Menangkap peluang usaha di jenis usaha yang diinginkan wirausahawan dan yang dapat menguntungkan, dibutuhkan suatu kiat tersendiri yang disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Skala prioritas
To capture business opportunities in the desired type of business and to make it profitable, entrepreneurs need a specific technique called "skala prioritas" or priority scale. This technique helps entrepreneurs prioritize their actions and decisions based on the importance and urgency of various factors such as market demand, competition, resources, and potential profitability. By using the priority scale, entrepreneurs can focus on the most critical aspects of their business and allocate their time, energy, and resources effectively to maximize their chances of success.
Kunci peluang usaha sebenarnya terletak pada....
Correct Answer
E. Wirausaha
The correct answer is "wirausaha". This is because the key to business opportunities lies in entrepreneurship. A successful entrepreneur is able to identify and seize opportunities, innovate, take risks, and create value in the market. They are proactive, resourceful, and have the ability to turn ideas into profitable ventures. Therefore, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship is the driving force behind business opportunities.
Kunci utama untuk memperbanyak relasi adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Komunikasi
Komunikasi adalah kunci utama untuk memperbanyak relasi. Dengan berkomunikasi secara efektif, seseorang dapat memperluas jaringan hubungan dengan orang lain. Komunikasi yang baik memungkinkan individu untuk saling bertukar informasi, memahami kebutuhan dan keinginan orang lain, serta membangun kepercayaan dan hubungan yang lebih kuat. Dalam konteks ini, komunikasi menjadi faktor penting dalam memperluas relasi dan membangun hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain.
Yang tidak termasuk peluang usaha adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Manajemen
The options provided in the question are all related to business opportunities and factors that can affect a business. "Manajemen" (management) is not a business opportunity itself but rather a function or process within a business. Therefore, it does not belong to the category of potential business opportunities like "konsumen" (consumers), "permintaan penawaran" (demand and supply), "saingan" (competitors), and "jasa" (services).
Bantuan dari pihak pemerintah yang dirasakan sangat berperan bagi wirausahawan dalam memasuki peluang usaha ialah....
Correct Answer
D. Pemberian pinjaman dengan bunga rendah/lunak
The provision of low-interest loans is perceived as a crucial form of government assistance for entrepreneurs entering business opportunities. This support helps entrepreneurs access the necessary financial resources to start or expand their businesses at a lower cost. By providing loans with low interest rates, the government enables entrepreneurs to invest more in their businesses, stimulate economic growth, and create job opportunities. This form of support also reduces the financial burden on entrepreneurs and increases their chances of success in the competitive business environment.
Langkah-langkah pengembangan ide dan peluang usaha meliputi....
Correct Answer
A. Perluasan pengembangan usaha
The correct answer is "perluasan pengembangan usaha". This is because expanding the business is an important step in developing ideas and opportunities. By expanding the business, it allows for growth and the ability to reach new markets or customers. This can lead to increased profits and success for the business.
Salah satu tujuan dari pengembangan ide dan peluang usaha dalam produk atau jasa adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Pembuatan barang produk/jasa yang diminati konsumen
Pembuatan barang produk/jasa yang diminati konsumen adalah salah satu tujuan dari pengembangan ide dan peluang usaha. Hal ini karena tujuan utama dari pengembangan ide dan peluang usaha adalah untuk menciptakan produk atau jasa yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. Dengan memahami apa yang diinginkan konsumen, perusahaan dapat mengembangkan ide-ide baru dan menghasilkan produk atau jasa yang diminati oleh pasar. Dengan demikian, tujuan ini penting untuk memastikan kesuksesan dan keberlanjutan bisnis.
Suatu perusahaan yang anggotanya terdiri atas pemegang saham yang mempunyai tanggung jawab terbatas terhadap utang-utang perusahaan sebesar modal disetor adalah bentuk usaha....
Correct Answer
C. Perseroan
The correct answer is "perseroan". A "perseroan" is a type of business entity where the members are shareholders who have limited liability for the company's debts up to the amount of their contributed capital. This means that the shareholders' personal assets are protected and they are not personally responsible for the company's debts beyond their investment.
Dalam penentuan perincian bidang usaha dan masalah pokok yang dipertimbangkan antara lain....
Correct Answer
C. Bentuk usaha yang dipilih
The given answer, "bentuk usaha yang dipilih" (chosen business form), is a valid consideration when determining the details of a business field and main issues. The choice of business form will affect various aspects of the business, such as legal requirements, ownership structure, liability, and taxation. Therefore, when deciding on the business form, factors like the desired level of control, risk tolerance, and long-term goals should be taken into account.
