Salah satu penyebab pencemaran udara, kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. Penggunaan pestisida
Penggunaan pestisida bukanlah penyebab pencemaran udara. Pestisida biasanya digunakan untuk membunuh hama atau serangga yang merusak tanaman, dan biasanya tidak berkontribusi terhadap polusi udara. Penyebab pencemaran udara yang umum meliputi asap kendaraan, limbah pabrik, dan kebakaran hutan.
Manakah zat-zat di bawah ini yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran tanah...
Correct Answer
C. Urea
Urea is a substance that can cause soil pollution. When urea is applied to the soil as a fertilizer, it can break down into ammonia, which is toxic to plants and soil organisms. Additionally, excessive use of urea can lead to an accumulation of nitrogen in the soil, causing nutrient imbalance and environmental degradation. Therefore, the presence of urea in the soil can contribute to soil pollution.
Salah satu upaya untuk menanggulangi kerusakan hutan yang ada di indonesia adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Melakukan peremajaan hutan
One of the efforts to overcome forest damage in Indonesia is by conducting forest rejuvenation. This means replanting and regrowing trees in areas where deforestation or logging has occurred. By doing so, it helps to restore the ecosystem, preserve biodiversity, and maintain the balance of the forest ecosystem. This approach is a sustainable solution to combat forest degradation and promote the long-term health of the forests.
Berikut ini merupakan fungsi hutan, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Tempat asal dari bencana alam
Hutan memiliki beberapa fungsi penting, seperti tempat penyimpanan cadangan air, tempat hidup flora dan fauna, dan tempat rekreasi dan pendidikan. Namun, hutan tidak bisa dianggap sebagai tempat asal dari bencana alam. Bencana alam dapat terjadi di berbagai tempat dan tidak hanya terkait dengan keberadaan hutan.
Peristiwa masuknya zat,unsur, energidan komponen yang bersifat merugikan ke dalam lingkungan disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Polusi
Polusi refers to the entry of harmful substances, elements, energy, and components into the environment. It is the contamination of the environment with pollutants.
Suatu zat disebut polutan apabila memenuhi syarat berikut, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Keberadaannya tidak merugikann walaupun bersifat racun
The given answer states that a substance is not considered a pollutant if its presence, even though toxic, does not cause harm. This means that all the other conditions mentioned in the question, such as exceeding normal levels, being in the wrong place or time, and being harmful, are criteria for something to be considered a pollutant.
Berikut ini bukan merupakan tanda-tanda air yang tercemar adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Air tidak berbau dan jernih
Air yang tidak berbau dan jernih bukan merupakan tanda-tanda air yang tercemar. Ini karena air yang tercemar biasanya akan memiliki bau yang tidak sedap dan warna yang keruh. Jadi, jika air tidak memiliki bau dan terlihat jernih, maka kemungkinan besar air tersebut tidak tercemar.
Masalah lingkungan secara global saat ini adalah efek rumah kaca yang terjadi karena...
Correct Answer
C. Kadar karbon dioksida di atmosfer
The current global environmental issue is the greenhouse effect, which is caused by the high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This greenhouse gas traps heat from the sun and prevents it from escaping back into space, leading to a rise in global temperatures. The increased carbon dioxide levels are primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This explanation highlights the role of carbon dioxide in causing the greenhouse effect and its impact on global environmental problems.
Pencegahan pencemaran udara dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Meningkatkan kadar timbal pada bensin
Increasing the lead content in gasoline can actually contribute to air pollution, rather than preventing it. Lead is a harmful pollutant that can have serious health effects, especially on children and the environment. Therefore, increasing the lead content in gasoline is not a recommended method for preventing air pollution.
Pernyataan berikut bertujuan untuk mengurangi pencemaran udara, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Membuat air mancur
The statement "membuat air mancur" (creating a fountain) does not aim to reduce air pollution. Fountains may add to the aesthetic appeal of an area, but they do not directly contribute to reducing air pollution. On the other hand, the other options mentioned - membuat jalur hijau (creating green lanes), melakukan reboisasi (conducting reforestation), and mengurangi pemakaian bensin (reducing gasoline usage) - all have the potential to help reduce air pollution.
Suhu permukaan bumi meningkat disebabkan oleh kadar karbondioksida meningkat
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the increase in carbon dioxide levels leads to the greenhouse effect, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. This trapped heat causes the Earth's surface temperature to rise, resulting in global warming. Therefore, the statement that the Earth's surface temperature increases due to an increase in carbon dioxide levels is true.
Zat berbahaya bagi lingkunganyang dikeluarkan dari lemari es, hair, spray, dan parfum adalah air
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. The dangerous substance that is released from the refrigerator, hair spray, spray, and perfume is not water. It is actually chemicals or gases, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), that can be harmful to the environment. These substances contribute to ozone depletion and climate change.
Zat berbahaya bagi lingkunganyang dikeluarkan dari lemari es, hair, spray, dan parfum adalah CFC
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. CFC, which stands for Chlorofluorocarbon, is indeed dangerous for the environment and is commonly found in refrigerators, hairsprays, sprays, and perfumes. CFCs are known to contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, leading to harmful effects on the Earth's atmosphere.
