Software spreadsheet yang di produksi Oleh Microsoft adalah. ...
Correct Answer
A. Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is the correct answer because it is a software spreadsheet produced by Microsoft. It is widely used for creating, editing, and analyzing data in a tabular format. Excel offers various features such as formulas, charts, graphs, and data manipulation tools, making it a popular choice for businesses, organizations, and individuals.
Untuk membuka Microsoft Excel melalui fasilitas Run, Langkah-langkahnya adalah : Klik Star -> ........ . -> Run ðEnter atau Klik Ok.
Correct Answer
D. Excel
To open Microsoft Excel through the Run facility, the correct step is to click on Start, then type "Excel" in the Run dialog box and press Enter or click OK.
Satuan terkecil area pada lembar kerja Microsoft Excel adalah. ...
Correct Answer
A. Sel
The correct answer is "Sel". In Microsoft Excel, a "Sel" refers to a single cell, which is the smallest unit of area on a worksheet. It is the intersection of a row and a column and can be used to store data or perform calculations.
Tombol fungsi yang bisa digunakan untuk menyimpan workbook adalah tombol. ...
Correct Answer
E. F12
The correct answer is F12 because in Microsoft Excel, pressing the F12 key opens the "Save As" dialog box, allowing the user to save the workbook with a new name or in a different location. This key function is commonly used to save workbooks in Excel.
Jika kita mengetik angka “2014” pada suatu sel, di mana sel tersebut belum dilakukan Setting terlebih dahulu, maka akan menghasilkan tampilan seperti pada gambar di atas adalah. ...
Correct Answer
A. Gambar 1
The correct answer is "Gambar 1" because when we type the number "2014" in a cell without prior formatting, it will be displayed as a general number without any specific formatting applied.
Selain dengan mengklik tombol Close Wndows yang berada di sudut kanan atas, untuk menutup workbook dapat juga dilakukan dengan perintah. ...
Correct Answer
B. Alt + F + C
To close a workbook, you can click on the Close Windows button in the top right corner or use the shortcut Alt + F + C. This shortcut allows you to quickly close the active workbook without having to use the mouse. It is a convenient and efficient way to close the workbook and move on to other tasks.
Sel A1 berisi agka 1 dan sel A2 berisi angka 4. Lalu kedua sel tersebut di blok dan drag memalui Fil handle-nya hingga sel A5; maka sel A5 berisi angka. ...
Correct Answer
D. 13
When the cells A1 and A2 are blocked and dragged through the fill handle until cell A5, the numbers in the cells are incremented by 1 each time. So, the number in cell A5 will be 13, as it is the next number in the sequence.
Posisi Kata “MedalI” pada sel tergabung. Hal ini dapat terjadi setelah kita mengklik toolbar No Pada gambar di bawah ini. ...
Correct Answer
D. No 4
The correct answer is No 4 because when we click on the toolbar, it will rearrange the cells in the table. So, the position of the word "MedalI" can change and it can be located in any of the cells.
Toolbar yang digunakan untuk membuat grafik, pada gambar di bawah ini terdapat pada No. ...
Correct Answer
C. No. 4
The toolbar used to create graphs is located at No. 4 in the image.
Memblok seluruh sel yang terdapat pada suatu sheet, dapat di lkukan dengan perintah. ...
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+A
Ctrl+A is the correct answer because it is the keyboard shortcut for selecting all the cells in a sheet. By pressing Ctrl+A, all the cells on the sheet will be highlighted or selected, allowing the user to perform actions such as copying, cutting, formatting, or deleting the selected cells.
Menekan tombol Shift + Page Up digunakan untuk memblok. ...
Correct Answer
C. 1 sel di atas pointer
Menekan tombol Shift + Page Up digunakan untuk memblok satu sel di atas pointer. This means that pressing Shift + Page Up allows you to select one cell above the current pointer position.
Jika posisi sel aktif di B2, lalu kita tekan tombol Shift hingga kita klik sel E8, yang terjadi adalah. ...
Correct Answer
D. Terblok area sebanyak 28 sel, dari sel B2 hingga E8
When the active cell is in B2 and we press the Shift button until we click on cell E8, the area between B2 and E8 is selected and blocked. This means that a total of 28 cells are blocked, including B2 and E8.
Perhatikan gambar berikut !
Kata “Lahir” tidak berada di sebelah kanan dari kata “Tanggal” karena. ....
Correct Answer
E. Kita mengaktifkan Wrap text pada opsi Text Control
The word "Lahir" is not placed to the right of the word "Tanggal" because the Wrap text option in Text Control is activated.
Jika pada suatu sel, kita mengetikkan kata “Keterangan” dan format Orientation-nya diset 15 degrees, maka akan menghasilkan tampilan pada gambar di bawah ini dengan Nomor. ...
