Haitian Creole Quizzes & Trivia
Kuiz Shqip features a mix of historical, geographical, and general interest questions including topics on American symbols, significant historical figures, and basic trivia.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 21952
Sample QuestionAdolf Hitler lindi ne
How much do you know about the Uglies Series? Test your knowledge with this trivia quiz!
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 2877
Sample QuestionWho is the author of the Uglies Series? (Hint: he's a dude)
This quiz tests knowledge of AP style, focusing on correct usage of abbreviations and style guidelines in written communication.
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 542
Sample QuestionWhich of the following sentences adheres to AP style guidelines?
Read the questions careefully and select the correct answer.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 391
Sample QuestionWho was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna?
Questions: 16 | Attempts: 291
Sample QuestionCheck the correct answers: the Haitian Creole subject / personal pronouns are: