Diantara istilah model, pendekatan, strategi, metode dan teknik pembelajaran, manakah yang mempunyai cakupan yang paling luas adalah
Correct Answer
A. Model pembelajaran
Model pembelajaran memiliki cakupan yang paling luas karena mencakup berbagai aspek dan elemen dalam proses pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran mengacu pada kerangka atau struktur yang digunakan untuk merancang dan mengatur aktivitas pembelajaran, termasuk pengaturan tujuan pembelajaran, metode pengajaran, strategi evaluasi, dan interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Dalam model pembelajaran, pendekatan, strategi, metode, dan teknik pembelajaran dapat digunakan sebagai komponen yang lebih spesifik dalam merancang pengalaman pembelajaran yang efektif.
Berikut ini yang merupakan contoh pendekatan pembelajaran, adalah
Correct Answer
C. Cara belajar Siswa Aktif
The given correct answer, "Cara belajar Siswa Aktif" (Active Student Learning), suggests that this approach involves students actively engaging in the learning process. It implies that students are not passive recipients of information but are actively involved in activities, discussions, and problem-solving tasks. This approach encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning, participate in group activities, and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems. It promotes a student-centered learning environment where students are actively involved in their own learning process.
Berikut yang merupakan pernyataan yang paling benar adalah
Correct Answer
B. Model pembelajaran dicirikan dengan adanya sintaks pembelajaran
The correct answer is "Model pembelajaran dicirikan dengan adanya sintaks pembelajaran" because it states that a model of learning is characterized by the presence of learning syntax. This implies that a learning model has a structured approach or framework that guides the teaching and learning process. The other options do not specifically mention the characteristics or elements of a learning model.
Pembelajaran matematika yang menekankan keterkaitan antara dunia nyata anak dengan materi yang diajarkan adalah
Correct Answer
D. Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CTL
Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) adalah pendekatan pembelajaran matematika yang menekankan keterkaitan antara dunia nyata anak dengan materi yang diajarkan. Pendekatan ini mengajarkan matematika melalui konteks yang relevan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga siswa dapat melihat relevansi dan kegunaan matematika dalam kehidupan nyata mereka.
Seorang guru matematika melaksanakan pembelajaran teorema Phytagoras dengan pendekatan CTL. Kegiatan pembelajaran berikut yang tepat adalah
Correct Answer
D. Guru menyiapkan alat dan bahan seperti kertas karton, gunting, penggaris, kemudian bersama-sama siswa dengan menggunakan lembar kerja siswa, guru membimbing menemukan teorema Phytagoras
The correct answer is: "Guru menyiapkan alat dan bahan seperti kertas karton, gunting, penggaris, kemudian bersama-sama siswa dengan menggunakan lembar kerja siswa, guru membimbing menemukan teorema Phytagoras."
This answer is correct because it describes a hands-on approach to learning the Pythagorean theorem. By providing students with materials like cardboard, scissors, and rulers, the teacher is encouraging them to actively engage in the learning process. The use of worksheets also allows for guided practice and exploration, which helps students understand and discover the Pythagorean theorem on their own.
Berikut yang merupakan tiga pilar dalam pendekatan CTL adalah
Correct Answer
A. (1) prinsip kesaling-bergantungan, (2) prinsip deferensiasi dan (3) prinsip pengorganisasian diri
The correct answer is (1) prinsip kesaling-bergantungan, (2) prinsip deferensiasi, and (3) prinsip pengorganisasian diri. These three principles are the pillars of the CTL approach. The principle of kesaling-bergantungan emphasizes the interconnectedness of knowledge and skills. The principle of deferensiasi emphasizes the differentiation of instruction to meet the needs of individual learners. The principle of pengorganisasian diri emphasizes the importance of self-regulation and self-organization in the learning process. Together, these principles form the foundation of the CTL approach, which promotes active and meaningful learning.
Berikut ini yang merupakan cirri dari suatu pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CTL adalah
Correct Answer
B. Kerja sama dan saling menunjang
Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CTL ditandai oleh kerja sama dan saling menunjang antara siswa. Dalam pendekatan ini, siswa aktif terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran dan bekerja sama dengan teman sebaya mereka. Mereka saling membantu dan mendukung satu sama lain dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Pendekatan CTL juga mengutamakan pengalaman nyata sebagai sumber belajar, bukan hanya berfokus pada penjelasan ekspositori dari guru.
