesis, where the liver converts non-carbohydrate sources, such as fats, into glucose for energy. By converting fats into glucose, the liver helps in the digestion and utilization of fats in the body.
Selaput pembungkus paru-paru disebut….
Correct Answer
A. Pleura
The correct answer is pleura. The pleura is a membrane that covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity. It consists of two layers: the visceral pleura, which is attached to the surface of the lungs, and the parietal pleura, which lines the chest cavity. The pleura helps to protect and cushion the lungs, as well as facilitate smooth movement during breathing.
Anjing tidak memiliki kelenjar keringat, cara anjing untuk mengurangi panas dalam tubuhnya adalah dengan cara….
Correct Answer
C. Membuka mulut cukup lebar
Dogs do not have sweat glands, so they cannot cool down their bodies by sweating like humans do. Instead, they regulate their body temperature by panting, which involves opening their mouth wide to increase airflow and release heat. This allows them to cool down through evaporation of moisture from their tongue and respiratory tract.
Alat ekskresi pada serangga berupa….
Correct Answer
B. Pembuluh Malpighi
The correct answer is pembuluh Malpighi. In insects, the excretory system consists of tubular structures called Malpighian tubules or Malpighian vessels. These tubules are responsible for removing waste materials, such as nitrogenous compounds, from the insect's body. They function by actively transporting waste products from the hemolymph (insect's blood-like fluid) into the tubules, where they are then excreted as urine. The Malpighian tubules play a crucial role in maintaining the insect's internal balance of water and solutes.
Ikan air tawar akan banyak mengeluarkan urin dan sedikit minum air karena….
Correct Answer
A. Kadar mineral di air tawar rendah sehingga air dari lingkungan akan berosmosis ke dalam tubuh ikan
Freshwater fish will excrete a lot of urine and drink less water because the mineral content in freshwater is low, causing water from the environment to osmosis into the fish's body.
Yang akan terjadi apabila terjadi sekresi ADH yang berlebihan adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Warna urin menjadi sangat pekat
Excessive secretion of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) leads to increased reabsorption of water in the kidneys. This causes a decrease in urine output and concentration of urine, resulting in a very dark or concentrated urine.
Hasil tes urine Bu Siska menunjukkan adanya glukosa. Hal ini disebabkan adanya kelainan fungsi ginjal dalam proses ….
Correct Answer
C. Reabsorpsi
The presence of glucose in Bu Siska's urine indicates a malfunction in the kidney's reabsorption process. Normally, the kidneys filter glucose from the blood and reabsorb it back into the bloodstream. However, in this case, the kidneys are not properly reabsorbing the glucose, leading to its presence in the urine.
Yang terjadi apabila hati sebagai organ ekskresi mengalami kerusakan adalah….
Correct Answer
E. Pembentukan bilirubin terganggu
When the liver, as an excretory organ, is damaged, the formation of bilirubin is disrupted. Bilirubin is a waste product that is produced during the breakdown of red blood cells. It is then processed by the liver and excreted in the bile. If the liver is damaged, it cannot properly process bilirubin, leading to its accumulation in the body. This can result in jaundice, a condition characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes.
Perhatikan beberapa gangguan berikut ini!1). radang pada tubulus proximal2). kekurangan hormon antidiuretik3). radang pada pankreas4). radang pada hatiGangguan yang menyebabkan kelainan pada fungsi ginjal adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. 1 dan 2
The correct answer is 1 and 2 because inflammation in the proximal tubules of the kidney can affect the reabsorption of water and solutes, leading to impaired kidney function. Additionally, a deficiency in antidiuretic hormone (ADH) can also lead to impaired water reabsorption in the kidney, resulting in abnormal kidney function.
Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium, menunjukkan bahwa urin mengandung protein. Fakta ini terjadi sebagai akibat gangguan fungsi ….
Correct Answer
B. Glomerulus
The presence of protein in the urine is indicative of a dysfunction in the glomerulus. The glomerulus is responsible for filtering waste products and excess fluid from the blood to form urine. When the glomerulus is not functioning properly, it can allow proteins to pass through into the urine, leading to proteinuria. Therefore, the fact that the urine contains protein suggests a dysfunction in the glomerulus.