Zat atu bahan yang menyebabkan pencemaran disebut polusi
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is incorrect. The correct answer is False. The statement says that "zat atu bahan yang menyebabkan pencemaran disebut polusi" which translates to "substances or materials that cause pollution are called pollution." However, this is not true. The correct definition of pollution is the presence or introduction of harmful substances or pollutants into the environment, not the substances themselves.
Berfungsi menyerang radiasi matahari yaitu lapisan ozon
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. The ozone layer functions to protect against solar radiation. It absorbs the majority of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, preventing it from reaching the Earth's surface. This is crucial as excessive exposure to UV radiation can have harmful effects on living organisms, including humans. The ozone layer acts as a shield, reducing the amount of UV radiation that reaches the Earth and thereby protecting life on the planet.
Menghutankan kembali hutan gundul disebut abrasi
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is incorrect. The term "abrasi" refers to the process of erosion caused by the movement of water, ice, or wind, wearing away the surface of land or rocks. It does not relate to the reforestation of deforested areas. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Polutan yang menyebabkan hujan asam adalah SO2
Correct Answer
A. True
SO2 (sulfur dioxide) is a pollutant that is known to cause acid rain. When released into the atmosphere through human activities such as burning fossil fuels, it reacts with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form sulfuric acid. This acid then falls back to the Earth's surface as acid rain. Therefore, the statement that SO2 is the pollutant that causes acid rain is true.
Gas buang yang dikeluarkan kendaraan bermotor dan bersifat racun adalah karbon monoksida
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement states that carbon monoxide is the exhaust gas emitted by motor vehicles and is poisonous. This statement is true as carbon monoxide is indeed a toxic gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in motor vehicle engines. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that can be harmful or fatal when inhaled in high concentrations.
Masuknya bahan pencemar ke dalam air disebut polusi air
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because the entry of pollutants into water is indeed referred to as water pollution. Water pollution occurs when harmful substances, such as chemicals, waste, or microorganisms, are introduced into bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. This pollution can have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems, as well as on human health if contaminated water is consumed or used for various purposes. Therefore, the given answer is correct.
Air hujan yang mengandung asam dapat merusak bangunan
Correct Answer
A. True
Acid rain is formed when pollutants from burning fossil fuels mix with water vapor in the atmosphere. This acidic precipitation can cause damage to buildings and structures over time. The acid in the rain can corrode metals, deteriorate paint, and weaken the structural integrity of materials. Therefore, it is true that rain containing acid can indeed damage buildings.
CFC berasal dari......
Correct Answer
lemari es
CFC berasal dari lemari es karena CFC adalah singkatan dari Chlorofluorocarbon, yang merupakan senyawa kimia yang digunakan sebagai pendingin dalam lemari es. CFC telah diketahui sebagai penyebab utama penipisan lapisan ozon di atmosfer, sehingga penggunaannya telah dilarang secara internasional. Oleh karena itu, CFC umumnya dikaitkan dengan lemari es.
Peristiwa masuknya bahan pencemar ke dalam suatu area tanah disebut....
Correct Answer
polusi tanah
Polusi tanah adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan peristiwa masuknya bahan pencemar ke dalam suatu area tanah. Bahan pencemar ini dapat berasal dari berbagai sumber seperti limbah industri, limbah pertanian, atau limbah domestik. Polusi tanah dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada kualitas tanah dan mengancam kehidupan organisme yang hidup di dalamnya.
Bahan pencemar tanah yaitu
Correct Answer
Pestisida adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk membunuh atau mengendalikan hama, serangga, dan gulma yang merusak tanaman. Bahan ini dapat mencemari tanah jika digunakan secara berlebihan atau jika tidak diolah dengan benar. Pestisida yang mencemari tanah dapat mengganggu ekosistem dan kesehatan manusia jika terkontaminasi melalui air atau makanan yang tumbuh di tanah yang tercemar. Oleh karena itu, pestisida merupakan salah satu bahan pencemar tanah yang harus diwaspadai dan dikelola dengan baik.
Hujan yang terjadi ketika matahari bersinar menyebabkan pengikatan sulfur dioksida dan nitrogendioksida dengan oksigen dan uap air di udara disebut...
Correct Answer
hujan asam
When sunlight reacts with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the air, it causes the binding of these pollutants with oxygen and water vapor. This reaction forms sulfuric acid and nitric acid, which then fall to the ground as acid rain. Acid rain is a type of precipitation that has a lower pH level than normal rainwater and can have harmful effects on the environment, including damage to plants, animals, and infrastructure.
Program yang bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas udara disebut...
Correct Answer
Reboisasi adalah program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas udara. Melalui reboisasi, pohon-pohon ditanam kembali di daerah yang telah mengalami deforestasi atau kerusakan hutan. Pohon-pohon ini akan membantu dalam menyerap karbon dioksida dan menghasilkan oksigen, sehingga secara langsung dapat meningkatkan kualitas udara. Dengan demikian, reboisasi merupakan program yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas udara.
Jelaskan dampaknegatif dari penebangan hutan!
Sebutkan macam-macam pencemaran lingkungan!
Sebutkan 4 fungsi hutan!
Sebutkan cara-cara menanggulangi pencemaran udara!
Sebutkan efek dari hujan asam!