Makna realistic dalam pembelajaran matematika realistik artinya adalah
Correct Answer
E. Sesuatu yang dapat dibayangkan dengan jelas oleh siswa
The correct answer is "Sesuatu yang dapat dibayangkan dengan jelas oleh siswa." This means that in realistic mathematics learning, the concepts and problems presented should be something that students can clearly imagine or visualize in their minds. It implies that the learning materials and activities should be designed in a way that allows students to form mental images and understand the concepts easily. This ensures that students can connect the mathematical ideas with real-life situations and make sense of them.
Suatu proses pembentukan konsep matematika dengan pentransformasian masalah dunia real ke masalah matematik disebut dengan
Correct Answer
D. Matematisasi horizontal
The correct answer is "Matematisasi horizontal". This term refers to the process of transforming real-world problems into mathematical problems. It involves identifying the mathematical concepts and principles that can be applied to solve the problem. By using mathematical reasoning and techniques, the problem can be solved in a mathematical context. This process helps in developing mathematical concepts and understanding how mathematics can be applied to real-life situations.
Tidak semua topic matematika akan tepat menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung. Contoh materi matematika yang tepat digunakan model pembelajaran langsung adalah
Correct Answer
A. Penyelesaian system persamaan linier
The topic "Penyelesaian system persamaan linier" is suitable for direct instruction because it involves solving a specific type of mathematical problem. Direct instruction is an effective approach for teaching problem-solving techniques and procedures, which is necessary for solving system of linear equations. This method allows the teacher to provide step-by-step guidance and explanations to help students understand and apply the necessary mathematical concepts and techniques.
Kegiatan pembelajaran di bawah ini yang paling tepat dengan model pembelajaran langsung adalah
Correct Answer
B. Pada awal pembelajaran guru menjelaskan materi, kemudian siswa diberikan latihan soal
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the direct instruction model involves the teacher providing explicit explanations and demonstrations of the content, followed by guided practice or exercises for the students to apply their learning. In this scenario, the teacher starts the lesson by explaining the material, which aligns with the direct instruction model. Then, the students are given exercises to practice and apply their understanding, which further supports the direct instruction approach.
Pendapat seorang ahli asal Rusia, yaitu Vygotsky mendefinisikan suatu teori perkembangan yang kemudian dikenal dengan Zone Proximum Development (ZPD). Berdasarkan teori tersebut, pernyataan berikut yang tepat adalah………….
Correct Answer
D. Kemampuan setiap individu dapat ditingkatkan sampai pada kemampuan potensialnya
Vygotsky's theory of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) suggests that individuals have the potential to improve their abilities until they reach their full potential. This means that every individual has a certain level of potential that can be developed through appropriate guidance and support. The correct answer reflects this idea by stating that the ability of each individual can be enhanced until their potential is reached. This aligns with Vygotsky's belief that learning and development are influenced by social interaction and the support provided by more knowledgeable individuals.
Dalam suatu pembelajaran membutuhkan suatu kegiatan seperti mengelaborasi. Salah satu cara mengelaborasi adalah dengan menjelaskan pengetahuannya kepada orang lain. Kegiatan mengelaborasi tersebut merupakan dasar teori dari
Correct Answer
C. Pembelajaran kooperatif
The correct answer is "Pembelajaran kooperatif" because one of the ways to elaborate on knowledge is by explaining it to others, which is a fundamental principle of cooperative learning. In cooperative learning, students work together in small groups to achieve a common goal, where each member of the group is responsible for their own learning and the learning of others. This approach encourages active participation, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas and knowledge among students.
Seorang guru matematika sekolah tertentu selalu menggunakan metode ceramah atau metode tradisional dalam pembelajaran. Kemudian guru tersebut berkeinginan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya. Tipe pembelajaran kooperatif yang tepat yang digunakan guru tersebut adalah…………..
Correct Answer
A. Tipe STAD
The correct answer is Tipe STAD. This is because STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) is a cooperative learning model that involves students working in small teams, where each team member has a specific role and responsibility. This model promotes active student engagement, collaboration, and accountability, which aligns with the teacher's desire to use cooperative learning methods.
