Berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan adalah rukun Islam ke
Correct Answer
B. 3
The correct answer is 3 because fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, which are the basic acts of worship that every Muslim is obligated to perform. Fasting during Ramadan is a religious duty and is considered a way to purify the soul, develop self-discipline, and increase empathy for those who are less fortunate. It involves abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs from sunrise to sunset. This practice is seen as a means of spiritual reflection, increased devotion, and worship to Allah.
Apakah hukum berpuasa?
Correct Answer
A. Wajib
Puasa adalah salah satu dari lima rukun Islam yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh setiap Muslim dewasa dan berakal sehat. Puasa wajib dilakukan selama bulan Ramadan, dimulai dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari. Hal ini berdasarkan pada ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan hadis-hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW yang menyatakan kewajiban umat Islam untuk berpuasa. Puasa memiliki banyak manfaat spiritual dan fisik, seperti meningkatkan kesabaran, keikhlasan, dan kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, hukum berpuasa adalah wajib.
Salah satu syarat wajib berpuasa adalah
Correct Answer
B. Islam
The correct answer is "Islam" because one of the mandatory requirements for fasting is being a follower of the Islamic faith. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are physically and mentally capable to observe the fast from dawn to sunset. Therefore, being a Muslim is an essential condition for fasting.
Maksud berpuasa adalah
Correct Answer
A. Menahan diri daripada perkara-perkara tertentu dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari
The correct answer is "Menahan diri daripada perkara-perkara tertentu dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari." This answer accurately describes the meaning of fasting, which is to abstain from certain things from dawn until sunset. It implies that during fasting, one refrains from eating, drinking, and other specific activities as an act of worship to Allah.
Peristiwa yang berlaku dalam bulan Ramadhan ialah
Correct Answer
B. Nuzul al-Quran
Nuzul al-Quran is an event that takes place during the month of Ramadan. It refers to the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. This event is highly significant for Muslims as it marks the beginning of the Quranic revelations and the guidance for the Islamic faith. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate and celebrate the Nuzul al-Quran by reciting and studying the Quran, attending special prayers and sermons, and reflecting upon the teachings of the holy book.
Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari kerana Allah Taala adalah
Correct Answer
A. Niat puasa
The given answer "Niat puasa" is correct because it means "intention to fast" in English. The statement in the question indicates that the person is fasting tomorrow for the sake of Allah. Niat puasa is an essential component of fasting in Islam, where one must have the intention to fast before starting the fast.
Apakah perkara makhruh yang harus dielakkan ketika berpuasa?
Correct Answer
B. Tidur sepanjang hari
Tidur sepanjang hari merupakan perkara makhruh yang harus dielakkan ketika berpuasa. Hal ini karena puasa merupakan ibadah yang memerlukan kesadaran dan kewaspadaan dalam menjalankannya. Tidur sepanjang hari dapat mengurangi kesadaran dan kewaspadaan seseorang dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa, sehingga dapat mengurangi nilai ibadah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya menghindari tidur sepanjang hari saat berpuasa.
Apakah ibadah sunat di bulan Ramadhan
Correct Answer(s)
A. Membaca al-Quran
B. Bersedekah
C. Bertarawikh
D. Berzikir
The correct answer is Membaca al-Quran, Bersedekah, Bertarawikh, Berzikir. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims engage in various acts of worship, including reading the Quran, giving to charity (Sadaqah), performing Tarawih prayers (extra prayers performed at night during Ramadan), and engaging in remembrance of Allah (zikir). These acts are considered Sunnah (recommended) and are highly encouraged during Ramadan as they bring spiritual benefits and help individuals strengthen their connection with Allah.
Bilakah kita diwajibkan berpuasa
Correct Answer
B. Di bulan Ramadhan
We are obligated to fast in the month of Ramadan.