Secara hukum, posisi dan kedudukan Supersemar semakin kuat setelah…..
Correct Answer
B. B. Dilegalkan melalui ketetapan MPR
The correct answer is b. Dilegalkan melalui ketetapan MPR. This means that the position and status of Supersemar became stronger after it was legalized through the decision of MPR (People's Consultative Assembly). This suggests that the MPR recognized and approved the authority and significance of Supersemar, which further solidified its position in the legal framework.
Tanggal 12 Maret 1966 PKI dan ormas – ormasnya dibubarkan dengan alasan….
Correct Answer
C. C. PKI tidak sesuai dengan ideologi Pancasila
The correct answer is c. PKI tidak sesuai dengan ideologi Pancasila. This answer suggests that the reason for the dissolution of PKI and its affiliated organizations is that they were not in line with the Pancasila ideology. Pancasila is the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state, and any organization that goes against it is considered a threat to the nation's stability and unity. Therefore, the government decided to dissolve PKI and its affiliated organizations to protect the integrity of the state and its ideology.
Pengaruh perkembangan politik internasional bagi perluasan pengaruh PKI di dalam negeri dapat dibuktikan dengan sikap politik luar negeri Indonesia yang condong kepada ….
Correct Answer
E. E. Pemerintah Komunis Cina dan Uni Soviet
The correct answer is e. Pemerintah Komunis Cina dan Uni Soviet. The influence of international politics on the expansion of PKI's influence in the country can be seen through Indonesia's foreign policy, which leaned towards the Communist governments of China and the Soviet Union. This suggests that the PKI's influence was strengthened by the support and alliance with these communist governments.
Dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan tokoh perumus naskah Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret adalah….
Correct Answer
A. A. Dr. Leimana
The correct answer is a. Dr. Leimana. The other options, b. Brigjen Subur, c. Brigjen M. Yusuf, d. Brigjen Amir Mahmud, and e. Mayjen Basuki Rakmat, are all mentioned as figures involved in the formulation of the Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret. However, there is no mention of Dr. Leimana's involvement in the formulation of the document.
Cara PKI menarik Presiden Soekarno agar lebih dekat dengan PKI antara lain adalah….
Correct Answer
D. D. Selalu mendukung gagasan Soekarno
The PKI's strategy to attract President Soekarno and get closer to the party was by consistently supporting President Soekarno's ideas. This approach aimed to gain the trust and favor of the President, which would strengthen the relationship between PKI and Soekarno. By aligning themselves with Soekarno's vision and ideas, the PKI hoped to increase their influence and political power within the government.
Bersihkan Kabinet Dwikora dari unsur PKI termasuk isi dari….
Correct Answer
A. A. Tritura
The correct answer is a. Tritura. The question is asking about cleaning the Dwikora Cabinet from elements of the PKI, including the content of Tritura. Tritura refers to the three demands put forward by student activists in Indonesia in 1966, which included the dissolution of the PKI. Therefore, cleaning the Dwikora Cabinet from the content of Tritura would involve removing any references or influence of the PKI.
Latar belakang lahirnya Orde Baru ditandai adanya peristiwa….
Correct Answer
A. A. Drama berdarah G 30S/PKI
The correct answer is a. Drama berdarah G 30S/PKI. The background of the birth of the New Order was marked by the bloody events of the G 30S/PKI (30 September Movement/Indonesian Communist Party). This event, which took place on 30 September 1965, involved the kidnapping and killing of six high-ranking Indonesian army generals, which was blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party. This event led to a series of anti-communist purges and eventually led to the rise of General Soeharto as the President of Indonesia and the establishment of the New Order regime.
Gelombang aksi dari mahasiswa, pelajar, organisasi profesi dan organisasi masa menuntut pemerintah untuk segera mengatasi kemelut yang terjadi, mereka bersatu membentuk Front Pancasila. Kesatuan – Kesatuan aksi yang tergabung dalam Front Pancasiila kemudian lebih dikenal dengan sebutan….