Guru matematika akan membelajarkan materi volume bola. Guru tersebut menginginkan agar siswanya dapat bereksplorasi untuk mendapatkan rumus volume bola. Untuk keperluan tersebut menyiapkan bahan dan alat seperti karton, pasir atau beras, cuter, jangka, penggaris, dll. Dari gambaran tersebut tipe pembelajaran kooperatif apa yang tepat untuk keperluan tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
E. Tipe GI
The correct answer is Tipe GI. Tipe GI (Group Investigation) is a cooperative learning method where students work in small groups to investigate a specific topic or problem. In this case, the students will work together to explore and discover the formula for the volume of a sphere using materials and tools provided by the teacher. This method encourages active participation, collaboration, and problem-solving skills among students.
Pada setiap tipe dari model pembelajaran kooperatif adalah rokognisi tim atau penghargaan kelompok. Langkah rekognisi tim tersebut berkaitan dengan unsur-unsur dari model pembelajaran kooperatif yang berupa……..
Correct Answer
A. Saling ketergantungan positif dan akuntabilitas individu
The correct answer is "Saling ketergantungan positif dan akuntabilitas individu" because recognition of the team and group appreciation are elements of cooperative learning models. Positive interdependence and individual accountability are essential components of cooperative learning, where students work together towards a common goal and are individually responsible for their contributions to the group's success. This fosters teamwork, social skills, face-to-face interaction, self-actualization, and interpersonal relationship skills.
Tipe STAD dan TGT dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif hamper sama. Perbedaannya terletak pada……….
Correct Answer
C. Kegiatan kuis
The difference between Tipe STAD and TGT in cooperative learning models lies in the activity of quizzes. In STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions), quizzes are conducted individually, where each student takes the quiz independently. In TGT (Teams-Games-Tournaments), quizzes are conducted in teams, where students work together in teams to answer the quiz questions. Therefore, the main difference between STAD and TGT is the way quizzes are conducted, either individually or in teams.
Perbedaan tipe STAD dan TGT adalah, adanya game atau tournament pada tipe TGT. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, fungsi game atau tournament dari model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT adalah………..
Correct Answer
B. Sebagai pengganti kuis individu
The game or tournament in the TGT cooperative learning model serves as a replacement for individual quizzes. This means that instead of assessing individual knowledge through quizzes, the TGT model incorporates a game or tournament element to assess understanding and learning. This approach promotes collaboration and teamwork among students while still evaluating their understanding of the material.
Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI mempunyai keunggulan dibanding tipe-tipe lain dari model pembelajaran kooperatif. Keunggulan tersebut antara lain………..
Correct Answer
C. Dapat mengatasi permasalahan pembelajaran individual
The given correct answer states that the TAI cooperative learning model can overcome individual learning problems. This implies that the TAI model is effective in addressing the specific needs and challenges faced by students who struggle with individual learning. It suggests that the TAI model promotes a collaborative and supportive learning environment where students can receive assistance and guidance to overcome their individual learning difficulties.
Dalam model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, hal yang cukup penting adalah mendisain masalah. Untuk itu perlu membuat masalah sesuai dengan syarat-syarat masalah yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Berikut yang merupakan syarat-syarat masalah yang digunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, antara lain adalah
Correct Answer
B. Masalah harus autentik dan menantang
The answer states that one of the requirements for designing a problem in problem-based learning is that it should be authentic and challenging. This means that the problem should reflect real-world situations and require students to think critically and apply their knowledge and skills to solve it. By presenting authentic and challenging problems, students are more likely to be engaged and motivated in the learning process, as they can see the relevance and importance of the problem in their lives. Additionally, these types of problems can help develop higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving abilities in students.
Siswa dalam mempelajari suatu konsep matematika melalui tiga tahap belajar, yaitu enaktif, ekonik, dan simbolik. Tahapan belajar ekonik adalah tahap belajar dengan……..
Correct Answer
D. Menggunakan gambar
The correct answer is "Menggunakan gambar". This is because the question states that the learning stage being referred to is "tahap belajar ekonik", which translates to "iconic learning stage". In this stage, students learn through visual representations such as pictures or diagrams. Therefore, the correct answer is "Menggunakan gambar", which means "using pictures" in English.
