Yang termasuk dalam besaran pokok adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Suhu
Suhu termasuk dalam besaran pokok karena merupakan salah satu besaran dasar yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat panas atau dingin suatu benda. Besaran pokok adalah besaran dasar yang tidak dapat dinyatakan dengan kombinasi besaran lainnya. Besaran pokok lainnya adalah panjang, massa, waktu, arus listrik, dan intensitas cahaya.
Satuan panjang menurut SI adalah...
Correct Answer
C. M
The correct answer is "m" because the question asks for the unit of length according to the International System of Units (SI). In the SI system, the base unit for length is the meter (m). Kilometer (km), centimeter (cm), and decimeter (dm) are all derived units that are based on the meter. Therefore, the meter is the correct answer as it is the fundamental unit of length in the SI system.
Yang termasuk dalam besaran turunan adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Kecepatan
Kecepatan adalah salah satu besaran turunan karena dapat dihitung dengan membagi perpindahan suatu benda dengan waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencapai perpindahan tersebut. Kecepatan merupakan perubahan posisi benda dalam satuan waktu tertentu. Besaran turunan adalah besaran yang didapatkan dari kombinasi besaran dasar melalui operasi matematika seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian. Dalam hal ini, kecepatan diperoleh dari pembagian perpindahan dengan waktu, sehingga termasuk dalam besaran turunan.
Yang termasuk dalam satuan tidak baku adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Jengkal
Satuan tidak baku refers to non-standard units of measurement that are not commonly used or recognized internationally. "Jengkal" is a traditional Indonesian unit of measurement that is not part of the standard metric system. On the other hand, "Km" (kilometer), "m" (meter), and "cm" (centimeter) are all standard units of measurement in the metric system and are considered as standard or SI (International System of Units) units. Therefore, "Jengkal" is the correct answer as it is the only non-standard unit mentioned in the options.
Dibawah ini yang termasuk dalam sifat fisika adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Papan tulis berwarna putih
Papan tulis berwarna putih adalah contoh sifat fisika karena warna putih adalah sifat yang dapat diamati dan diukur secara objektif. Sifat fisika adalah sifat yang dapat diamati atau diukur tanpa mengubah substansi atau komposisi suatu benda. Dalam hal ini, warna putih papan tulis adalah sifat fisika karena dapat diamati secara visual.
Yang termasuk dalam perubahan fisika adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Es mencair
Perubahan fisika adalah perubahan yang terjadi pada benda tanpa mengubah komposisi atau sifat-sifat kimianya. Es mencair adalah contoh perubahan fisika karena es berubah menjadi air tanpa mengalami perubahan dalam komposisi atau sifat kimianya.
Perubahan air menjadi uap air disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Menguap
The correct answer is "menguap" because when water changes into vapor or steam, it is called evaporation or "menguap" in Indonesian. This process occurs when the water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the liquid phase and become a gas.
Satuan Suhu menurut SI adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Kelvin
The correct answer is Kelvin. Kelvin is the unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI). It is based on the absolute temperature scale, where 0 Kelvin represents absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature. The Kelvin scale is commonly used in scientific and engineering applications, especially in the fields of physics and chemistry. Unlike Celsius and Fahrenheit, which have arbitrary freezing and boiling points, the Kelvin scale is based on the fundamental properties of matter and provides a more precise and universal measurement of temperature.
Yang termasuk alat ukur waktu adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Stopwatch
A stopwatch is a device used to measure time accurately. It is commonly used in various activities such as sports, scientific experiments, and everyday timing purposes. Unlike other options listed, a stopwatch specifically focuses on measuring time and has features like start, stop, and reset buttons. A balance (neraca) is used to measure weight, a micrometer screw gauge (mikrometer sekrup) is used to measure small distances, and a meter (meteran) is used to measure length. Hence, a stopwatch is the only option that fits the category of a time measuring instrument.
Alat untuk mengukur massa benda adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Neraca
A neraca is a tool used to measure the mass of an object. It consists of a beam or bar with a pivot point, and two pans or trays suspended from the beam. The object whose mass is to be measured is placed on one pan, and standard weights are added to the other pan until the beam is balanced. The mass of the object can then be determined by summing up the weights on the other pan. Therefore, a neraca is the correct tool for measuring the mass of an object.
Besaran yang satuannya diturunkan dari besaran pokok disebut....
Correct Answer
besaran turunan
The given answer, "besaran turunan," is correct because it refers to quantities that are derived from fundamental quantities. In physics, there are seven fundamental quantities, such as length, time, and mass, from which all other quantities are derived. These derived quantities, also known as derived or derived units, are obtained by combining the fundamental units using mathematical operations. Therefore, "besaran turunan" accurately describes quantities that are derived from fundamental quantities.
Terjadinya hujan termasuk dalam perubahan...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "fisika" because rain is a natural phenomenon that can be explained by the principles and laws of physics. Physics is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. Rain is formed when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water droplets, which then fall to the ground due to the force of gravity. This process can be explained and understood using the principles of physics, such as the concepts of evaporation, condensation, and gravity.
Reaksi antara asam dan basa disebut reaksi...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "netralisasi" because it refers to the reaction between an acid and a base, resulting in the formation of a salt and water. This reaction involves the transfer of protons (H+) from the acid to the base, resulting in the neutralization of both substances. Netralisasi is a common chemical reaction used in various applications, such as in the production of medicines and in the pH regulation of solutions.
Larutan yang mempunyai pH>7 disebut larutan...
Correct Answer
Larutan yang memiliki pH>7 disebut larutan basa. Hal ini karena pH merupakan ukuran keasaman atau kebasaan suatu larutan, dengan rentang nilai 0-14. Jika pH larutan lebih besar dari 7, berarti larutan tersebut bersifat basa. Larutan basa memiliki konsentrasi ion hidrogen (H+) yang lebih rendah daripada konsentrasi ion hidroksida (OH-).
Indikator yang dibuat oleh pabrik disebut indikator...
Correct Answer
The Indonesian sentence states that the indicator made by the factory is called "buatan." This suggests that "buatan" is the correct answer, as it directly translates to "made" or "manufactured" in English.