Dengan jumlah penduduk yang sangat besar maka jenis pekerjaan yang cocok untuk rakyat Indonesia adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Jawaban b dan d benar
Given the large population in Indonesia, it would be suitable for the people to engage in entrepreneurship (wirausaha) and become entrepreneurs (menjadi pengusaha). This is because entrepreneurship allows individuals to create their own job opportunities and contribute to the economy, while also providing employment opportunities for others. Additionally, with a large population, there is a potential market for various goods and services, making entrepreneurship a viable option. Working with the government (bekerja dengan pemerintah) and working as private sector employees (bekerja sebagai karyawan swasta) may also be suitable options, but the emphasis on entrepreneurship is more relevant due to the population size.
Bidang usaha perdagangan yang dapat dimasuki wirausahawan meliputi usaha di bawah ini, kecuali....
Correct Answer
A. Perdagangan kecil
Wirausahawan dapat memasuki bidang usaha perdagangan seperti grosir, agen, pergudangan, dan ekspor impor. Namun, perdagangan kecil tidak termasuk dalam bidang usaha yang dapat dimasuki oleh wirausahawan.
Kemampuan mengenai cara memperoleh sumber-sumber dana dan cara menggunakannya merupakan kemampuan usaha di bidang....
Correct Answer
A. Finansial
The ability to obtain sources of funding and effectively manage them is a key skill in the field of finance. This includes understanding how to raise capital, analyze financial statements, make investment decisions, and manage cash flow. It also involves knowledge of financial markets, instruments, and strategies. Therefore, the correct answer is "finansial".
Dalam merintis usaha baru ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan antara lain sebagai berikut, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Jaminan usaha yang mungkin akan diperoleh
The correct answer is "jaminan usaha yang mungkin akan diperoleh." This option is not a consideration when starting a new business. The other options, such as the ability to manage information, the field and business services to be entered, the form of business ownership to be chosen, and the business organization to be used, are all important factors to consider when starting a new business. However, obtaining business guarantees is not typically a consideration in the initial stages of starting a business.
Sistem kerja wirausahawan didasarkan pada....
Correct Answer
C. Kemampuan sendiri
The correct answer is "kemampuan sendiri" (own abilities). This suggests that the entrepreneurial system is based on an individual's own skills and capabilities. Successful entrepreneurs rely on their own abilities to identify opportunities, take risks, and make decisions. They have confidence in their own skills and are able to leverage them to drive their businesses forward. This answer implies that entrepreneurs do not solely depend on others or doubt their own abilities, but rather take responsibility and have a strong sense of self-motivation.
Kebutuhan akan wirausahawan semakin meningkat dikarenakan munculnya permasalahan....
Correct Answer
B. Merumuskan tujuan, keingan dan kebutuhan baik untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk orang lain
The correct answer is "merumuskan tujuan, keingan dan kebutuhan baik untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk orang lain". This is because in order to become an entrepreneur, one needs to have a clear understanding of their own goals, desires, and needs, as well as the goals, desires, and needs of others. By formulating these objectives, aspirations, and requirements, an entrepreneur can develop a business idea or solution that addresses the needs of both themselves and others, thus increasing the chances of success in the market.
Pandangan jauh kedepan kemana perusahaan tersebut akan dibawa disebut dengan....
Correct Answer
A. Visi perusahaan
Visi perusahaan adalah pandangan jauh ke depan mengenai arah dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh perusahaan. Visi perusahaan memberikan arah dan inspirasi bagi semua anggota perusahaan untuk bekerja menuju tujuan yang sama.
Sesuatu yang akan dihasilkan oleh perusahaan dalam jangka waktu tertentu disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Sasaran perusahaan
Sasaran perusahaan refers to the goals or targets that a company aims to achieve within a specific period of time. This can include financial targets, market share goals, or any other objectives that the company sets for itself.
Target yang sifatnya kuantitatif dan pencapaian target merupakan ukuran keberhasilan perusahaan dinamakan....
Correct Answer
C. Tujuan perusahaan
The correct answer is "tujuan perusahaan." In business, "tujuan perusahaan" refers to the quantitative targets that a company sets for itself and the achievement of these targets is used as a measure of the company's success. This term is often used to describe specific goals and objectives that a company aims to achieve within a certain time frame.
Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur atau produksi barang tertentu disebut perusahaan....