Jenis benda di bawah ini tergolong perangkat lunak
Correct Answer
The correct answer is LCD because LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, which is a type of hardware device used to visually display information. It is not a physical object or a software program, but rather a display technology.
Ciri khas diagram adalah
Correct Answer
A. Menunjukkan hubungan antara dua benda
The correct answer is "Menunjukkan hubungan antara dua benda." This is because a diagram is typically used to illustrate the relationship between two objects or concepts. It visually represents how one thing is connected or related to another.
Untuk menggambarkan perbandingan antara bagian-bagian yang menunjukkan prosentase, lebih tepat digunakan grafik:
Correct Answer
D. Lingkaran
A lingkaran or circle graph is the most suitable option for representing percentages because it allows for a clear visual representation of the proportions of different parts. The circular shape allows for easy comparison between the different parts as each part's size is directly proportional to its percentage. This type of graph is commonly used to display data related to percentages or proportions in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand manner.
Realita adalah:
Correct Answer
C. Benda yang sebenarnya
The correct answer is "Benda yang sebenarnya". Realita refers to something that is real or actual, in contrast to something that is fake or imaginary. Therefore, "benda yang sebenarnya" accurately describes the concept of reality as something that exists in the physical world.
Slide merupakan gambar yang cirinya adalah:
Correct Answer
B. Bersifat individual
Slide merupakan gambar yang bersifat individual, artinya setiap slide memiliki karakteristik dan konten yang berbeda. Slide tidak dipantulkan di layar, sehingga tidak memerlukan alat bantu seperti proyektor atau layar. Slide juga dapat menunjukkan gerakan, seperti animasi atau perubahan visual yang terjadi saat presentasi. Selain itu, slide biasanya terbuat dari kertas karton atau bahan lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan informasi atau gambar secara visual.
Berikut ini pengelompokkan jenis-jenis media oleh Bretz, kecuali
Correct Answer
A. Multimedia
The given options are different types of media categorized by Bretz. The options include media motion - visual, media audio, media still - visual, and media cetak. These are all different forms of media that involve visual or audio elements. However, the option "Multimedia" does not fit into any specific category mentioned in the list. Therefore, it is the exception or the type that is not included in Bretz's classification of media types.
Pengelompokkan jenis-jenis media oleh Schram didasarkan pada
Correct Answer
E. Jumlah audiens
Schram's classification of media is based on the number of audiences. This means that Schram categorizes different types of media based on the size or reach of their audience. This classification could be useful in understanding the impact and influence of different media platforms, as those with a larger audience may have a greater ability to disseminate information or shape public opinion. It also highlights the importance of considering the size and composition of the audience when designing and targeting media messages.
Media yang memiliki fungsi utama untuk menurunkan keabstrakan konsep sering disebut……..
Correct Answer
C. Alat Peraga
Media yang memiliki fungsi utama untuk menurunkan keabstrakan konsep adalah alat peraga. Alat peraga digunakan untuk memvisualisasikan konsep atau ide yang abstrak menjadi lebih konkret dan mudah dipahami oleh audiens. Dengan menggunakan alat peraga, informasi yang kompleks dapat disajikan secara lebih sederhana dan jelas.
Berikut ini merupakan kelemahan media cetak adalah
Correct Answer
D. Cenderung membosankan
Media cetak memiliki kelemahan cenderung membosankan karena tidak memiliki fitur interaktif seperti media digital. Media cetak hanya menyajikan informasi secara statis tanpa adanya animasi, video, atau suara yang dapat membuat pembaca terlibat secara aktif. Selain itu, pembaca juga tidak dapat langsung memberikan tanggapan atau komentar pada media cetak seperti halnya pada media digital. Karena itu, beberapa orang mungkin merasa bosan atau kurang tertarik saat membaca media cetak.
Berikut ini merupakan factor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan media pembelajaran, kecuali
Correct Answer
D. Karakteristik Siswa
The factors that need to be considered in selecting instructional media include motivation of students, teacher's ability, intelligence level of students, and characteristics of students. However, the status of the school is not a factor that needs to be considered in selecting instructional media.
