Sebagai bangsa yang berkepribadian Pancasila, dalam menyikapi arus globalisasi, bangsa Indonesia harus menerima dengan ....
Correct Answer
B. Terbuka dan selektif
As a nation with the Pancasila ideology, Indonesia should accept the process of globalization with openness and selectivity. This means that Indonesia should be open to the opportunities and benefits that come with globalization, but at the same time, it should also be selective in choosing which aspects of globalization align with its national interests and values. This approach allows Indonesia to engage with the global community while also protecting its own cultural identity and sovereignty.
Ancaman globalisasi ekonomi terhadap negara miskin akan muncul dalam bentuk ....
Correct Answer
C. Terwujudnya ketidakadilan dalam bidang sosial ekonomi
Globalization poses a threat to poor countries in the form of social and economic injustice. As economies become more interconnected, there is a risk that wealth and resources will be concentrated in the hands of a few, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. This can lead to social unrest and economic instability within these countries, exacerbating poverty and inequality. Therefore, the emergence of social and economic injustice is a valid explanation for the impact of economic globalization on poor nations.
Peristiwa berikutnya yang bukan merupakan dampak globalisasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Membuat dodol khas Jawa Timur
The correct answer is "membuat dodol khas Jawa Timur". This is because making dodol, a traditional Javanese sweet treat, is a local cultural practice and not directly influenced by globalization. The other options, such as searching for learning materials online, eating at KFC, and online shopping, are all examples of how globalization has impacted daily life by providing access to information, international cuisine, and online shopping platforms.
Berikut yang bukan penyebab keberagaman ekonomi di Indonesia adalah ..
Correct Answer
A. Agama
Agama bukan penyebab keberagaman ekonomi di Indonesia karena agama tidak secara langsung mempengaruhi faktor-faktor ekonomi seperti sumber daya alam, kondisi sosial, dan budaya. Keberagaman ekonomi di Indonesia lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti geografis, struktur sosial, dan kebijakan pemerintah. Meskipun agama dapat mempengaruhi nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang memengaruhi perilaku ekonomi individu, namun tidak secara langsung menjadi penyebab keberagaman ekonomi di Indonesia.
Cara yang dapat kita lakukan sebagai bagian dari bangsa Indonesia untuk dilakukan dan melestarikan nilai-nilai luhur adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Menggunakan dan melestarikan bahasa daerah
Using and preserving local languages is a way for us as Indonesians to contribute to and uphold noble values. Local languages are an important part of our cultural heritage and identity. By using and preserving them, we can maintain our connection to our roots, promote diversity, and foster a sense of pride in our own cultural heritage. Additionally, using local languages can help to bridge generational gaps and preserve traditional knowledge and wisdom that may be lost if not passed down through language.
Salah satu dampak positif dari globalisasi adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Semangat kerja tinggi
Globalisasi membawa dampak positif berupa semangat kerja tinggi. Dengan adanya globalisasi, perusahaan dapat mengakses pasar global yang lebih luas, meningkatkan persaingan, dan mendorong inovasi. Hal ini mendorong individu dan organisasi untuk bekerja lebih keras, menciptakan peluang kerja baru, dan meningkatkan produktivitas. Semangat kerja tinggi juga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan pembangunan negara secara keseluruhan.
Berikut ini termasuk contoh kata baku yang benar adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Risiko, hanya, jatuh
The correct answer is "risiko, hanya, jatuh". In the Indonesian language, the correct spelling for the word "risiko" is "risiko" and not "resiko". Similarly, the correct spelling for the word "hanya" is "hanya" and not "cuman". Therefore, the correct answer is the first option.
Teks yang menjelaskan tentang proses terjadinya atau terbentuknya suatu fenomena alam atau sosial disebut
Correct Answer
A. Teks eksplanasi
An explanation is a type of text that provides information about the process or formation of a natural or social phenomenon. It aims to clarify and make the phenomenon understandable to the readers. This type of text typically presents facts, causes and effects, and logical reasoning to explain how or why something occurs. It is different from other types of texts such as exposition, description, or narration, as it focuses on providing a detailed explanation rather than presenting a story, describing something, or discussing a topic.
Bagian akhir/penutup dari sebuah teks eskplanasi disebut sebagai ....
Correct Answer
A. Interpretasi
The correct answer is "Interpretasi". In a text explanation, the closing or final part is referred to as "interpretation". This is where the author provides their understanding or analysis of the information presented in the text. It is the section where the author makes connections, draws conclusions, and offers their perspective on the topic discussed.
Membaca dengan tidak membaca keseluruhan isi teks, melainkan hanya dicari informasi yang diperlukan disebut membaca ....