Correct Answer
D. D. Angkatan 67
The passage mentions that the various groups, including students, professionals, and mass organizations, formed a united front called Front Pancasila to demand the government to address the crisis. However, the passage does not provide any information about specific years or numbers associated with this united front. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the exact year or number associated with Front Pancasila based on the given information.
Pahlawan yang gugur akibat keganasan PKI disebut pahlawan….
Correct Answer
C. C. Revolusi
The correct answer is c. Revolusi. The question states that heroes who died due to the brutality of the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) are called heroes. The term "revolusi" refers to a revolution, which suggests that these heroes fought against the PKI during a revolution or uprising.
Dibentuknya Kabinet “seratus menteri” oleh Presiden Soekarno tidak memuaskan rakyat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh….
Correct Answer
B. B. Kabinet yang dibentuk masih dijabat oleh anggota PKI
The correct answer is b. Kabinet yang dibentuk masih dijabat oleh anggota PKI. This is because the formation of a cabinet with "one hundred ministers" by President Soekarno did not satisfy the people. This dissatisfaction was caused by the fact that the cabinet was still filled with members of the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party).
Faktor sosial yang mendorong lahirnya Orde Baru, yaitu….
Correct Answer
C. C. Adanya demonstransi mahasiswa yang dikenal Tritura
The correct answer is c. Adanya demonstransi mahasiswa yang dikenal Tritura. This is because the Tritura demonstrations, which took place in 1966, played a significant role in the downfall of President Sukarno and the establishment of the New Order regime under President Suharto. The demonstrations were led by university students and demanded political and economic reforms, as well as the removal of Sukarno from power. The government's response to the demonstrations was violent, leading to further unrest and eventually the rise of Suharto to power.
Suatu tatanan baru dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara yang diletakkan pada pelaksanaan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 secara murni dan konsekuen disebut….
Correct Answer
B. B. Orde Baru
The correct answer is "Orde Baru" because it refers to the new order that was established in Indonesia after the fall of President Sukarno's regime in 1965. The Orde Baru was characterized by the implementation of Pancasila (the Indonesian national ideology) and the 1945 Constitution, and it marked a shift towards a more authoritarian and centralized government under President Suharto. This period was known for its economic development policies and stability, but it was also marked by human rights abuses and political repression.
Berikut ini dampak kuatnya pemerintahan Orde Baru adalah….
Correct Answer
D. D. MPR dan DPR hanya sebagai alat formalitas
The strong impact of the New Order government is reflected in the fact that the MPR (People's Consultative Assembly) and DPR (People's Representative Council) only serve as formalities. This suggests that during the New Order era, these institutions did not have real power or influence in decision-making processes. Instead, the government had a centralized and authoritarian approach, limiting the role and autonomy of these institutions.
Data – data di bawah ini :
1). Perbaikan ekonomi rakyat
2). Mengusahakan stabilitas politik
3). Melaksanakan pemilu yang berazazkan luber
4). Melanjutkan perjuangan anti imperalisme dan kolonialisme
5). Penataan pelaksanaan politik luar negeri Non blok
6). Pelaksanaan politik luar negeri bebas aktif untuk menunjang kepentingan nasional
Dari data di atas yang termasuk program kerja Kabinet Ampera ( Catur Karya ) adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. 1, 3, 4 dan 6
The correct answer is a. 1, 3, 4, and 6. This is because the mentioned programs in the data that are included in the Cabinet Ampera (Catur Karya) are 1) Perbaikan ekonomi rakyat (improving the people's economy), 3) Melaksanakan pemilu yang berazazkan luber (conducting fair and transparent elections), 4) Melanjutkan perjuangan anti imperalisme dan kolonialisme (continuing the struggle against imperialism and colonialism), and 6) Pelaksanaan politik luar negeri bebas aktif untuk menunjang kepentingan nasional (implementing an active foreign policy to support national interests).
Pada masa Orde Baru sebagai dasar landasan ideologis untuk mewujudkan Pembangunan Nasional yaitu….