Prinsip kesederhanaan dalam pembuatan media adalah
Correct Answer
B. Mudah dipahami
The principle of simplicity in media production means that the media should be easy to understand. This means that the content should be clear, concise, and straightforward, without any unnecessary complexity or confusion. By making the media easy to understand, it will be more accessible to a wider audience and will be able to effectively convey its intended message or information.
Keseimbangan informal dalam pembuatan media ditunjukkan dengan bentuk :
Correct Answer
C. Dinamis dan diagonal
The correct answer is "Dinamis dan diagonal". This suggests that informal balance in media creation is shown through dynamic and diagonal forms. This means that the elements in the media are arranged in a way that creates a sense of movement and energy, and the placement of these elements follows diagonal lines rather than being monotonous or symmetrical. This creates a visually interesting and engaging composition.
Menurut model ASSURE, sebelum memilih media, guru perlu
Correct Answer
B. Mengidentifikasi keadaan awal siswa
According to the ASSURE model, before selecting media, teachers need to identify the initial condition of the students. This is important because it helps the teacher understand the students' prior knowledge, skills, and abilities. By knowing the students' initial condition, the teacher can choose appropriate media that aligns with their current level of understanding and effectively engage them in the learning process.
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan guru dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran untuk mempertinggi kualitas pembelajaran adalah
Correct Answer
A. Guru perlu memiliki pemahaman terhadap media pembelajaran
The answer is correct because having an understanding of media pembelajaran is essential for teachers to effectively use it in the classroom. By understanding the different types of media available and their potential uses, teachers can select and utilize the most appropriate media for their teaching objectives. This understanding also allows teachers to effectively guide students in creating simple media pembelajaran tasks and assess their learning outcomes when using media in their studies. Additionally, teachers who understand media pembelajaran can develop and expand their own media resources for research activities.
Tes yang baik harus memenuhi dua persyaratan, yaitu…….
Correct Answer
C. Valid dan reliabel
A good test should meet two requirements, which are being valid and reliable. Validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure. In other words, a test is valid if it accurately assesses the specific knowledge or skills it is designed to evaluate. Reliability, on the other hand, refers to the consistency and stability of the test results. A reliable test produces consistent scores when administered to the same group of individuals under similar conditions. Therefore, the answer "valid dan reliabel" accurately describes the two essential criteria for a good test.
Melakukan analisis butir soal berarti melakukan analisis mengenai……….
Correct Answer
D. Tingkat kesukaran dan daya pembeda
The correct answer is "Tingkat kesukaran dan daya pembeda." This is because when analyzing test items, it is important to assess the difficulty level (tingkat kesukaran) of the items as well as their ability to differentiate between high and low performing students (daya pembeda). These two factors are crucial in evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the test items. Validitas (validity) and reliabilitas (reliability) are also important considerations in test item analysis, but they are not mentioned in the given answer options.
Berikut ini adalah keunggulan tes uraian, kecuali………….
Correct Answer
A. Dapat menguji bahan yang luas
The given correct answer is "Dapat menguji bahan yang luas" (Able to test a wide range of materials). This is because the other options mentioned in the question, such as requiring organization of answers, showcasing the thought process of the test taker, and being able to differentiate the abilities of each student, are all advantages of essay tests. However, being able to test a wide range of materials is not a specific advantage of essay tests, as they can also be used to test specific knowledge or skills.
Berikut ini adalah kelemahan tes pilihan ganda, kecuali…………..
Correct Answer
E. Reliabilitasnya rendah
The given answer states that the weakness of multiple-choice tests is that their reliability is low. This means that the test may not consistently measure the intended construct or skill. Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of test scores, and a low reliability indicates that the test may produce inconsistent or unreliable results. This can be due to various factors such as ambiguity in the questions, guessing by test-takers, or inadequate test design.
Berikut ini adalah kelemahan tes pilihan ganda, kecuali…………..
Correct Answer
E. Reliabilitasnya rendah
The given answer states that the weakness of multiple-choice tests is low reliability. This means that the test may not consistently measure the same thing over time or among different test-takers. This can be due to various factors such as poorly constructed questions, guessing by test-takers, or the limited scope of the test. Low reliability indicates that the test results may not accurately reflect the true abilities or knowledge of the students.