Ентомологија е науката која изучува:
Correct Answer
B. Инсектите
Entomology is the scientific study of insects. It involves the examination and analysis of various aspects of insects, including their anatomy, behavior, ecology, classification, and evolution. Entomologists study insects to understand their role in ecosystems, their impact on human health and agriculture, and to develop strategies for pest control and conservation. By studying insects, entomologists contribute to our understanding of biodiversity and provide valuable insights into the natural world.
Еритреја, која станала 182-ри член на ОН во 1993, е во континентот:
Correct Answer
C. Африка
Eritrea became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, indicating that it is a country. The question asks about the continent where Eritrea is located, and the correct answer is Africa. Eritrea is indeed located in Africa, specifically in the northeastern part of the continent, bordered by Sudan to the west, Ethiopia to the south, and Djibouti to the southeast.
За кои од следните дисциплини се доделува Нобелова награда?
Correct Answer
C. Сите од наведените
The Nobel Prize is awarded in all of the disciplines mentioned in the options: physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace, and economics.
Партијата на Хитлер која застанала на власт во 1933 е позната како:
Correct Answer
B. Нацистичка партија (Национал-социјалистичка германска работничка партија)
The correct answer is "Нацистичка партија (Национал-социјалистичка германска работничка партија)". This is because the Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany in 1933. The party's full name in German is "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei," which translates to "National Socialist German Workers' Party." The party's ideology was based on a combination of extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism, and it played a significant role in the rise of fascism and the events leading up to World War II.
Галилео бил италијански астроном кој:
Correct Answer
D. Сите од наведените
Galileo was an Italian astronomer who made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. He is known for inventing the telescope, which allowed him to make groundbreaking observations of the night sky. He also discovered four satellites of Jupiter, which provided evidence for the heliocentric model of the solar system. Additionally, Galileo made important advancements in the study of physics, including the discovery that the motion of a pendulum can be used to accurately measure time. Therefore, the correct answer is that Galileo accomplished all of the mentioned achievements.
Изложувањето на сончевата светлина е добро за здравјето на човекот бидејќи:
Correct Answer
D. Ултравиолетовите зраци ги претвораат маснотиите во кожата во витамин Д
Exposure to sunlight is beneficial for human health because ultraviolet rays convert cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bone health. It also plays a role in immune function and helps prevent certain diseases.
За Олимпијадата и за светските турнири, димензиите на теренот за кошарка изнесуваат:
Correct Answer
B. 28 м Х 15 м
The dimensions of the basketball court for the Olympics and world tournaments are 28 meters by 15 meters.
Секоја година, денот на Црвениот крст и Црвената полумесечина се слави на:
Correct Answer
A. 8 мај
The correct answer is 8 мај. This is because the question is asking about the day on which the Red Cross and Red Crescent are celebrated each year. The correct date for this celebration is May 8th.
Евклид бил:
Correct Answer
D. Сите од наведените
Евклид бил грчки математичар кој придонел кон употребата на дедуктивните принципи на логиката како основа на геометријата. Тој ги поставил основните геометриски теореми. Затоа, сите наведени тврдења се точни.
Екологијата се занимава со:
Correct Answer
C. Врската помеѓу организмите и нивната околина
Ecology is the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment. It focuses on understanding how organisms interact with each other and their surroundings, including the impact of human activities on the environment. This field of study helps us understand the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of maintaining a balanced ecosystem for the survival of species.
Главниот штаб на Обединетите нации се наоѓа во:
Correct Answer
A. Њујорк, Сад
The main headquarters of the United Nations is located in New York, USA.
Инструментот за набљудување предмети на површината на водата од подморница се вика:
Correct Answer
B. Перископ
A periscope is a device used for observing objects on the surface of the water from a submarine. It consists of a tube with mirrors that reflect light, allowing the viewer to see above the water while remaining submerged. The other options mentioned, such as kaleidoscope, spectroscope, and telescope, are not used for observing objects on the surface of the water from a submarine.