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Jika free play (gerak bebas) kemudi berlebihan tetapi kondisi steering gear box assy baik maka yang perlu diperiksa adalah ...
Kelurusan steering coulomb
Kebengkokan poros kemudi (steering shaft)
Keovalan steering wheel
Keausan ban
Keausan ball joint tie rod
Correct Answer
E. Keausan ball joint tie rod
Explanation If there is excessive movement in the steering wheel during free play, but the steering gear box assembly is in good condition, the most likely cause to be checked is the wear and tear of the ball joint tie rod. The ball joint tie rod connects the steering gear box to the wheels, and if it is worn out, it can cause excessive play in the steering system. Therefore, checking the wear and tear of the ball joint tie rod would be the appropriate step to diagnose and address the issue.
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Bila mobil berjalan yang rata dan lurus, pada kecepatandi atas 40 km/jam, mobil terasa mau belok dengan sendirinya ke arah kanan, hal ini adalah akibat ...
Roda depan kiri toe-in roda depan kanan toe-out
Roda depan kiri toe-out, roda depan kanan toe-in
Toe-in roda depan terlalu besar
Toe-out roda depan kecil
Roda depan tidak balance
Correct Answer
A. Roda depan kiri toe-in roda depan kanan toe-out
Explanation The correct answer is "roda depan kiri toe-in roda depan kanan toe-out." This means that the left front wheel has too much inward tilt (toe-in), while the right front wheel has too much outward tilt (toe-out). This misalignment causes the car to pull to the right when driving straight at speeds above 40 km/h.
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Jika kita melakukan penyetelan pada sistem kemudi maka urutan adalah ...
Menyetel backless terlebih dahulu dari pada freeload
Menyetel freeload terlebih dahulu dari pada backless
Menyetel freeload dan backless bersamaan
Freeload lebih penting dari backless
Backless lebih penting dari freeload
Correct Answer
B. Menyetel freeload terlebih dahulu dari pada backless
Explanation The correct answer is "menyetel freeload terlebih dahulu dari pada backless." This means that when adjusting the steering system, the freeload should be adjusted first before the backless.
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Dari hasil pemeriksaan berat jenis baterai diperoleh hasil pengukuran 1,150, sehingga dapat disimpulkan kondisi baterai tersebut dalam kondisi ...
Correct Answer
A. 25%
Explanation The correct answer is 25%. The given information states that the specific gravity of the battery is measured as 1.150. Specific gravity is a measure of the density of a substance compared to the density of water. The specific gravity of a fully charged battery is typically around 1.250, while a completely discharged battery has a specific gravity of around 1.100. Therefore, a specific gravity of 1.150 indicates that the battery is only partially charged, approximately 25% charged.
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Salah satu komponen dari batterai adalah vent caps (tutup baterai), apa yang akan terjadi pada batterai jika lubang di vent caps (vent hole) tersumbat ?
Baterai akan mudah diisi kembali
Baterai akan terisi terus oleh air elektrolit
Baterai akan lebih awet
Baterai akan cepat kosong
Rumah baterai akan cepat menggelembung dan pecah
Correct Answer
E. Rumah baterai akan cepat menggelembung dan pecah
Explanation If the vent hole in the vent caps of the battery is blocked, the battery will not be able to release any built-up gases. This can cause pressure to build up inside the battery, leading to the battery housing becoming swollen and eventually rupturing or exploding.
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Sistem lampu tanda belok tidak berkedip-kedip (hanya menyala saja) pada saat sakelar tanda belok dihidupkan, baik belok kanan maupun kiri. Gangguan ini bisa disebabkan oleh kerusakan ...
Relay lampu tanda belok rusak
Sakelar lampu tanda belok kotor
Tegangan pengisian hanya 12 volt
Flasher rusak
Lampu tanda belok kurang massa
Correct Answer
D. Flasher rusak
Explanation The correct answer is "flasher rusak" because a flasher is responsible for causing the turn signals to blink. If the flasher is damaged or not functioning properly, the turn signals will not blink and will only stay on.
