Kitab yang dikenal dengan nama perjanjian lama oleh orang Kristen adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Taurat
The correct answer is Taurat. The Taurat, also known as the Torah, is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which are also considered sacred texts in Christianity. It is believed to have been written by Moses and contains laws, commandments, and historical accounts of the Israelites. The Taurat is considered the Old Testament by Christians and is an important scripture in both Judaism and Christianity.
Kitab yang isi pokoknya ada dalam The Ten Commandement adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Taurat
The correct answer is Taurat. The Taurat, also known as the Torah, is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which are considered sacred scriptures by both Judaism and Christianity. The Ten Commandments, a set of moral and religious laws given to Moses by God, are found in the book of Exodus within the Taurat. Therefore, the Taurat contains the core content of The Ten Commandments.
Semua yang telah di ciptakan oleh Allah SWT. di alam semesta ini pasti memiliki…
Correct Answer
D. Hikmah dan manfaat
Semua yang telah diciptakan oleh Allah SWT. di alam semesta ini pasti memiliki hikmah dan manfaat. Setiap objek atau makhluk di alam semesta ini memiliki tujuan dan fungsi tertentu yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan. Selain itu, setiap ciptaan Allah juga memiliki hikmah yang dapat dipetik dan dipahami oleh manusia. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita dapat melihat betapa segala sesuatu yang ada di alam semesta ini memiliki kegunaan dan manfaat yang beragam. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua ciptaan Allah memiliki hikmah dan manfaat.
Prinsip dasar hubungan manusia dengan alam menurut Al Qur’an adalah…
Correct Answer
E. Mengolah dengan baik
The correct answer is "Mengolah dengan baik". According to the Quran, the basic principle of human's relationship with nature is to manage and cultivate it in a responsible and sustainable manner. This implies that humans should take care of the environment, utilize its resources wisely, and ensure its preservation for future generations.
Pembuat kerusakan di bumi adalah manusia, karena manusia mempunyai sifat…
Correct Answer
C. Rakus dan tamak
The correct answer is "Rakus dan tamak". This answer suggests that the reason humans cause destruction on Earth is due to their greed and desire for more. When people are driven by their own selfish desires and are not mindful of the consequences of their actions, they may exploit resources and harm the environment in pursuit of personal gain. This behavior can lead to deforestation, pollution, depletion of natural resources, and other forms of environmental damage.
Yang dimaksud dengan ikhfa’ syawawi adalah apabila ada...
Correct Answer
C. Mim mati bertemu dengan ba
Ikhfa' syawawi refers to the pronunciation of a letter mim (م) followed by a letter ba (ب) with a silent or hidden sound. In this case, the correct answer is "mim mati bertemu dengan ba" because when a mim (م) with sukun (mati) is followed by a ba (ب), the mim (م) is pronounced with a hidden sound.
Orang kafir adalah orang yang celaka karena...
Correct Answer
C. Masuk neraka
Orang kafir adalah orang yang celaka karena mereka akan masuk neraka. This explanation states that the reason why unbelievers are considered unfortunate is because they will go to hell.
Ayat yang menjelaskan proses terjadinya hujan adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Al A’raf ayat 57
The correct answer is Al A’raf ayat 57. This verse explains the process of rain by stating that Allah sends the winds, which then gather the clouds, and then He spreads them in the sky as He wills. Finally, the clouds come together and rain is released from them.
Terjadinya kerusakan yang ada di daratan dan lautan disebabkan oleh...
Correct Answer
A. Ulah tangan manusia
The correct answer is "ulah tangan manusia" which translates to "human actions". This suggests that the damage occurring on land and in the ocean is caused by the actions and behavior of humans.
Lafal menurut kaidah ilmu tajwid hukum bacaannya adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Ikfa syafawi
The correct answer is "ikfa syafawi". This is because "ikfa syafawi" is a rule in tajweed that states that when a noon saakinah or tanween is followed by a yaa, the noon sound is merged with the yaa sound and is not pronounced separately.
Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah SWT. Itu dekat dengan orang-orang yang berbuat baik, yaitu...
Correct Answer
E. Muhsinin
The correct answer is "Muhsinin". This is because the phrase "Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah SWT. Itu dekat dengan orang-orang yang berbuat baik" translates to "Indeed, the mercy of Allah is close to those who do good". The word "Muhsinin" means "those who do good" or "those who excel in goodness". Therefore, it is the most suitable option that aligns with the given statement.
Lafal pada surat Ar Rum ayat 41 terjemahan yang tepat adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Supaya mereka kembali
The correct translation for the phrase "lafal pada surat Ar Rum ayat 41" is "so that they may return". This translation implies that the purpose of the statement is to encourage individuals to reflect on their actions and make a change in their behavior or beliefs. The word "kembali" in Indonesian can be interpreted as returning to a previous state or condition, suggesting a need for self-reflection and personal growth.
Maksud dari lafal adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Kabar gembira sebelum turunya hujan
The correct answer is "kabar gembira sebelum turunya hujan". This means "good news before the rain comes". It suggests that there is some positive news or event that occurs before a rainstorm.
Allah menciptakan alam ini mempunyai maksud, namun ada orang yang beranggapan bahwa ciptaan Allah itu sia-sia. Orang yang beranggpan demikian adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Orang kafir
The correct answer is "orang kafir" because they are the ones who believe that the creation of Allah is in vain or meaningless.
Lafal pada surat Al A’raf ayat 58 artinya...
Correct Answer
D. Kami mengulangi
The correct answer is "kami mengulangi". This means "we repeat" in English.
Menurut kaidah ilmu tajwid hukum bacaannya adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Idhar syafawi
According to the rules of Tajweed, the correct answer is "idhar syafawi". Idhar syafawi refers to the clear pronunciation of a noon saakinah or tanween followed by a letter from the same group of letters (shamsiyyah) without any merging or assimilation. In this case, it means that the noon saakinah or tanween should be pronounced clearly without merging with the following letter.
Sikap kita yang benar terhadap kitab Taurat, Zabur, dan Injil adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Percaya dan tidak berkewajiban mengamalkannya
The correct answer is "percaya dan tidak berkewajiban mengamalkannya" because it states that our correct attitude towards the Taurat, Zabur, and Injil is to believe in them but not necessarily obligated to practice their teachings. This suggests that while we should have faith in these holy books, it is not compulsory to follow all their teachings in our daily lives.
Peristiwa Isra’ mi’raj merupakan salah satu contoh wahyu yang diturunkan dengan cara...
Correct Answer
B. Langsung
The correct answer is "langsung". This means that the revelation of the Isra' Mi'raj event was directly received without any intermediaries. It was not through dreams, behind a veil, through the angel Jibril, or through a frightening voice. This explanation suggests that the Isra' Mi'raj event was a direct communication from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad.
Nabi yang menerima wahyu melalui dibalik tabir adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Musa as.
The correct answer is Musa as. According to Islamic belief, Musa (Moses) received revelations from Allah behind a veil or curtain. This is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-A'raf (7:143) where Musa requested to see Allah but was unable to bear the sight and Allah revealed Himself to the mountain, causing it to crumble. Musa fell unconscious and when he regained consciousness, he realized that he had received the revelation from behind a veil.
Sebagai hamba Allah yang berpegang teguh pada kitab suci dalam melakukan hablum minannas selalu menerapkan sikap taawun, yang maksudnya...
Correct Answer
D. Saling menolong
The correct answer is "saling menolong." This is because as a servant of Allah who adheres to the holy book, it is important to always practice mutual assistance or helping one another. This reflects the values of compassion, kindness, and unity within the community. By offering support and aid to others, individuals can strengthen their bonds, create a harmonious environment, and fulfill their religious duty.
Lafal artinya adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Tidak ada keraguan didalamnya
The word "Lafal" means "no doubt in it" or "without any doubt". This implies that there is complete certainty or confidence in whatever is being referred to. Therefore, the correct answer "tidak ada keraguan didalamnya" accurately captures the meaning of the word "Lafal" in this context.