Correct Answer
C. Industri
Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur atau produksi barang tertentu disebut perusahaan industri. Industri mengacu pada kegiatan produksi dalam skala besar yang melibatkan pengolahan bahan mentah menjadi barang jadi. Perusahaan industri biasanya memiliki pabrik atau fasilitas produksi yang besar dan kompleks untuk memproduksi barang dalam jumlah yang besar.
Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan barang-barang disebut perusahaan....
Correct Answer
A. Dagang
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang-barang disebut perusahaan dagang.
Perusahaan negara yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas dengan tujuan utama untuk memperoleh keuntungan adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Persero
Perusahaan perseroan terbatas adalah bentuk perusahaan yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk memperoleh keuntungan. Perseroan terbatas memiliki modal yang terbagi menjadi saham-saham, dan pemilik saham bertanggung jawab terbatas sesuai dengan jumlah saham yang dimiliki. Dalam perusahaan perseroan terbatas, keuntungan perusahaan dapat dibagikan kepada pemegang saham sebagai dividen. Oleh karena itu, perseroan terbatas merupakan perusahaan yang didirikan dengan tujuan untuk mencari keuntungan.
Koperasi yang didirikan oleh dan beranggotakan orang-orang dan dapat dibentuk oleh sekurang-kurangnya 20 (dua puluh) orang adalah jenis koperasi....
Correct Answer
A. Primer
The correct answer is "primer" because the question states that the cooperative is established and consists of individuals, and can be formed by at least 20 people. This aligns with the definition of a "primer" cooperative, which is a cooperative formed by individuals.
Badan usaha yang dibentuk melalui perjanjian kerjasama usaha antara orang-orang yang bersedia memimpin, mengatur perusahaan serta bertanggungjawab penuh dengan kekayaan pribadinya adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Cv
The correct answer is "cv" or "commanditaire vennootschap". A cv is a business entity formed through a business cooperation agreement between individuals who are willing to lead, manage the company, and be fully responsible with their personal wealth. In a cv, there are two types of partners: active partners who have unlimited liability and passive partners who have limited liability. This type of business entity is commonly found in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Dalam mencapai sasaran di dalam menyusun rencana kerja usaha menyangkut tentang....
Correct Answer
A. Kelangsungan hidup perusahaan
The correct answer is "kelangsungan hidup perusahaan". This is because when planning business activities, it is important to ensure the long-term survival and sustainability of the company. This involves making strategic decisions and taking actions that will enable the company to continue operating and thriving in the competitive business environment.
Seseorang dalam menjalankan usahanya untuk menghilangkan rasa cemas dan ragu-ragu dengan cara....
Correct Answer
D. Percaya pada diri sendiri
When someone is trying to overcome anxiety and doubt in running their business, one effective way is to have confidence in oneself. Believing in one's abilities and trusting in one's own decision-making can help to alleviate feelings of uncertainty and increase self-assurance. This can lead to better decision-making, taking calculated risks, and ultimately achieving success in the business venture.
Seorang wirausahawan harus berfikir bicara positif dan kreatif antara lain....
Correct Answer
B. Harus menerima gagasan baru di dalam DU/DI
An entrepreneur must be open to accepting new ideas within their business or industry. This is because innovation and creativity are essential for success in entrepreneurship. By being receptive to new ideas, an entrepreneur can adapt and evolve their business strategies to stay competitive in the market. It also shows a positive and forward-thinking mindset, which can attract potential investors and collaborators. By embracing new ideas, an entrepreneur can continuously improve their products or services and find new opportunities for growth.
Peningkatan sumber daya manusia termasuk di dalam....
Correct Answer
C. Sasaran perusahaan
The correct answer is "sasaran perusahaan". The explanation for this is that the improvement of human resources is one of the goals or targets of a company. By enhancing the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of its employees, a company can achieve its objectives and fulfill its vision. Therefore, the development of human resources is an integral part of a company's targets or goals.
Adanya dana atau modal yang cukup termasuk dalam....
Correct Answer
B. Faktor pengembangan usaha
Having sufficient funds or capital is an important factor for the success of a business. However, it is not the only factor. The correct answer, "faktor pengembangan usaha" (business development factor), suggests that in addition to having enough funds, other factors such as strategic planning, market research, product development, and effective marketing strategies are also crucial for the growth and development of a business. This answer implies that having sufficient funds alone is not enough to ensure the success of a business; it needs to be coupled with effective business development strategies.
Ancaman bagi suatu perusahaan adalah, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Perebutan manager perusahaan
The given options are all threats to a company, except for the "perebutan manager perusahaan" which translates to "competition for company managers". This option does not pose a direct threat to the company's operations, brand, or products, unlike counterfeiting of trademarks (pemalsuan merek) and products (pemalsuan produk), business competition (persaingan usaha), and territorial disputes (perebutan wilayah perusahaan).