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Pada bola lampu kecil 8 watt 12 volt. Lampu tersebut dirangkai untuk 2 lampu depan (lampu kota) dan 2 lampu belakang (lampu belakang) serta 1 lampu plat nomor. Pada rangkaian tersebut sebaiknya dipasang pengaman (sekering) sebesar ...
10 A
15 A
20 A
25 A
30 A
Correct Answer
C. 20 A
Explanation The correct answer is 20 A. The total power consumption of the small light bulbs is 8 watts x 5 bulbs = 40 watts. To convert this to amperes, we use the formula P = IV, where P is power in watts, I is current in amperes, and V is voltage in volts. Rearranging the formula to solve for I, we have I = P/V. Substituting the values, we get I = 40 watts / 12 volts = 3.33 A. Since the circuit has 5 bulbs, the total current would be 3.33 A x 5 = 16.67 A. To provide a margin of safety, a 20 A fuse is recommended.
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Pada sisitem pengapian konvensional sering terjadi keausan pada permukaan kontak point, penyebabnya …
Kapasias kondensor terlalu besar dari spesifikasi
Kapasitas kondensor terlalu kecil dari spesifikasi
Nilai tahan kabel busi terlalu besar
Nilai tahanan kabel busi terlalu kecil
Busi mati
Correct Answer
A. Kapasias kondensor terlalu besar dari spesifikasi
Explanation In a conventional ignition system, the contact points are responsible for opening and closing the circuit to produce the spark needed for combustion. If the capacitance of the condenser is too large, it can cause excessive arcing and wear on the contact points. This is because a larger capacitance can store more energy, leading to a stronger spark and more stress on the contact points. Therefore, having a condenser with a capacitance that is too large for the specifications can result in wear and damage to the contact points.
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Fungsi koil pada sistem pengapian adalah untuk membangkitkan tegangan tinggi, di bawah ini yang dapat menyebabkan temperatur koil tinggi pada saat bekerja …
Sudut dwell terlalu besar
Sudut dwell terlalu kecil
Kapasitas kondensor terlalu besar
Kapasitas kondensor terlalu kecil
Kapasitas koil terlalu besar
Correct Answer
B. Sudut dwell terlalu kecil
Explanation When the dwell angle is too small, it means that the points in the ignition system are closed for a shorter period of time. This results in a shorter charging time for the coil, causing it to generate a higher temperature. Therefore, a small dwell angle can cause the coil temperature to be high during operation.
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Jika sudut pengapian hasil pembacaan timing light lebih awal dari standar, apa yang akan dilakukan seorang mekanik untuk memperbaikinya ?
Dengan memperbesar celah platina
Dengan mempekecil celah platina
Dengan menggeser distributor searah putaran rotor
Dengan menggeser distributor berlawanan arah putaran rotor
Dengan memperkecil celah udara di platina
Correct Answer
C. Dengan menggeser distributor searah putaran rotor
Explanation To fix the issue of the ignition timing being earlier than the standard, a mechanic would adjust the distributor by rotating it in the same direction as the rotor's rotation. By doing this, the mechanic can properly align the distributor with the correct timing, ensuring that the spark plugs fire at the appropriate time during the engine's combustion cycle.
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Ketika kunci kontak di start, motor starter tidak bias berputar. Setelah di lakukan pemeriksaan dengan menghubungkan terminal C ke terminal positif baterai dan menghubungkan bodi motor starter ke terminal negative baterai, ternyata motor starter bias berputar, apa penyebabnya?
Field coil terbakar
Sikat motor starter aus
Kumparan pull in coil putus
Comutator sudah aus
Pemegang sikat ada yang patah
Correct Answer
C. Kumparan pull in coil putus
Explanation The reason for the motor starter not being able to rotate when the ignition key is turned on could be due to the broken pull-in coil winding. When the C terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and the motor starter body is connected to the negative terminal of the battery, the motor starter is able to rotate. This suggests that the issue lies with the pull-in coil, which is responsible for engaging the starter motor when the ignition key is turned on.