Correct Answer
C. C. Pancasila
During the New Order era, Pancasila was used as the ideological foundation to achieve national development. Pancasila, as the state ideology of Indonesia, consists of five principles that guide the nation's political, social, and economic development. It serves as a unifying force for the diverse Indonesian society and provides a framework for national development policies and programs.
Pola kebijakan pemerintahan Orde Baru mengenai kebijakan pembangunan jangka pendek disebut dengan…
Correct Answer
A. A. Pelita
The correct answer is a. Pelita. The policy of the New Order government regarding short-term development is referred to as Pelita.
Dalam upaya mengisi kemerdekaan, maka bangsa dan negara Indonesia membangun dan meningkatkan kehidupan masyarakat, yang dimaksud dengan hakikat pembangunan adalah….
Correct Answer
E. E. Membangun manusia dan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia seutuhnya
The correct answer is e. "Membangun manusia dan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia seutuhnya" means "Building humans and the entire Indonesian society as a whole." This answer suggests that the essence of development is not just about improving the material well-being and infrastructure of the society, but also about developing the individuals and the society as a whole in terms of their values, knowledge, skills, and social cohesion. It emphasizes the holistic development of both individuals and the society to achieve a comprehensive and sustainable progress.
Mengapa pemerintah Orde Baru menaruh perhatian serius terhadap mobilitas penduduk, karena….
Correct Answer
C. C. Mobilitas penduduk akan menyebabkan tidak meratanya penyebaran penduduk
The correct answer is c. Mobilitas penduduk akan menyebabkan tidak meratanya penyebaran penduduk. This is because the government of the New Order regime was concerned about the movement of people because it could lead to uneven distribution of the population. The government wanted to maintain control over population movements in order to ensure a more balanced distribution of people across the country.
Partai – partai pada masa Orde Lama yang berbasis Islam, pada masa Orde Baru tergabung dalam….
Correct Answer
E. E. Partai Persatuan Pembangunan
The correct answer is e. Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. During the Orde Baru era, the Islamic-based parties were united under the Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP). This party was formed in 1973 and consisted of various Islamic parties, including Masyumi, which was a prominent Islamic party during the Orde Lama era. The PPP was established as a political vehicle for the Islamic parties to participate in the government and promote Islamic values within the framework of the Orde Baru regime.
Dwi Fungsi ABRI memiliki peran ganda dalam bidang….
Correct Answer
B. B. Hankam dan sosial
The correct answer is b. Hankam dan sosial. ABRI (Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia) has a dual function in the field of defense and security (Hankam) as well as in social affairs. ABRI not only plays a role in safeguarding the nation's defense and security but also involves in various social activities such as disaster relief, community development, and maintaining social order. This dual function allows ABRI to contribute to both the military and social aspects of the country.
Sikap menggunakan uang rakyat untuk kepentingan pribadi, merupakan bentuk penyimpangan yang terjadi pada masa Orde Baru hingga sekarang.,..
Correct Answer
B. B. Korupsi
The correct answer is b. Korupsi. The passage states that the misuse of public funds for personal gain has occurred during the Orde Baru era until now. This aligns with the definition of korupsi, which refers to the act of dishonestly using one's position or power for personal gain, often involving bribery or embezzlement of funds.
Pada masa pemerintahan Orde Baru Indonesia kembali menjadi anggota PBB, yaitu tanggal 28 September 1966 dan juga memulihkan hubungan dengan Negara….
Correct Answer
A. A. Malaysia
During the New Order era, Indonesia restored its relationship with Malaysia. The sentence mentions that Indonesia became a member of the United Nations again on September 28, 1966, and also restored its relationship with another country. Since the sentence does not mention any other country specifically, we can conclude that the correct answer is Malaysia based on the historical context of Indonesia's relationship with Malaysia during that time.
Pemerintah Orde Baru mengalami kegagalan dalam memberantas korupsi, keadaan ini merupakan bukti bahwa….
