Jaringan penutup permukaan luar dan dalam tubuh ialah ...
Correct Answer
D. Jaringan epitilium
The correct answer is "Jaringan epitilium." Epithelial tissue covers the outer and inner surfaces of the body. It forms the lining of organs, blood vessels, and body cavities. Epithelial tissue serves as a protective barrier, regulates the exchange of substances, and helps in absorption and secretion. It is found in various forms such as squamous, cuboidal, and columnar, depending on its location and function.
Endotelium adalah jaringan epitelium yang melapisi permukaan dalam ...
Correct Answer
A. Kapiler darah, pembuluh limfa, dan jantung
The correct answer is Kapiler darah, pembuluh limfa, dan jantung. Endothelium is the epithelial tissue that lines the inner surface of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and the heart. It is responsible for maintaining the integrity and function of these structures, including regulating the exchange of substances between the blood and surrounding tissues.
Organ berikut yang dilapisi oleh mesotelium ialah ...
Correct Answer
B. Perikardium, pleura, dan peritonium
The correct answer is "Perikardium, pleura, dan peritonium". These are the three major serous membranes that line different body cavities. The pericardium is the serous membrane that surrounds and protects the heart. The pleura is the serous membrane that surrounds the lungs. The peritoneum is the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. These membranes are made up of a layer of mesothelial cells, which secrete a serous fluid that helps reduce friction between organs and allows them to move smoothly.
Endotelium dan mesotelium berasal dari perkembangan lapisan ...
Correct Answer
B. Mesoderma
Endotelium dan mesotelium berasal dari perkembangan lapisan mesoderma.
Proses pengeluaran dan pemasukan zat dari dalam dan luar tubuh terjadi melalui jaringan ...
Correct Answer
D. Epitelium
Epithelium is the correct answer because it is a type of tissue that covers the internal and external surfaces of the body, including the skin. Epithelial tissue is responsible for the exchange of substances between the body and its environment, as well as the absorption and secretion of various substances. It acts as a protective barrier and helps in the regulation of substances entering and leaving the body.
Fungsi jaringan epitelium yang sesuai dengan strukturnya yang rapat hampir tanpa ruang antarsel ialah ...
Correct Answer
C. Melindungi jaringan dibawahnya
Epithelial tissue functions to protect the underlying tissues. Its tight and compact structure allows it to form a barrier that prevents the entry of harmful substances and microorganisms into the underlying tissues. Additionally, epithelial tissue also helps in preventing the loss of moisture and nutrients from the underlying tissues. Therefore, the function of protecting the tissue underneath is the most suitable for the given description of the epithelial tissue.
Pembuluh darah dilapisi oleh jaringan epitelium...
Correct Answer
A. Pipih selapis
The correct answer is "Pipih selapis". This means that the blood vessels are lined with a single layer of flat cells. This type of epithelial tissue is important for allowing efficient exchange of gases and nutrients between the blood and surrounding tissues. The flat shape of the cells also helps to reduce resistance to blood flow.
Trakea dilapisi oleh jaringan epitelium ...
Correct Answer
D. Silindris berlapis semu bersilia
The correct answer is "Silindris berlapis semu bersilia." This is because the trachea is lined with a pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. Pseudostratified means that the cells appear to be layered, but they are actually all attached to the basement membrane. Columnar refers to the shape of the cells, which are tall and cylindrical. Ciliated means that the cells have small hair-like projections called cilia on their surface. This type of epithelium helps to trap and move mucus and foreign particles out of the respiratory tract.
Epitelium pipih berlapis melapisi organ berikut ini, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
D. Uterus
Epithelium pipih berlapis melapisi rongga mulut, esofagus, dan saluran anus. Namun, uterus tidak dilapisi oleh jenis epitelium ini. Uterus terdiri dari lapisan endometrium yang berfungsi untuk menerima dan menyokong janin selama kehamilan. Epitelium pipih berlapis lebih umum ditemukan pada permukaan tubuh yang mengalami gesekan dan perpindahan zat, seperti pada rongga mulut, esofagus, dan saluran anus.
Epitelium transisional terdapat pada organ berikut ini, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
D. Lambung
Epitelium transisional adalah jenis epitel yang dapat meregang dan mengembang untuk mengakomodasi perubahan volume atau tekanan pada organ-organ yang mengalami perubahan ukuran. Epitelium transisional biasanya ditemukan pada organ-organ saluran kemih seperti ureter, vesika urinaria, dan uretra. Namun, lambung adalah organ yang tidak mengalami perubahan ukuran atau tekanan yang signifikan, sehingga tidak memiliki epitelium transisional.