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Ketika kunci kontak di posisi IG (On) maka lampu indicator menyala tetapi kemagnetan di alternator tidak terjadi, apa penyebabnya?
Terminal IG di kunci kontak putus
Terminal N di alternator putus
Terminal F di alternator putus
Terminal B di alternator putus
Terminal L di alternator putus
Correct Answer
C. Terminal F di alternator putus
Explanation When the ignition key is in the ON position, the terminal F in the alternator is disconnected. This causes the indicator light to turn on, but there is no magnetic field generated in the alternator.
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Ketika kunci kontak di posisi start motor starter berputar normal, tetapi tidak mau mengait ke gigi di fly wheel. Peristiwa apa yang terjadi?
Selenoid berhubungan dengan massa
Overruning cluth aus
Gigi pinion sudah aus
Pull in coil putus
Hold in coil putus
Correct Answer
C. Gigi pinion sudah aus
Explanation The correct answer is "gigi pinion sudah aus" which means that the pinion gear is worn out. This means that the teeth on the pinion gear are no longer able to engage properly with the flywheel, preventing the starter motor from engaging and starting the engine.
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Pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini berhubungan dengan cara kerja AC mobil. Pilihlah pernyataan yang paling benar!
Cairan refrigan dari katup ekspansi dengan suhu rendah dan tekanan tinggi mengalir dan menguap di dalam evaporator
Cairan refrigan dari katup ekspansi dengan suhu tinggi dan tekanan tinggi mengalir dan menguap di dalam evaporator
Cairan refrigan dari katup ekspansi dengan suhu rendah dan tekanan rendah menguap di dalam evaporator
Gas refrigan dengan suhu dan tekanan rendah mengalir ke reciever
Gas refrigan dengan suhu dan tekanan tinggi mengalir ke receiver
Correct Answer
C. Cairan refrigan dari katup ekspansi dengan suhu rendah dan tekanan rendah menguap di dalam evaporator
Explanation The correct answer states that the refrigerant liquid from the expansion valve with low temperature and low pressure evaporates in the evaporator. This is because the expansion valve reduces the pressure of the refrigerant, causing it to evaporate and absorb heat from the surrounding air in the evaporator, thus cooling the air that is blown into the car.
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Untuk mengisi refrigan (freon) melalui saluran tekanan rendah dengan menggunakan manometer, salah satu langkah yang harus di lakukan adalah ...
Tabung freon harus di balik karena akan memudahkan refrigan mengalir
Karena tekanan rendah manometer di buka sedikit agar refrigan yang mengalir ke kompresor berwujud gas
Kran tekanan tinggi di buka lebar untuk membantu refrigan mengalir
Menutup kran tekanan rendah bila tekana pada saluran rendah telah mencapai 15kg/cm pada putaran 2000 rpm
Menutup kran tekanan rendah bila tekanan pada saluran rendah telah mencapai 12kg/cm pada putaran 2000 rpm
Correct Answer
B. Karena tekanan rendah manometer di buka sedikit agar refrigan yang mengalir ke kompresor berwujud gas
Explanation The correct answer is "karena tekanan rendah manometer di buka sedikit agar refrigan yang mengalir ke kompresor berwujud gas" (the low pressure gauge is slightly opened so that the refrigerant flowing into the compressor is in the form of gas). This answer explains that by opening the low pressure gauge slightly, the refrigerant can flow into the compressor as a gas, which is necessary for the refrigeration process.
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Pernyataan-pernyataan berikut berhubungan dengan cara mendiagnosa gangguan pada sistem AC mobil, pilihan pertanyaan pertanyaan berikut yang paling tepat!