Correct Answer
B. B. Kekuasaan peradilan sangat lemah
The correct answer is b. Kekuasaan peradilan sangat lemah. The failure of the New Order government in eradicating corruption indicates that the judiciary's power is very weak. This suggests that the legal system and the courts were not able to effectively prosecute and punish corrupt officials, leading to a lack of accountability and perpetuation of corruption within the government.
Pada masa Orde Baru secara nyata yang banyak memegang kedaulatan di Indonesia adalah….
Correct Answer
D. D. Presiden
During the New Order era, the president held the most sovereignty in Indonesia. The president had the ultimate authority and power to make decisions and govern the country. The president was the head of the government and had control over various aspects of the country, including the military, economy, and political affairs. The president's role was crucial in shaping and implementing policies during the New Order regime.
Upaya Pemerintah yang paling tepat untuk mengatasi jumlah penduduk yang besar dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi pada masa Orde Baru adalah….
Correct Answer
A. A. Program KB
The most appropriate government effort to address the large population and high population growth during the New Order era is the Family Planning Program (Program KB). This program aims to control the population growth by promoting the use of contraception and providing education and services related to family planning. By implementing this program, the government can effectively manage the population size and ensure sustainable development in the country.
Berkembangnya usaha pertanian dengan cara – cara modern mempunyai tujuan…
Correct Answer
E. E. Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi pangan
The development of modern agricultural practices aims to improve the quality and quantity of food production. By adopting modern methods and technologies, farmers can increase their yield and ensure that the food produced meets the required standards in terms of quality. This is important to meet the growing demand for food and to ensure food security for the population. Additionally, improving the quality and quantity of food production can also contribute to economic growth and the overall well-being of society.
Industri perkapalan juga memperlancar pengadaan alat transpotrasi laut. Industri perkapalan nasional PT.PAL berada di kota….
Correct Answer
D. D. Surabaya
The correct answer is Surabaya because PT.PAL is a national shipbuilding industry and it is located in Surabaya.
Pelaksanaan pelita II pada masa Orde Baru berlangsung pada….
Correct Answer
D. D. 1 April 1974 – 31 Maret 1979
The correct answer is d. 1 April 1974 – 31 Maret 1979. This is because the implementation of Pelita II occurred during the New Order era, which lasted from 1966 to 1998. The given time frame falls within this period, making it the correct answer.
Berikut ini merupakan tujuan pelita I pada masa Orde Baru adalah….
Correct Answer
D. D. Untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat dan sekaligus meletakkan dasar – dasar bagi pembagunan dalam tahap – tahap berikutnya
The correct answer (d) states that the goal of Pelita I during the New Order era was to improve the living standards of the people and lay the foundations for development in the following stages. This suggests that Pelita I aimed to address the immediate needs of the people while also setting the stage for future development.
Pada awal Orde Baru kebijaksanaan pembangunan yang dilakukan pemerintah adalah….
Correct Answer
E. E. Stabilitasi dan Rehabilitasi ekonomi
The correct answer is e. Stabilitasi dan Rehabilitasi ekonomi. This is because during the early years of the New Order, the government focused on stabilizing and rehabilitating the economy. This involved implementing policies to control inflation, stabilize the currency, and attract foreign investment. The government also implemented programs to rehabilitate industries and promote economic growth. This approach was aimed at rebuilding the economy after the political and economic instability of the previous regime.
Tujuan Presiden Soeharto memberlakukan penataran P4 adalah….
Correct Answer
B. B. Manusia Pancasila
The correct answer is b. Manusia Pancasila. The purpose of President Soeharto implementing the P4 training was to create "Manusia Pancasila" or individuals who embody the values and principles of Pancasila, the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state. The training aimed to instill discipline, loyalty, and a sense of national identity among the people, in order to promote unity and stability in the country.
Revolusi Hijau diartikan sebagai perubahan….
Correct Answer
C. C. Bidang pertanian dari cara tradisional ke cara modern
The correct answer is c. The Green Revolution is defined as a change in the field of agriculture from traditional methods to modern methods. This refers to the introduction of high-yield varieties of crops, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the adoption of mechanized farming techniques. This revolution aimed to increase agricultural productivity and improve food security.