Correct Answer
B. Gambar No.2
Jika pada suatu Cell, kita mengetikkan angka “2000” dan di lakukan format angka, dengan Categori =Number dan Decimal place = 2, maka akan menghasilkan tampilan sebagai berikut. ...
Correct Answer
D. 2.000,00
The correct answer is "2.000,00" because when the number "2000" is formatted as a number with 2 decimal places, it will be displayed with a comma as the thousand separator and a dot as the decimal separator. Therefore, the number will be displayed as "2.000,00".
Untuk melebarkan kolom C, arahkan pointer ke atas kolom C dan D hingga pointer tersebut berbentuk +, lalu lakukan. ...
Correct Answer
D. Drag
To widen column C, the user needs to drag the pointer from the top of column C and D until the pointer changes to a plus sign. This action allows the user to adjust the width of the column by dragging it to the desired size.
Home " Forma t" RowHeight ......... "Ok, adalah serangkaian perintah yang digunakan untuk. ...
Correct Answer
C. Mengubah tinggi baris
The given correct answer for this question is "Mengubah tinggi baris" which means "Changing the row height" in English. This is the correct answer because the question is asking for a command that is used to modify the height of rows in a spreadsheet or table. Therefore, "Mengubah tinggi baris" accurately describes the action of adjusting the height of rows.
Untuk menuliskan suatu fungsi dalam Excel, diawali dengan tanda. ...
Correct Answer
E. =
The correct answer is "=" because in Excel, to write a function, it is always preceded by the "=" sign. This indicates to Excel that the following input should be interpreted as a formula or function rather than a regular text entry. The "=" sign is used to distinguish between regular data and formulas in Excel, allowing users to perform calculations and manipulate data effectively.
Ada lima sel baris angka, berturut-turut sebagai berikut : A1=4, A2=5, A3=6, A4=7, A5=8. Jika pada sel A6 kita tiliskan =AVERAGE(A1:A5). Ketika kita menekan tombol Enter maka sel A6 akan berisi angka. ...
Correct Answer
A. 6
The answer is 6 because the AVERAGE function calculates the average of the numbers in the range A1:A5, which are 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The average of these numbers is 6.
Ada lima sel baris angka, berturut-turut sebagai berikut : A1=4, A2=5, A3=6, A4=7, A5=8. Jika pada sel A6 kita tiliskan =COUNT(A1:A5). Ketika kita menekan tombol Enter maka sel A6 akan berisi angka. ...
Correct Answer
D. 5
The correct answer is 5 because the formula "=COUNT(A1:A5)" counts the number of cells in the range A1 to A5 that contain numbers. In this case, there are 5 cells that contain numbers, which are 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Therefore, the result of the formula is 5.
Untuk merubah tampilan 8000 menjadi Rp. 8000 dalam Ms. Excel di gunakan format Cell. ...
Correct Answer
C. Cureency
To change the appearance of the number 8000 to Rp. 8000 in Microsoft Excel, the "Currency" format is used. This format allows the user to display numbers as currency, with the appropriate currency symbol and decimal places.
Pertemuan antara kolom dan baris pada Ms Excel disebut. ...
Correct Answer
D. Cell
In Microsoft Excel, the intersection point between a column and a row is called a cell. Cells are the basic units of a spreadsheet and are used to store data or formulas. They are identified by their unique combination of column and row references, such as A1 or B5. Cells can contain various types of data, including numbers, text, dates, or formulas, and they can be formatted and manipulated in different ways to perform calculations or display information.
Untuk menghitung Jumlah Data dalam dalam suatu range di gunakan fungsi. ...
Correct Answer
B. Count
The correct answer is "Count". Count is used to calculate the total number of data points in a given range. It does not consider the values of the data, only the quantity.
Jika anda ingin memperbesar sebuh jendela penuh layar, maka tombol yang akan diklik adalah. ...
Correct Answer
B. Maximize
To enlarge a window to full screen, the correct button to click is "Maximize." This button expands the window to fill the entire screen, allowing for a better viewing experience. The other options listed, such as "Minimize," "Close," "Restore Down," and "Exit," do not have the same function of maximizing the window to full screen.
Menutup dokumen pada lembar sebar pada MS Excel 2007 dapat dilakukan dengan. ...
Correct Answer
D. Klik Office Button, kemudian pilih sub menu Close
The correct answer is "Klik Office Button, kemudian pilih sub menu Close". In MS Excel 2007, the Office Button is located in the top left corner of the window and acts as a central hub for various functions. By clicking on the Office Button and selecting the Close option, you can effectively close the document in the spreadsheet. This is different from the Save option, which allows you to save any changes made to the document before closing it. The other options mentioned in the question, such as Exit and Print, are not relevant to closing the document.