Pemerintah menganjurkan adanya pemakaian helm bagi pengendara kendaraan bermotor, ini merupakan....
Correct Answer
E. Policy
The correct answer is "policy." The government's recommendation for the use of helmets for motor vehicle riders is a policy. A policy is a set of guidelines or rules implemented by an organization or government to achieve a specific goal or address a particular issue. In this case, the government is implementing a policy to promote safety and reduce the risk of injuries or fatalities among motor vehicle riders.
Kata lain dari kalimat peluang, adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Opportunity
The correct answer is "opportunity". This is because the question is asking for another word or phrase that has a similar meaning to "peluang" which translates to "opportunity" in English.
Didalam analisis SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat), arti dari weakness adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Kelemahan
Dalam analisis SWOT, arti dari weakness adalah kelemahan. Weakness mengacu pada faktor-faktor internal yang menghambat keberhasilan atau kinerja suatu organisasi atau individu. Hal ini mencakup aspek-aspek yang dapat menjadi keterbatasan, kekurangan, atau kelemahan dalam hal sumber daya, keterampilan, atau struktur organisasi. Dalam analisis SWOT, kelemahan ini harus diidentifikasi dan dievaluasi agar langkah-langkah perbaikan dapat diambil untuk mengatasi mereka.
Kejadian-kejadian penting oleh wirausahawan dicatat dan didokumentasikan, semua ini berkaitan dengan faktor....
Correct Answer
E. Administrasi
The given statement suggests that important events by entrepreneurs are recorded and documented, which is related to the factor of administration. This implies that the administration plays a crucial role in keeping track of important events and maintaining documentation in an entrepreneurial setting.
Pada dasarnya prinsip-prinsip perusahaan harus....
Correct Answer
B. Tepat dan dipercaya
The correct answer is "tepat dan dipercaya" which means "accurate and trustworthy" in English. This means that the principles of the company should be precise and reliable, ensuring that they are accurate and can be trusted by others. This is important for building a good reputation and gaining the trust of customers, employees, and stakeholders.
Berikut ini merupakan alasan utama kegagalan usaha baru, yaitu....
Correct Answer
A. Waktu memulai usaha baru yang tidak tepat
The main reason for the failure of a new business is starting at the wrong time. Starting a business at the wrong time can mean entering a market that is already saturated or facing economic downturns that make it difficult to attract customers or secure funding. It is important to carefully consider market conditions and timing before launching a new business to increase the chances of success.
Keterangan-keterangan berupa data atau fakta yang diperoleh dari lingkungan perusahaan sendiri dinamakan....
Correct Answer
D. Informasi internal
Informasi internal adalah keterangan-keterangan berupa data atau fakta yang diperoleh dari lingkungan perusahaan sendiri. Ini berarti bahwa informasi internal adalah informasi yang berasal dari dalam perusahaan, seperti data keuangan, laporan penjualan, atau informasi tentang operasi perusahaan. Informasi ini penting untuk pengambilan keputusan dan perencanaan di dalam perusahaan karena memberikan wawasan tentang kinerja dan kondisi perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
Dibawah ini merupakan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan produk, kecuali....
Correct Answer
B. Potongan harga
The given options are all related to product development, except for "potongan harga" which means "discount" in Indonesian. The other options such as "mutu barang" (product quality), "trend produk" (product trends), "bentuk barang" (product shape), and "model barang" (product model) all pertain to aspects that are important to consider in the development of a product. However, "potongan harga" is not directly related to the development process, but rather to pricing and promotions.
Salah satu sumber informasi eksternal dapat diperoleh dari....
Correct Answer
D. Badan-badan pemerintah
Badan-badan pemerintah merupakan salah satu sumber informasi eksternal yang dapat digunakan dalam sebuah organisasi. Badan pemerintah memiliki akses ke berbagai data dan informasi yang relevan dengan kegiatan organisasi, seperti kebijakan pemerintah, regulasi, dan statistik. Informasi ini dapat membantu organisasi dalam mengambil keputusan yang tepat dan memahami kondisi eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi operasional mereka.
Di bawah ini faktor yang digunakan dalam melihat peluang pasar, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Produktivitas internal
The given options represent factors that are commonly considered when assessing market opportunities. Economic conditions, environmental factors, trends, and consumer preferences are all external factors that can affect the potential success of a product or service in the market. On the other hand, internal productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of the company's operations and processes, which can impact its ability to meet market demands and compete effectively. Therefore, the correct answer is produktivitas internal.