Kelenjar keringat dan kelenjar ludah dilapisi oleh epitelium...
Correct Answer
C. Kubus berlapis banyak
The correct answer is "kubus berlapis banyak." The explanation for this is that both sweat glands and salivary glands are composed of multiple layers of cuboidal epithelium. Cuboidal epithelium consists of cube-shaped cells that are specialized for secretion and absorption. The multiple layers of cuboidal cells in these glands allow for increased surface area and efficiency in the secretion of sweat and saliva.
Jaringan epitelium berfungsi sebagai berikut, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Penggerak tubuh
The correct answer is "penggerak tubuh". Epithelial tissue functions primarily as a protective barrier, a secretory tissue, and an absorptive tissue. However, it does not have the ability to move or generate movement in the body.
Zat sekret yang dihasilkan oleh epitelium kelenjar eksokrin misalnya...
Correct Answer
B. Enzim, keringat, dan air liur
The correct answer is "enzim, keringat, dan air liur". Epithelial cells in exocrine glands secrete enzymes, sweat, and saliva. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in the body. Sweat is a watery secretion produced by sweat glands and helps regulate body temperature. Saliva is a fluid that contains enzymes and lubricates food during digestion.
Zat sekret dari epitelium kelenjar endokrin sialirkan...
Correct Answer
B. Ke pembuluh darah
The secret of the endocrine gland epithelium is transported to the bloodstream. This is because the endocrine glands are responsible for producing hormones that are released directly into the bloodstream. The hormones then travel through the bloodstream to their target organs or tissues, where they exert their effects. Therefore, the correct answer is "to the bloodstream."
Epitelium penyerap terdapat pada...
Correct Answer
C. Nefron ginjal dan usus halus
Epithelium penyerap refers to absorptive epithelium, which is found in the nephrons of the kidney and the small intestine. Both of these organs are involved in the absorption of nutrients and waste products. The epithelial cells in the nephrons of the kidney help in the reabsorption of water and other important substances from the filtrate, while the epithelial cells in the small intestine aid in the absorption of nutrients from digested food. Therefore, the correct answer is nephron ginjal dan usus halus.
Sekumpulan sel berbentuk silindris berlapis-lapis, bersilia, dan melapisi permukaan organ adlam. sel-sel tersebut terdapat pada...
Correct Answer
D. Saluran sperma
The given correct answer is "saluran sperma". This is because the description mentions a group of cylindrical, layered, ciliated cells that line the surface of an organ. These characteristics are consistent with the structure of the sperm duct or vas deferens, which is part of the male reproductive system and carries sperm from the testes to the urethra.
Dinding alveolus paru-paru tersusun dari epitelium pipih selapis sehingga memudahkan...
Correct Answer
B. Proses pertukaran gas
The correct answer is "proses pertukaran gas" because the alveoli in the lungs are responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the bloodstream. The thin, single-layered epithelium of the alveoli allows for efficient diffusion of gases, ensuring that oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body. This process is essential for respiration and maintaining proper oxygen levels in the bloodstream.
Sel yang terdapat didalam epitelium usus dan bronkus, yang terspesialisasi untuk pembentukan mukus ialah...
Correct Answer
A. Sel goblet
The correct answer is "sel goblet." Goblet cells are specialized cells found in the epithelium of the intestines and bronchi. These cells are responsible for producing mucus, which helps to protect and lubricate the lining of these organs. The mucus produced by goblet cells traps foreign particles and pathogens, preventing them from entering the body and causing damage.
Kelenjar alveolar majemuk contohnya...
Correct Answer
D. Glandula mammae
The correct answer is glandula mammae because it is the only option that refers to a compound alveolar gland. The other options, kelenjar keringat, kelenjar fundus, and kelenjar Brunner, do not match the description given in the question.
Berikut ini yang merupakan kelenjar endokrin adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Kelenjar adrenal
The correct answer is 'kelenjar adrenal' because the adrenal glands are a pair of endocrine glands located on top of the kidneys. These glands produce hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and aldosterone, which are essential for regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, stress response, and blood pressure.