Tekanan pada saluran tekanan tinggi kurang dari 10kg/cm2 pada putaran 1500 rpm dapat menunjukan reciever kotor
Tekanan pada saluran tekanan rendah lebih besar dari pada 3,5kg/cm2 pada putaran 1500 rpm dapat menunjukan jumlah refrigan dalam sistem kurang
Tekan pada saluran tekanan tinggi 25kg/cm2 pada putaran 1500 rpm dapat menyebabkan AC terlalu dingin
Banyak gelembung terlihat pada sight glass receiver dapat menunjukan jumlah refrigan dalam sistem kurang
Tekanan pada saluran tinggi 25kg/cm2 pada putaran 1500 rpm dapat menunjukan kompresor rusak
Correct Answer
D. Banyak gelembung terlihat pada sight glass receiver dapat menunjukan jumlah refrigan dalam sistem kurang
Explanation The correct answer suggests that if there are many bubbles visible in the sight glass receiver, it may indicate a low refrigerant level in the system.
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Pada sistem AC, jika expansion valve tersumbat, maka akibat yang terjadi adalah ...
Sistem tidak bersirkulasi dan AC tidak dingin
System tetap bersirkulasi tetapi AC tidak dingin
System tetap bersirkulasi dan AC tetapdingin
System bersirkulasi dan AC tidak menyembur
AC tidak berjalan sama sekali
Correct Answer
B. System tetap bersirkulasi tetapi AC tidak dingin
Explanation If the expansion valve is clogged in an AC system, the system will still circulate the refrigerant, but the AC will not cool. This is because the expansion valve regulates the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator coil, where it absorbs heat from the air. If the valve is blocked, the refrigerant cannot enter the coil properly, resulting in the AC not being able to cool the air.
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Dari pengukuran diameter bore silinder didapat 62,75 mm maka ukuran rod dan washer yang dipilih adalah ...
62 mm dan 0,75 mm
60 mm dan 2 mm
60 mm dan 3 mm
61 mm dan 1 mm
62 mm dan 1 mm
Correct Answer
E. 62 mm dan 1 mm
Explanation The correct answer is 62 mm dan 1 mm. The measurement of the bore cylinder diameter is 62.75 mm. Since the rod and washer need to fit into the bore, the rod should have the same diameter as the bore, which is 62 mm. The washer should have a thickness of 1 mm.
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Perangkaian alat ukur timing light yang benar adalah…
Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) baterai, jepit buaya hitam dipasang ke terminal (-) baterai dan klip dipasang ke kabel busi no.1
Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) koil pengapian, jepit buaya hitam dipasangkan ke terminal (-) koil pengapian dan klip dipasang ke kabel busi no.1
Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) koil pengapian, jepit buaya hitam dipasangkan ke terminal (-) koil pengapian dan klip dipasang ke kabel busi no.1
Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) koil pengapian, jepit buaya hitam dipasang ke massa dan klip dipasangkan ke kabel busi no.1
Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) koil pengapian, jepit buaya hitam dipasang ke massa dan klip dipasangkan ke kabel busi no.1
.Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) baterai, jepit buaya hitam dipasang ke terminal (-) koil pengapian dan klip dipasang ke kabel busi no.1
Correct Answer
A. Jepit buaya merah dipasang ke terminal (+) baterai, jepit buaya hitam dipasang ke terminal (-) baterai dan klip dipasang ke kabel busi no.1
Explanation The correct answer is the first option because it correctly states that the red alligator clip should be connected to the positive terminal of the battery, the black alligator clip should be connected to the negative terminal of the battery, and the clip should be attached to spark plug wire number 1. This is the correct setup for a timing light to measure the ignition timing of the engine.
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Pada motor 4 tak 4 silinder dengan F.O. 1-3-4-2, bila silinder No.1 sedang melakukan langkah kompresi maka silinder lainnya sedang melakukan ...
Silinder 2 buang, silinder 3 hisap, silinder 4 usaha
Explanation When cylinder No.1 is in the compression stroke, the other cylinders are in different strokes. Cylinder 2 is in the power stroke (usaha), cylinder 3 is in the intake stroke (hisap), and cylinder 4 is in the exhaust stroke (buang). This is because in a 4-stroke engine, each cylinder goes through four strokes: intake, compression, power, and exhaust.
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