Peristiwa turunnya Al Qur’an diperingati oleh umat Islam pada setiap tangal...
Correct Answer
D. 17 Ramadan
The correct answer is 17 Ramadan. This is the date when the event of the descent of the Quran is commemorated by Muslims. It is believed that on this day, the Angel Gabriel revealed the first verses of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims observe this day with special prayers, recitation of the Quran, and reflection on its teachings.
Kitab Allah SWT. Yang dikenal oleh orang kristen dengan nama Old Testatement adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Taurat
The correct answer is Taurat. Taurat refers to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which are also recognized as the Old Testament by Christians. It is considered a sacred scripture by both Jews and Christians and is believed to contain the laws and teachings revealed by God to Moses.
Manakah dari jawaban di bawah ini yang bukan tanda-tanda orang yang bertakwa sesuai dengan QS. Al Baqarah: 2 – 5 , yaitu...
Correct Answer
B. Berbakti kepada orang tua
The correct answer is "Berbakti kepada orang tua" because it is not mentioned as a sign of a pious person according to QS. Al Baqarah: 2-5. The other options, such as believing in the unseen, spending wealth in the way of Allah, establishing prayer, and having faith in the previous scriptures, are mentioned as signs of a pious person in the mentioned verses.
Aturan –aturan Allah yang berupa fenomena-fenomena alam yang tersebar dibumi dinamakan...
Correct Answer
B. Ayat kauniyah
The correct answer is "ayat kauniyah". Ayat kauniyah refers to the signs of Allah in the natural phenomena spread throughout the earth. These signs can be observed in various natural occurrences such as the movement of celestial bodies, weather patterns, and geological formations. They serve as a reminder of Allah's power and existence, and are considered as a form of divine guidance for believers.
Hubungan manusia dengan sesama manusia dinamakan...
Correct Answer
C. Muamalah
Muamalah adalah hubungan manusia dengan sesama manusia, termasuk dalam aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan politik. Dalam konteks ini, muamalah mencakup interaksi dan transaksi antara individu atau kelompok dalam masyarakat. Hubungan ini melibatkan saling berinteraksi, berkomunikasi, dan bertransaksi dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti perdagangan, pelayanan, dan pertukaran barang dan jasa. Muamalah juga mencakup hubungan dalam keluarga, masyarakat, dan lingkungan sosial. Dengan demikian, muamalah merupakan istilah yang tepat untuk menggambarkan hubungan manusia dengan sesama manusia.
Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kita harus menghindari sikap...
Correct Answer
D. Saling menolong untuk merugikan orang
This answer suggests that in community life, we should avoid the attitude of helping each other to harm others. This implies that it is important to have a cooperative and supportive mindset towards others, rather than engaging in actions that intentionally cause harm to others. By promoting unity and solidarity, we can contribute to a harmonious and positive community environment.
Sebaik-baik hasil usaha manusia adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Hasil usaha seseorang dengan tangannya sendiri
The correct answer is "hasil usaha seseorang dengan tangannya sendiri" which means "the result of one's own efforts with their own hands". This answer suggests that the best outcome of human effort is achieved through personal hard work and determination, without relying on others or seeking handouts. It emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and taking responsibility for one's own success.
Berikut ini yang bukan cara memperbiki akhlak, yaitu...
Correct Answer
E. Memaksakan diri berbuat maksiat
This answer states that forcing oneself to commit sinful acts is not a way to improve one's character. The other options all suggest positive ways to improve one's character, such as associating with good people, gaining knowledge, practicing kindness, and obeying Allah's commands. However, forcing oneself to commit sinful acts goes against the principles of improving one's character and is therefore not a valid method.
Yang tidak termasuk sifat terpuji adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Murtad
The word "murtad" means apostate or someone who has abandoned their religion. This is considered a negative trait in many religious contexts, as it goes against the principles of faith and loyalty. The other options, such as "syajaah" (courage), "qonaah" (contentment), "amanah" (trustworthiness), and "fathonah" (understanding), all represent positive qualities that are generally admired and valued. Therefore, "murtad" is the only option that does not belong in the list of praiseworthy traits.