Correct Answer
A. Memindai
The correct answer is "memindai". This is because the question states that reading is done by searching for specific information rather than reading the entire text. The word "memindai" means scanning or skimming, which accurately describes the act of quickly searching for relevant information without reading everything in detail.
Para penduduk semua sangat khawatir akan masa depan mereka sekalian.
Kalimat tersebut jika diperbaiki menjadi ....
Correct Answer
B. Penduduk sangat mengkhawatirkan masa depan mereka.
The correct answer is "Penduduk sangat mengkhawatirkan masa depan mereka." This is the most accurate and concise sentence that conveys the same meaning as the original sentence. It removes the unnecessary repetition of "semua" and "sekalian" while maintaining the focus on the residents' worry about their future.
Latar belakang negara-negara kawasan Asia Tenggara membentuk ASEAN adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Memiliki nasib yang sama yakni dijajah
The correct answer is "memiliki nasib yang sama yakni dijajah." This is because the formation of ASEAN was influenced by the shared experience of being colonized by foreign powers. The countries in Southeast Asia came together to promote regional cooperation and unity, aiming to prevent future colonization and promote their own interests collectively.
Contoh kerja sama ASEAN di bidang ekonomi adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Mendirikan pabrik bersama
ASEAN has been known for its efforts to enhance economic cooperation among its member countries. One of the examples of this cooperation is the establishment of joint factories or manufacturing plants. This initiative allows member countries to collaborate and invest together in setting up production facilities, which can lead to increased trade and economic growth within the region. By sharing resources, knowledge, and technology, ASEAN countries can benefit from economies of scale and improve their competitiveness in the global market. Therefore, "mendirikan pabrik bersama" (establishing joint factories) is a suitable answer to the question.
Pembentukan AFTA merupakan kerja sama negara-negara ASEAN dalam bidang....
Correct Answer
A. Ekonomi
The correct answer is ekonomi because the formation of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) is a collaboration between ASEAN countries in the economic field. AFTA aims to promote economic integration and free trade among ASEAN member states by reducing trade barriers and tariffs. This initiative focuses on enhancing economic cooperation, promoting investment, and facilitating the movement of goods, services, and skilled labor within the region.
Tujuan adanya kerja sama di bidang politik di antara negara-negara ASEAN adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Membuat kebebasan di kawasan asia tenggara
The correct answer is "Membuat kebebasan di kawasan Asia Tenggara" because the purpose of political cooperation among ASEAN countries is to promote and maintain peace, stability, and freedom in the Southeast Asian region. By working together, the member states aim to establish a unified and independent region that is not influenced by external powers. This cooperation includes respecting each other's sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, and promoting democratic principles and human rights.
Kerjasama diantara dua negara disebut juga dengan
Correct Answer
A. Bilateral
Bilateral cooperation refers to collaboration between two countries. This term is commonly used to describe agreements, treaties, or partnerships that involve only two nations. It is different from multilateral cooperation, which involves multiple countries, and regional cooperation, which focuses on collaboration within a specific geographical region. Bilingual, on the other hand, refers to the ability to speak two languages. Therefore, the correct answer for the given question is bilateral, as it specifically refers to cooperation between two countries.
Bekerja sama di satu kawasan yang sama diantara berbagai negara disebut kerja sama ....
Correct Answer
A. Multirateral
The correct answer is multilateral. Multilateral cooperation refers to collaboration among multiple countries in the same region or area. It involves the participation and contribution of several nations to achieve common goals or address shared challenges. This type of cooperation often involves negotiations, agreements, and joint actions that benefit all participating countries.
Oleh karena mempengaruhi globalisasi, setiap orang harus meninggalkan kebiasaan lama yang dapat menghambat kemajuan, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Pasrah pada nasib
Due to the influence of globalization, individuals are required to abandon old habits that can hinder progress. The phrase "pasrah pada nasib" translates to "resigning to fate" or "accepting one's fate." This suggests that individuals should not simply submit to their circumstances, but rather take proactive steps to adapt and improve. It implies the importance of being proactive and taking control of one's own destiny, rather than passively accepting whatever comes their way.
Penggunaan peralatan listrik harus hati-hati. Penggunaan kabel yang sudah mengelupas dan sakelar yang telah rusak dapat menyebabkan ...
Correct Answer
A. Korsleting listrik
The correct answer is "korsleting listrik" because the sentence mentions the use of electrical equipment and warns about the dangers of using cables that have peeled off and switches that are damaged. This indicates that the consequence of using such equipment could be an electrical short circuit.
Berikut contoh pemanfaatan energi alternatif adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Memasak dengan tungku kayu
The correct answer is "memasak dengan tungku kayu". This is because cooking with a wood stove is an example of utilizing alternative energy. Instead of relying on fossil fuels like gas or electricity, a wood stove uses renewable resources such as wood as fuel. This reduces the dependence on non-renewable energy sources and helps in minimizing environmental impact.
(1) Air terjun (4) Sinar matahari
(2) Angin (5) Batu bara
(3) Minyak bumi
Sumber energi yang merupakan energi alternatif adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 1, 2, 4
The correct answer includes options 1, 2, and 4. These options represent air terjun (waterfall), angin (wind), and sinar matahari (sunlight). These are all alternative sources of energy that can be harnessed and used as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Option 3, minyak bumi (petroleum), is not included in the correct answer as it is a non-renewable resource and not considered an alternative source of energy. Option 5, batu bara (coal), is also not included in the correct answer as it is a fossil fuel and not considered an alternative source of energy.
Menghemat energi berarti kita juga ....
Correct Answer
A. Menghemat biaya
Menghemat energi berarti kita juga menghemat biaya. When we save energy, we reduce the amount of energy used, which in turn reduces our energy bills. By being conscious of our energy consumption and implementing energy-saving measures, we can lower our overall expenses related to energy usage.
Berikut ini termasuk salah satu cara menghemat listrik adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Membuka jendela saat cuaca panas
Membuka jendela saat cuaca panas adalah salah satu cara menghemat listrik karena dengan membuka jendela, udara segar dari luar dapat masuk ke dalam ruangan dan mengurangi kebutuhan penggunaan AC atau kipas angin. Hal ini dapat mengurangi penggunaan listrik dan menghemat energi.
Seni yang digunakan untuk mempromosikan produk barang/jasa disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Reklame
The correct answer is "reklame". Reklame is the term used to describe the art of promoting products or services through various forms of advertisement. It can include advertising through print media, television, radio, or online platforms. Reklame plays a crucial role in creating awareness and generating interest in a particular product or service among the target audience. It involves strategic planning, creative design, and effective communication to effectively convey the message and persuade consumers to make a purchase.
Reklame yang digunakan untuk menawarkan barang dagangan termasuk kategori reklame ....
Correct Answer
B. Komersial
The correct answer is "komersial" because it refers to advertising that is used to promote and sell products or services. This type of advertising is commonly seen in various forms such as commercials, billboards, and online ads. It aims to persuade consumers to purchase the advertised products or services by highlighting their benefits and appealing to their desires and needs.
Poster yang berisi ajakan untuk melakukan hal yang lebih baik kepada masyarakat dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Layanan masyarakat
The correct answer is "layanan masyarakat". This is because a poster that encourages people to do better for the community is typically associated with public service announcements or campaigns. The term "layanan masyarakat" directly translates to "public service" in English, which aligns with the purpose of the poster.
Suatu media yang disebar oleh perusahaan atau organisasi tertentu untuk menawarkan suatu produk, layanan, atau program kepada masyarakat adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Brosur
Brosur adalah suatu media yang digunakan oleh perusahaan atau organisasi untuk menyebarkan informasi tentang produk, layanan, atau program kepada masyarakat. Brosur biasanya berisi gambar, deskripsi, dan detail lainnya yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan menawarkan kepada calon konsumen. Dalam konteks ini, brosur merupakan pilihan yang paling tepat karena koran, majalah, dan poster tidak secara khusus disebutkan sebagai media yang digunakan untuk menawarkan produk, layanan, atau program kepada masyarakat.
Jaga Bumi Kita Tetap Hijau
Kalimat di atas digunakan untuk poster dengan tema ....
Correct Answer
C. Lingkungan
The phrase "Jaga Bumi Kita Tetap Hijau" translates to "Keep Our Earth Green" in English, indicating that the poster is related to the environment. The use of the word "hijau" (green) suggests that the theme of the poster is about promoting environmental awareness and conservation. Therefore, the correct answer is "lingkungan" (environment).
Secara bahasa reklame diartikan sebagai ....
Correct Answer
B. Teriakan dan ajakan
The correct answer is "teriakan dan ajakan". Reklame is a term that refers to advertising or promotional messages. "Teriakan" means shouts or loud voices, while "ajakan" means invitations or calls to action. Therefore, the combination of "teriakan dan ajakan" accurately describes the nature of advertising, which involves using loud voices or attention-grabbing techniques to persuade or invite people to take action.
