
Indonesian Quizzes & Trivia

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 152
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    PPKn : KD 3.3 Menelaah keberagaman sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi masyarakat. Dampak dari masyarakat yang banyak menggunakan produk luar negeri adalah ....
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Please choose the correct answer!

Questions: 40  |  Attempts: 148
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    Watashi wa chuugakusei desu. Arti kalimat di atas adalah ....
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Wajib  dibaca sebelum mengerjakan! salah dalam mengerjakan soal adalah kesalahan fatal! ca...

Questions: 35  |  Attempts: 142
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    Mantra 1. Pelafalan mantra Alohamora adalah..
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Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan cermat !

Questions: 24  |  Attempts: 139
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    Udara yang telah masuk ke rongga hidung diteruskan ke batang tenggorokan. Pada batang tenggorokan tersusun atas tulang – tulang rawan yang kemudian bercabang dua. Cabang batang tenggorokan tersebut disebut juga ...
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Sebelum tes dimulai, silahkan berdoa terlebih dahulu. 

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 138
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    Jika unsur A membentuk Senyawa A2B3 yang stabil, kemungkinan konfigurasi elektron unsur A adalah....
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Jika bisa dilakukan nanti, kenapa harus sekarang (?) Gitu?? Hmmm Jika orang lain bisa lolos SBMPTN, kenapa harus kamu (?) Beneran kek gitu???

Questions: 101  |  Attempts: 134
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    Glosarium =…..
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Questions: 30  |  Attempts: 128
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    Which one do you like?
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Pituduh ngerjakeun:1. Waktu nu disadiakeun minimal 30 Menit2. Tuliskeun heula ngaran lengkep siswa ditambahan asal kelas dina kotak "last name"3. Pilih ku cara nyentang (neken mouse) kana salahsahiji buledan jawaban tina 4 pilihan

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 126
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    Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb (2). Puji Sinareng Sukur Kasanggakeun ka Gusti Nu Maha Suci.  Alhamdulillah dina denget ieu urang sadaya tiasa riung mungpulung dina raraga nyakseni upicara Paturay Tineung, wireh sim kuring saparakanca bade ngantunkeun ieu sakola sabada tamat diajar tilu taun.(3). Bapa kalih Ibu, hadirin sadaya anu dipihormat.Sim kuring ngadeg di ieu tempat minangka wawakil ti rerencangan kelas tilu, hoyong cumarios ngedalkeun kareteg angan. Mungguh ari waktu asa nyeak pisan sajorelak . Asa kamari keneh sim kuring saparakanca munggaran lebet ka ieu sakola, ayuena tos kedah paturay deui. Sim kuring saparakanca kedah neraskeun deui lalampahan  geusan ngahontal hareupan sareng cita-cita. Kantenan bae salami tilu taun diajar di ieu sakola, seueur pisan anu bakal janten panineungan. Di dieu, di sakola urang nu tumaninah tur pikabeutaheun, sim kuring saparakanca diajar neangan elmu. Ruang-riung boh di kelas boh dina rupa-rupa kagiatan bari sakapeung sempal guyon gogonjakan sareng rerencangan. Tangtos bae eta sadayana bakal jadi 'katineung' nu moal kahihilapkeun. Atuh kasaean Bapa kalih Ibu Guru sadayana, elmu pangaweruhna anu didugikeun kasim kuring saparakanca, tangtos bakal nyerep dina angen, janten obor nu nyaangan jalan sorangeun. Kalayan diaping dididik ku Ibu Bapa Guru pisan sim kuring saparakanca gaduh elmu nu mangpaat. Dituduhkeun nu sae sareng nu awon, nu leres sareng nu lepat, nu poek sareng nu caang. teu aya nu tiasa kapisanggem, iwal ti hatur sewu nuhun kana pirang-pirang kasaean Ibu kalih Bapa Guru sadayana. Sim kuring saparakanca teu tiasa males eta kasaean, anging ngedalkeun du'a, pamugi rupining elmu parantos dipaparinkeun, kenging ganjaran nu ageung mangtikel-tikel ti Gusti nu maha suci.(4). Atuh salami sim kuring saparakanca diajar di ieu sakola, kantenan bae seueur pisan kalepatan. Seueur pisan sikep sareng nyuhunkeun di hapunten tina samudaya kalepatan kaluluputan. Pamungkas, sim kuring saparakanca nyuhunkeun pidu's ti Ibu kalih Bapa Guru sadayana, pamugi sadaya alumni nu lulus taun ieu tiasa neraskeun sakola. Lungsur-langsar teu aya halangan-harungan, nyukeruk elmu di tingkat nu langkung luhur..(5) Meser kaos dimeteran,      meser sendal sareng pita,      Abdi mios rek pamitan,      rek ngahontal cita-cita. (6) Kamari mawa ragaji,      ayeuna rek mawa kisa,      Kamari urang ngahiji,      ayeuna urang papisah. (7) Rupina sakitu nu kapihatur. Hapunteun bilih aya basa nu kirang merenah larapna, bilih aya kalimah nu teu raos kana manah.(8) Wabilahi taufik wal hidayah. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. WbEta biantara di luhur ditepikeun dina acara
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Questions: 30  |  Attempts: 126
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    Kesimpulan dari premis berikut adalah... "Semua yang berbunga adalah tanaman. Sebagian tanaman warnanya merah"
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Type description here

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 121
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    Berikut ini merupakan jenis jaringan berdasarkan cakupan lingkupnya, kecuali ....
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Questions: 60  |  Attempts: 119
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    READING COMPREHENSION (Number 121 – 130) Reading 1A little more than a hundred years ago, a scientist in Medford, Massachusetts was trying to help local industry. Instead of helping local industry, however, he caused a major problem witha the local environment. The scientist thought that it would be a good idea to try to develop tke silk-making industry in Medford. He knew that the silk industry in Asia was successful because of the silkworm, a catterpilar that ate only mulberry leaves. Mulberry trees did not grow in Medford, so the scientist decided to work on developing a type of silk-making worm that would eat the type of tree leaves in Medford. His plan was to create a worm that was a cross between the silkworm and another type of imported worm that would eat the types of leaves around Medford. Unfortunately, his plan did not turn out as he wanted. He was not able to come up with a silk-producing worm. However, the worms that he imported did like to eat the leaves of trees around Medford. Reading 2 A curfew is a specific type of law instituted by those in power. It is one that requires citizens to be off the streets and out of public places at specified hours. There are active curfew laws in some comunities in the United States today, these laws are currently functioning. The existing curfew laws generally refer to minors. These laws usually indicate the hour when children must be off the streets and out of public unless they are with their parents. Curfew laws have a long tradition. William of Normandy introduced the custom to the British Isles after his invasion there in 1066. At curfew time, a bell was rung. The pealing at the bell indicated that citizens should extinguish any burning tires and clear the streets for the night. The word curfew actually developed at this time from the Norman French expression couvrenteu or cover the fire.The situation in this passage took place approximately...  
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Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 117
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    Suatu jaringan komputer bisa saling berbagi pemakai sumber daya disebut dengan......
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Questions: 34  |  Attempts: 91
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    CHARM   1. Apakah yang membedakan Charm dengan Transfigurasi?
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Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 83
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    Tampilan gambar di atas disebut ....
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