6 Ciri teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer(s)
A. Berisi uraian berupa sebab-akibat
B. Dapat berupa fenomena alam
C. Dapat berupa fenomena budaya
F. Menggambarkan suatu proses
I. Dapat berupa fenomena sosial
J. Menggambarkan akibat yang ditimbulkan
The correct answer is "Berisi uraian berupa sebab-akibat, Menggambarkan suatu proses, Dapat berupa fenomena alam, Dapat berupa fenomena sosial, Dapat berupa fenomena budaya, Menggambarkan akibat yang ditimbulkan." This is because an explanation text typically includes a description of cause and effect, portrays a process, can be about natural, social, or cultural phenomena, and describes the resulting effects.
Tujuan dibuatnya teks eksplanasi adalah untuk memberikan ________
Correct Answer(s)
pemahaman yang benar kepada pembaca tentang fenomena alam atau sosial yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan
The purpose of creating an explanatory text is to provide accurate understanding to readers about natural or social phenomena encountered in life.
Hal yang munculkan pada teks eksplanasi agar pembaca yakin bahwa teks tersebut benar adalah
Correct Answer
E. Fakta, bukti, dan alasan yang logis dan kuat
The correct answer is fakta, bukti, dan alasan yang logis dan kuat.
To convince readers that a text is true, it is important to provide facts, evidence, and strong logical reasoning. These elements support the validity and credibility of the information presented in the text. Without them, the text may be seen as unreliable or based solely on personal opinions. Therefore, including facts, evidence, and strong logical reasoning in the explanation helps to establish the text as accurate and trustworthy.
Tsunami adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true because a tsunami is indeed an example of an explanatory text. An explanatory text is a type of text that provides information or explains a concept, process, or phenomenon. In the case of a tsunami, an explanatory text would provide details about what a tsunami is, how it is formed, its causes, and its effects. Therefore, the statement is correct.
Bahasa Indonesia Formal Mulai Luntur adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement "Bahasa Indonesia Formal Mulai Luntur adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi" is true. This means that "Bahasa Indonesia Formal Mulai Luntur" is an example of a formal text title. The word "luntur" in Bahasa Indonesia means "fade" or "diminish," indicating that the formal use of the language is gradually fading or diminishing. This statement suggests that there may be a shift towards more informal language usage in Bahasa Indonesia.
Hoax pemicu kerusuhan di Surabaya adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement "Hoax pemicu kerusuhan di Surabaya adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi" is false. It is not a valid example of an explanatory text title. An explanatory text title should provide a clear and concise explanation of a particular topic or concept. The given statement is more of a statement or claim rather than a title for an explanatory text.
Black Hole adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. "Black Hole" is an example of an explanation text title. Explanation texts are written to provide information and clarify a particular subject or concept. In this case, the title "Black Hole" suggests that the text will explain what a black hole is, its characteristics, and how it functions.
Nongkrong adalah contoh judul teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true because "Nongkrong" is indeed an example of a title for an explanatory text.
Secara eksplisit artinya dapat terlihat langsung
Correct Answer
A. True
The given correct answer is "True" because the statement "Secara eksplisit artinya dapat terlihat langsung" implies that something can be seen or understood directly without any ambiguity or hidden meaning. Therefore, it suggests that the meaning or intention is clear and straightforward, supporting the answer "True".
Secara implisit artinya dapat terlihat langsung
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement states that the meaning can be seen directly, implying that it is explicit. However, the correct answer is False, indicating that the statement is not true. This suggests that the meaning is not readily apparent or easily understood without further explanation or clarification.
Data pendukung atau materi-materi yang ada di dalam teks eksplanasi diperoleh melalui ________
Correct Answer
kegiatan penelitian ilmiah
The correct answer is "kegiatan penelitian ilmiah". This is because scientific research activities are the source of supporting data or materials for the explanation text. Through scientific research, researchers gather and analyze data to provide evidence and support their explanations. It is through these research activities that the information and knowledge needed for the explanation text are obtained.
Hal ini terjadi karena materi lapisan litosfer yang terjepit ke dalam mengalami transisi fase pada kedalaman 600 kilometer.
Kutipan di atas adalah kutipan teks eksplansi
Correct Answer
A. True
Agaknya bisa dipastikan, korupsi adalah salah satu masalah pokok yang dihadapi negara-negara dan pemerintahan Indonesia khususnya.
Kutipan di atas adalah contoh kutipan teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. The provided text is not an example of an explanatory text. It is a statement that suggests that corruption is one of the main problems faced by countries and the Indonesian government in particular. It does not explain or provide any further information about the topic.
Perluasan area pembatasan kendaraan dengan sistem ganjil genap berpotensi menambah jumlah pengendara sepeda motor di Jakarta.
Kutipan di atas adalah contoh kutipan teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement suggests that the expansion of the odd-even vehicle restriction system in Jakarta has the potential to increase the number of motorcycle riders in the city. However, the correct answer is false because the statement does not provide any evidence or logical reasoning to support this claim. Without any supporting information, it is not possible to determine whether the expansion of the odd-even system would have any impact on the number of motorcycle riders in Jakarta.
Berdasarkan data terakhir dari RASI, populasi Paus Biru saat ini turun 30%.
Di atas adalah kutipan teks eksplanasi
Correct Answer
A. True
The given explanation states that based on the latest data from RASI, the population of Blue Whales has decreased by 30%. Therefore, the statement "Berdasarkan data terakhir dari RASI, populasi Paus Biru saat ini turun 30%" is true.