Jenis reklame singkat yang bertujuan mempromosikan barang atau jasa dalam bentuk visual disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Baliho
A short advertising medium that aims to promote goods or services in visual form is called a "baliho" or billboard. Baliho is a large outdoor advertising structure typically found in high-traffic areas such as highways, intersections, or busy streets. It is designed to quickly grab the attention of passersby and convey the promotional message effectively through visual elements such as images, graphics, and text. Baliho is an effective way to reach a wide audience and create brand awareness.
Blender mengubah energi listrik menjadi energi ......
Correct Answer
Blender mengubah energi listrik menjadi energi gerak.
Perusahaan yang menangani listrik negara adalah ......
Correct Answer
pln, PLN
The correct answer is "pln, PLN" because PLN is the acronym for Perusahaan Listrik Negara, which is the state-owned electricity company in Indonesia. Therefore, PLN is the correct answer for the company that handles electricity in the country. Additionally, "pln" is also accepted as a correct answer because it is the lowercase version of the acronym.
Arus listrik dapat mengalir pada rangkaian .............
Correct Answer
Arus listrik dapat mengalir pada rangkaian terbuka, yang berarti bahwa tidak ada sirkuit tertutup yang menghalangi aliran arus listrik. Dalam rangkaian terbuka, tidak ada beban yang terhubung sehingga arus listrik tidak memiliki jalur untuk mengalir. Sebagai hasilnya, tidak ada aliran listrik yang terjadi dalam rangkaian terbuka.
Poster yang berisi penyuluhan belajar 12 tahun dinamakan jenis poster bidang .....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "pendidikan" because the question asks for the type of poster that contains information about a 12-year learning program. Since the information provided in the question is related to education and learning, the most appropriate type of poster would be one related to education.
Poster yang berisi tentang ajakan berpolitik menjelang PEMILU merupakan poster untuk ,...............
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "kampanye." The question states that the poster is about encouraging people to engage in politics before the election (PEMILU). This aligns with the purpose of a campaign poster, which is to promote a particular cause or candidate during an election campaign. Therefore, the poster can be categorized as a campaign poster.
Handphone merupakan bentuk globalisasi di bidang teknologi ................
Correct Answer
Handphone merupakan bentuk globalisasi di bidang teknologi karena handphone telah menghubungkan orang-orang dari berbagai belahan dunia melalui akses informasi yang cepat dan mudah. Dengan adanya handphone, orang dapat mengakses berbagai informasi seperti berita, pengetahuan, dan konten digital lainnya dari seluruh dunia hanya dengan beberapa sentuhan jari. Hal ini telah mengubah cara orang berkomunikasi dan mendapatkan informasi, sehingga membantu dalam memperluas wawasan dan mempercepat pertukaran informasi di seluruh dunia.
Negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang belum tergabung dalam ASEAN adalah ....
Correct Answer
timor leste, timur leste
Timor Leste (atau Timur Leste) adalah negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang belum tergabung dalam ASEAN. ASEAN adalah sebuah organisasi politik dan ekonomi yang terdiri dari 10 negara anggota, termasuk negara-negara di Asia Tenggara seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, dan lain-lain. Namun, Timor Leste belum menjadi anggota ASEAN.
Tidak ada batas antara negara satu dengan lainnya adalah pengertian dari .........
Correct Answer
Globalisasi adalah pengertian bahwa tidak ada batas antara negara satu dengan negara lainnya. Ini mengacu pada proses integrasi dan interaksi antara negara-negara di seluruh dunia dalam bidang ekonomi, politik, budaya, dan sosial. Globalisasi melibatkan pertukaran barang, jasa, ide, dan informasi secara bebas di antara negara-negara, tanpa adanya hambatan fisik atau politik yang signifikan. Hal ini memungkinkan arus modal, tenaga kerja, dan teknologi untuk bergerak dengan bebas di seluruh dunia, menciptakan hubungan yang lebih erat antara negara-negara dan menghapuskan batas-batas geografis.
EYD adalah singkatan dari Ejaan yang .............
Correct Answer
disempurnakan, di sempurnakan
The correct answer is "disempurnakan, di sempurnakan". This is because "EYD" stands for "Ejaan yang Disempurnakan", which translates to "Improved Spelling" in English. The phrase "di sempurnakan" means "to be perfected" or "to be improved", indicating that the spelling has been enhanced. Therefore, the correct answer reflects the meaning and context of the acronym "EYD".
Ide utama dari sebuah paragraf disebut dengan ............
Correct Answer
ide pokok, kalimat pokok
The main idea of a paragraph is called the "ide pokok" or "kalimat pokok" in Indonesian. This refers to the central theme or message that the paragraph is trying to convey. It is the most important point that the author wants to communicate to the reader.