Di bawah ini yang bukan ciri kebudayaan bermasyarakat dan berbangsa pada masa Orde Baru adalah….
Correct Answer
A. A. Tiada kebebasan kehidupan pers
During the New Order era, there was a lack of freedom of the press. The government controlled and censored the media, limiting the freedom of expression and the ability of journalists to report unbiased news. This restriction on the press was a characteristic of the authoritarian regime, which aimed to maintain control and suppress dissenting voices.
Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan tujuan dari Revolusi Hijau yang dilakukan pemerintah Orde Baru adalah….
Correct Answer
E. E. Meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pemerintah
The correct answer is e. Meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pemerintah. This is not a goal of the Green Revolution implemented by the New Order government. The Green Revolution aimed to modernize agriculture, increase agricultural productivity, and improve agricultural production. It focused on the use of modern agricultural tools and techniques to achieve these goals. However, building trust in the government was not one of the objectives of the Green Revolution.
Usaha meningkatkan produksi pangan pada khususnya, dan pertanian pada umumya dengan cara penganekaragaman jenis usaha tani disebut….pertanian
Correct Answer
B. B. Diversifikasi
The correct answer is b. Diversifikasi. Diversifikasi refers to the practice of increasing the variety of crops and agricultural activities in order to improve food production and agriculture in general. This can involve growing different types of crops, implementing different farming techniques, or expanding into new areas of agriculture. By diversifying, farmers can reduce the risk of crop failure, increase overall productivity, and improve the resilience of the agricultural system.
Dengan banyaknya berkembangnya warnet, dampak negatifmya adalah…
Correct Answer
D. D. Perusakan moral akibat salah pemanfaatan internet
The correct answer is d. Perusakan moral akibat salah pemanfaatan internet. The question is asking for the negative impact of the increasing number of internet cafes (warnet). This answer suggests that one of the negative impacts is the moral degradation caused by the misuse of the internet. This could refer to activities such as accessing inappropriate content, engaging in cyberbullying or online harassment, or participating in illegal activities online.
Perhatikan data di bawah ini !
1). Penculikan terhadap para mahasiswa dari tokoh LSM yang kritis
2). Adanya tekanan terhadap pers yang menyebarkan kebenaran
3). Kemerdekaan berserikat dan berpendapat yang di jamin Undang – undang di batasi
4). Munculnya Amien Rais sebagai tokoh Reformasi
5). Kemenangan PDI-P pemilihan Megawati pada pemilu
Dari data di atas yang merupakan bentuk tekanan menjelang berakhirnya pemerintahan Orde Baru adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. 1, 2 dan 3
The correct answer is b. 1, 2 dan 3. This is because the data provided mentions the kidnapping of critical students from an NGO, the pressure on the media to spread the truth, and the limitation of freedom of association and expression guaranteed by the law. These are all forms of pressure and restrictions that were present during the end of the New Order government.
Hal yang pokok dari tujuan gerakan Reformasi di Indonesia pada tahun 1998 adalah….
Correct Answer
C. C. Menata kehidupan agar sejalan dengan tuntutan keadilan masyrakat
The main goal of the Reform Movement in Indonesia in 1998 was to organize society in line with the demands of social justice. This suggests that the movement aimed to address inequality and create a fairer society where everyone's needs and rights are respected. The other options (a, b, d, and e) do not directly relate to the central objective of the Reform Movement.
Bukti bahwa pemerintahan Orde Baru tidak dapat menerima kritik diantaranya adalah….
Correct Answer
D. D. Adanya tuduhan terhadap seorang yang melakukan kritik terhadap pemerintah untuk sebagai anti pemerintah
The correct answer is d. Adanya tuduhan terhadap seorang yang melakukan kritik terhadap pemerintah untuk sebagai anti pemerintah. This answer suggests that during the New Order government, individuals who criticized the government were often accused of being anti-government. This indicates that the government did not tolerate criticism and viewed it as a threat to their authority.
Peristiwa berdarah pada tanggal 12 Mei 1998 terjadi di….
