Apakah anda menyukai soal yang dikemas secara online? Berikan alasannya?
Apakah anda menggunakan Facebook untuk berkomunikasi diinternet? Berikan alasannya?
Apakah anda senang mendapatkan informasi atau mencari informasi melalui internet? Kenapa?
Apa cita-cita anda setelah anda menyelesaikan pendidikan SMK?
(Jawab salah satu)
Jika anda mempunyai akun facebook = seberapa sering anda menggunakannya untuk komunikasi belajar? Uraikan!
Jika tidak mempunyai akun facebook = seberapa penting peran internet bagi pendidikan? jelaskan!
Berikut ini yang termasuk Sistem Operasi Berbasis GUI adalah...?
Correct Answer
A. Windows XP
Windows XP adalah sistem operasi berbasis GUI karena memiliki antarmuka pengguna grafis yang memungkinkan pengguna berinteraksi dengan perangkat lunak melalui ikon, menu, dan jendela. DOS adalah sistem operasi berbasis teks, Microsoft Word adalah aplikasi pengolah kata, Power Point adalah aplikasi presentasi, dan Microsoft Paint adalah aplikasi pengedit gambar.
Berikut ini Software yang bisa berjalan dibawah Sistem Operasi Windows adalah ...
Correct Answer(s)
A. Microsoft Word
B. Corel Draw
C. Adobe Photoshop
D. Windows Media Player
E. Microsoft Powerpoint
The given options are all software programs that can run under the Windows operating system. Microsoft Word, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Windows Media Player, and Microsoft PowerPoint are all compatible with Windows and can be installed and used on a Windows computer.
Dalam melakukan instalasi Microsoft Office 2010 membutuhkan versi Windows XP minimal Service Pack (SP) 3.
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that in order to install Microsoft Office 2010, a minimum Windows XP Service Pack (SP) 3 version is required. This means that the operating system needs to have at least Service Pack 3 installed for the Microsoft Office 2010 installation to be successful.
Memori yang bersifat menyimpan sementara waktu disebut dengan ___. Semakin besar kapasitasnya semakin baik dan cepat kinerja dari komputer.
Correct Answer
RAM (Random Access Memory) adalah jenis memori yang digunakan oleh komputer untuk menyimpan data sementara secara cepat. Semakin besar kapasitas RAM, semakin banyak data yang dapat disimpan dan semakin baik kinerja komputer karena proses akses data menjadi lebih cepat. Penulisan "RAM", "ram", atau "Ram" semuanya merujuk pada jenis memori yang sama.
Dalam Instalasi Windows terdapat user yang bisa disetting secara langsung. Berapakah jumlah user maksimal yang bisa ditambahkan dalam instalasi windows?
Correct Answer
D. 5
The maximum number of users that can be added during the installation of Windows is five.
Versi dari windows terdiri dari beberapa pilihan sebagai berikut?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Windows 3.1.1
B. Windows 98
C. Windows XP
D. Windows 8
E. Windows Millenium Edition
The given answer lists the different versions of Windows operating system. These versions include Windows 3.1.1, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Millennium Edition.
Pemilik Sistem Operasi Windows adalah Microsoft, dan dian termasuk orang yang pernah menduduki posisi orang terkaya didunia.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. The owner of the Windows Operating System is not Microsoft, but rather it is owned by the company itself. Additionally, there is no information provided about any individual named Dian who has held the position of the richest person in the world. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.
Untuk Keluar dari proses instalasi windows maka tobol yang harus ditekan adalah?
Correct Answer
E. F3
To exit the Windows installation process, the F3 key should be pressed. This key is commonly used as a shortcut to cancel or exit various processes in Windows.
Format yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan instalasi windows XP Profesional SP2 adalah?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is NTFS. NTFS (New Technology File System) is a file system that provides improved performance, security, and reliability compared to the older FAT file system. It is the recommended file system for Windows XP Professional SP2 installation as it supports larger file sizes, better file compression, and improved disk space utilization. NTFS also includes features such as file and folder permissions, encryption, and disk quotas, making it more suitable for business and professional use.
NTFS merupakan kepanjangan dari New Technology File System, yang merupakan technology baru dalam formating sistem operasi.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. NTFS stands for New Technology File System, which is not a new technology in formatting operating systems. NTFS is a file system introduced by Microsoft in 1993 with the release of Windows NT 3.1. It is designed to provide improved performance, reliability, and security over the older FAT file system. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.
FAT Kepanjangan dari File Allocation Table.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. FAT stands for File Allocation Table, which is a file system used by operating systems to organize and manage files on a storage device. It keeps track of the allocation status of each cluster on the storage device, allowing the operating system to locate and access files efficiently. Therefore, the correct answer is true.
gambar disamping merupakan lambang logo untuk sistem operasi berbasis ...
Correct Answer
A. Windows
The correct answer is Windows because the logo depicted in the image is the Windows logo. Windows is a popular operating system developed by Microsoft.
Untuk menyetujui licensi agreement dalam Instalasi Sistem Operasi Windows tombol yang digunakan dalah ...
Correct Answer
C. F8
The correct answer is F8. During the installation of the Windows operating system, the F8 key is used to agree to the license agreement. Pressing the F8 key allows the user to proceed with the installation process and signifies their acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in the license agreement.
Dalam proses Instalasi Windows dibutuhkan 2 kali restart.
Correct Answer
A. True
During the installation process of Windows, it is common for the system to require two restarts. The first restart usually occurs after the initial installation files have been copied and the system needs to boot up to continue the installation process. The second restart typically happens after all the necessary files and drivers have been installed, allowing the system to finalize the installation and boot into the newly installed Windows operating system. Therefore, the statement "Dalam proses Instalasi Windows dibutuhkan 2 kali restart" is true.
Dalam melakukan setting Regional dalam instalasi windows, dipilih?
Correct Answer
C. GMT+7
The correct answer is GMT+7 because when setting the regional settings in Windows installation, GMT+7 represents the time zone for Jakarta, Indonesia. By selecting GMT+7, the system will be configured to display the local time accurately for Jakarta, which is 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).