Manusia bisa menjadi lebih tinggi dan mulia derajatnya dari orang lain karena...
Correct Answer
B. Tingkat ketakwaan
Manusia bisa menjadi lebih tinggi dan mulia derajatnya dari orang lain karena tingkat ketakwaan. Ketakwaan mencerminkan kualitas moral seseorang, kepatuhan pada nilai-nilai agama, dan pengabdian kepada Tuhan. Tingkat ketakwaan yang tinggi menunjukkan integritas dan kebaikan hati, yang dapat membuat seseorang dihormati dan dianggap mulia oleh orang lain. Kekuasaan, kekayaan, keturunan, dan jabatan yang dibanggakan mungkin bisa memberikan pengaruh dan status sosial, tetapi tingkat ketakwaan adalah faktor yang sebenarnya membedakan seseorang dan membuatnya lebih tinggi dan mulia.
Orang Mukmin yang paling sempurna Imannya adalah yang paling baik...
Correct Answer
D. Akhlaknya
The correct answer is "akhlaknya" because the sentence states that the most perfect believer is the one with the best character or moral conduct. This implies that having good manners and behavior is a crucial aspect of a person's faith and makes them the most complete in their belief.
Dibawah ini yang bukan manfaat manusia bergaul, yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. Dapat saling menguasai
The correct answer is "dapat saling menguasai" because it means "to dominate or control each other," which is not a benefit of socializing. Socializing is about building relationships, exchanging experiences, getting to know each other, and respecting each other to foster understanding. The idea of dominating or controlling others goes against the principles of healthy social interactions.
Rasulullah saw. Adalah uswatun hasanah, yang artinya...
Correct Answer
A. Teladan yang baik
The correct answer is "teladan yang baik". This means that Rasulullah saw. is a good example or role model for others to follow. He is someone who embodies good qualities and behavior that others should strive to emulate.
Berikut ini yang bukan tanda-tanda orang yang bertakwa, yaitu..
Correct Answer
D. Memperbayak amal fasik
The correct answer is "memperbayak amal fasik" because it means increasing sinful deeds, which goes against the concept of being pious or God-fearing. The other options mentioned, such as believing in the unseen, establishing prayer, giving in charity, and having faith in the Day of Judgment, are all considered signs of a pious person.
Tujuan diberlakukan syariat Islam di antaranya adalah menjaga jiwa dari segala macam kemadhorotan. Istilah menjaga jiwa adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Hifdzun-nafsi
The correct answer is "hifdzun-nafsi". This term refers to the act of safeguarding or protecting the soul. Implementing Islamic law is one way to ensure the protection of the soul from any form of harm or corruption.
Yang membedakan manusia dengan binatang adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Akalnya
The correct answer is "akalnya" because humans have the ability to think critically, reason, and make conscious decisions based on logic and knowledge. This distinguishes them from animals who primarily rely on instincts for survival and do not possess the same level of cognitive abilities.
Orang yang paling baik adalah orang yang...
Correct Answer
A. Bermanfaat bagi orang lain
The best person is someone who is beneficial to others. This means that they actively contribute and make a positive impact on the lives of those around them. They are selfless and prioritize the well-being of others over their own. This characteristic is often associated with kindness, empathy, and a willingness to help and support others in any way possible. Being beneficial to others reflects a strong moral compass and a genuine desire to make the world a better place.
Cara menghargai hasil karya orang lain, antara lain...
Correct Answer
B. Tidak mencela
One way to show appreciation for someone's work is by not criticizing or belittling it. By refraining from making negative comments or mocking their efforts, we demonstrate respect for their work and acknowledge the time and effort they have put into it. This allows the creator to feel valued and encourages them to continue producing their work.
Kata al birr mengandung arti...
Correct Answer
D. Kebajikan
Kata "al birr" dalam bahasa Arab memiliki arti "kebajikan".