Alat ukur untuk mendapatkan suatu barang dan jasa disebut....
Correct Answer
E. Harga
The correct answer is "harga" because "harga" refers to the measurement or value assigned to a good or service. It is the price that is paid in exchange for obtaining the desired product or service.
Berdasarkan bentuknya, produk dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi....
Correct Answer
A. Barang dan jasa
Produk dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuknya menjadi barang dan jasa. Barang adalah produk fisik yang dapat dilihat dan dirasakan, sedangkan jasa adalah produk non-fisik yang melibatkan suatu kegiatan atau pelayanan. Dalam klasifikasi ini, barang dan jasa merupakan dua kategori utama yang membedakan produk berdasarkan sifat fisiknya.
Barang-barang yang diperlukan oleh konsumen akhir baik secara perseorangan maupun kelompok disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Barang jadi
Barang jadi refers to finished goods or products that are ready for consumption by end consumers, whether individually or in groups. These goods have completed the manufacturing process and are in their final form, making them suitable for immediate use or purchase.
Nama, istilah, simbol, design, atau kombinasi untuk memberi identitas pada barang dan jasa dinamakan....
Correct Answer
D. Merek
The term "merek" refers to the name, term, symbol, design, or combination used to identify goods and services. It is a way to differentiate and give a unique identity to a product or service in the market.
Seperangkat atribut baik berwujud maupun tidak berwujud, yang didalamnya terdapat masalah pembungkusan, warna dan nama baik perusahaan, pengecer dinamakan....
Correct Answer
A. Produk
The correct answer is "produk" because the question is asking for a set of attributes, tangible or intangible, that includes packaging problems, company reputation, and retailer. These attributes are typically associated with a product, making "produk" the most appropriate choice.
Barang yang secara normal tahan untuk dipakai beberapa kali disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Durable goods
Durable goods are products that are designed to last for a long time and can be used multiple times. They are typically of higher quality and are built to withstand wear and tear. In contrast, non-durable goods are products that are meant to be consumed or used up quickly, such as food or toiletries. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is durable goods, as they are the type of goods that are normally able to be used multiple times.
Yang dimaksud dengan organisasi usaha adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Bentuk kerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama
The correct answer is "bentuk kerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama" which means "a form of cooperation to achieve common goals". This suggests that an organizational business is a collaboration between individuals or entities working together towards a shared objective. It implies that the organization operates with a collective purpose, where all members contribute their efforts to achieve mutual goals.
Suatu perseroan yang memperoleh modal dengan mengeluarkan saham-saham dan setiap orang dapat memiliki satu atau lebih merupakan ciri-ciri....
Correct Answer
D. Pt
The given question describes the characteristics of a company that obtains capital by issuing shares and allows individuals to own one or more of those shares. This is a characteristic of a PT (Perseroan Terbatas), which is a type of limited liability company in Indonesia.
Tipe organisasi yang cocok untuk perusahaan kecil maupun perusahaan besar adalah tipe organisasi....
Correct Answer
E. Lini, staf dan fungsional
The correct answer is lini, staf dan fungsional. This is because a combination of line, staff, and functional organization is suitable for both small and large companies. Line organization provides a clear chain of command and authority, staff organization supports the line functions with specialized advice and support, and functional organization groups employees based on their skills and expertise. This combination allows for efficient decision-making, coordination, and utilization of resources in both small and large organizations.
Koperasi yang melayani kebutuhan sehari-hari disebut koperasi....
Correct Answer
E. Konsumsi
Koperasi yang melayani kebutuhan sehari-hari disebut koperasi konsumsi. Koperasi konsumsi adalah jenis koperasi yang fokus pada memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari anggotanya, seperti makanan, minuman, pakaian, dan barang kebutuhan lainnya. Koperasi konsumsi biasanya memiliki toko atau outlet di mana anggota dapat membeli barang-barang tersebut dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau. Tujuan utama dari koperasi konsumsi adalah untuk memberikan manfaat ekonomi kepada anggotanya dengan cara meminimalkan biaya dan meningkatkan akses terhadap barang dan jasa yang dibutuhkan sehari-hari.
Memajangkan barang dagangan diluar toko adalah salah satu promosi dengan cara....
Correct Answer
A. Windows display
The correct answer is "windows display" because it refers to displaying merchandise outside the store through the windows. This type of promotion allows potential customers to see the products from outside the store, attracting their attention and enticing them to come inside and make a purchase.