Correct Answer
b. Semanggi
The correct answer is b. Semanggi because the bloody incident that took place on May 12, 1998, occurred at Semanggi, not at Monas, Kampus UI, Kampus Trisakti, or Kampus Atmaja.
Serah terima jabatan presiden dari Soeharto ke Habibie berlangsung di....
Correct Answer
D. D. Istana Negara Jakarta
The correct answer is d. Istana Negara Jakarta. The handover of the presidency from Soeharto to Habibie took place at the Istana Negara in Jakarta.
Salah satu penyebab krisis ekonomi di Indonesia yang terjadi sejak 1997 adalah….
Correct Answer
C. C. Timbulnya praksek kolusi, korupsi dan nepotisme dalam pemerintahan
The correct answer is c. Timbulnya praksek kolusi, korupsi dan nepotisme dalam pemerintahan. This is because the presence of collusion, corruption, and nepotism in the government can lead to mismanagement of funds and resources, which can contribute to an economic crisis. These practices result in the misuse of public funds, favoritism towards certain individuals or groups, and a lack of transparency and accountability in the government's actions. This can undermine investor confidence, hinder economic growth, and lead to a decline in the overall economic stability of the country.
Krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia tidak berpengaruh pada hal berikut….
Correct Answer
A. A. Pejabat semakin kaya
During an economic crisis, it is common for the general population to experience a decrease in their wealth and purchasing power. However, the same cannot be said for government officials and bureaucrats who often have access to resources and opportunities that allow them to maintain or even increase their wealth. Therefore, the economic crisis in Indonesia would not have an impact on government officials getting richer.
Reformasi total yang dituntut Mahasiswa salah satunya adalah….
Correct Answer
b. Reformasi bidang ekonomI
The total reform demanded by the students includes reform in the economic sector.
Kabineet yang dibentuk untuk mengatasi krisi ekonomi pada masa pemerintahan B.J.habibie adalah kabinet…
Correct Answer
E. E. Reformasi pembangunan
The correct answer is e. Reformasi pembangunan. This answer is correct because the question states that the cabinet was formed to address an economic crisis during the B.J. Habibie administration. The term "Reformasi pembangunan" refers to the reform and development policies implemented during the Habibie administration to address economic issues and promote growth. Therefore, this is the most suitable answer based on the given information.
Tujuan Reformasi di bidang hukum adalah….
Correct Answer
B. B. Penegakkan hukum dan reformasi peradilan
The correct answer is b. Penegakkan hukum dan reformasi peradilan. This answer suggests that the purpose of the legal reform is to enforce the law and reform the judiciary system. It implies that there may have been issues with the enforcement of laws and the functioning of the judiciary system, and the reform aims to address these issues and improve the overall legal system.
Pada tanggal 7 juni 1999 diadakan Ppemilu yang diikuti oleh 48 parta politik, Pemilu tersebut dimenangkan oleh partai….
Correct Answer
PDIP is the correct answer because it is the party that won the election held on June 7, 1999, which was participated by 48 political parties.
Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan Drs. Moh.Yusuf kalla pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2004 sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden RI yang ke....
Correct Answer
C. C. 6
The given information states that Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Drs. Moh. Yusuf Kalla became the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia on October 20, 2004. Since they were the 6th President and Vice President, the correct answer is c. 6.
Pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid, Beliau mengubah nama Irian Jaya menjadi….
Correct Answer
E. E. Papua
During the presidency of Abdurrahman Wahid, he changed the name of Irian Jaya to Papua.
Dampak negatif dari perjalanan Reformasi yang berlangsung pada tahun 1998 – 2004 adalah…
Correct Answer
D. D. Rakyat terjebak pada euphoria kebebasan
The negative impact of the Reformasi movement that took place from 1998 to 2004 was that the people became trapped in the euphoria of freedom. This suggests that while the Reformasi movement brought about positive changes such as the establishment of democracy and transparency, it also had negative consequences. The euphoria of freedom may have led to a lack of caution and responsibility among the people, potentially resulting in social unrest or irresponsible behavior.