Microsoft Excel berguna untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Mengolah angka dalam bentuk tabel
Microsoft Excel berguna untuk mengolah angka dalam bentuk tabel. Excel adalah program spreadsheet yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan perhitungan matematika, analisis data, dan membuat grafik berdasarkan data yang dimasukkan ke dalam tabel. Dengan Excel, pengguna dapat melakukan berbagai macam operasi matematika seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian, serta melakukan analisis data seperti mencari rata-rata, median, dan modus. Selain itu, Excel juga menyediakan fitur-fitur seperti filter data, sorting, dan pivot table yang memudahkan pengguna dalam mengelola dan menganalisis data dalam bentuk tabel.
Pada tabel, bagian yang tegak dan dilambangkan dengan huruf disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Kolom (column)
In a table, the vertical part that is represented by letters is called a column. A column is a vertical arrangement of cells in a table, and it is used to organize and categorize data in a structured manner. Each column represents a specific attribute or characteristic of the data being displayed in the table. Therefore, the correct answer is "kolom" (column).
Dalam setiap file baru Microsoft Excel yang kita buka, selalu disediakan lembar kerja (sheet) sebanyak ....
Correct Answer
D. 3 (tiga)
In Microsoft Excel, each new file always comes with three default worksheets or sheets. These sheets are provided to allow users to organize their data and calculations into separate sections within the same file. Having multiple sheets in a single Excel file makes it easier to manage and analyze different sets of data without the need for separate files.
Pengetikan rumus dalam Microsoft Excel selalu diawali dengan tanda ....
Correct Answer
C. = (sama dengan)
In Microsoft Excel, the equal sign (=) is used to indicate that the entry in a cell is a formula or a calculation. It is the symbol that tells Excel to perform a calculation rather than treating the entry as text. Therefore, the correct answer is = (sama dengan).
Fasilitas Autofill berguna untuk ....
Correct Answer
B. Membuat data nomor berurutan
The correct answer is "membuat data nomor berurutan". Autofill is a feature that allows users to automatically fill a series of cells with a sequence of numbers or data. This is useful for creating a list of sequential numbers or data in a spreadsheet or any other data entry form.
Pada sel tertulis : =80/4Apabila ketikan rumus tersebut kita Enter, hasilnya menjadi ....
Correct Answer
A. 20
When the formula "=80/4" is entered, the result is 20. This is because when 80 is divided by 4, the quotient is 20.
Penulisan nama file yang dihasilkan oleh Microsoft Excel adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Latihan.xls
The correct answer is "Latihan.xls" because Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that uses the .xls file extension for its files. The .xls extension indicates that the file is a workbook created in Microsoft Excel. Therefore, "Latihan.xls" is the most appropriate and logical choice for the file name generated by Microsoft Excel.
Perpotongan / pertemuan antara kolom dan baris membentuk kotak yang disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Cell
When columns and rows intersect, they form squares or boxes called "cells." Cells are the individual units within a spreadsheet or table where data can be entered or displayed. Each cell has a unique address based on its column and row position, allowing users to easily reference and manipulate specific data within the spreadsheet.
Pengetikan tanggal dengan format : dd/mm/yyyy adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 31/01/2010
The correct answer is "31/01/2010". This is the correct format for typing a date in dd/mm/yyyy format, where the day is written first, followed by the month and then the year.
Untuk memberi warna pada background (isi) tabel, gunakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Pattern
The correct answer is "pattern". In order to give color to the background of a table, a pattern can be used. This means that instead of a solid color, a pattern or design can be applied to the background of the table. This can be useful for adding visual interest or differentiation to the table, rather than just using a plain color.
Merge Cells berguna untuk ....
Correct Answer
B. Menggabung sel
Merge Cells berguna untuk menggabung sel.
Untuk membuat lambang mata uang (Rp), fasilitasnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Accounting
The correct answer is accounting because the symbol for the currency (Rp) is commonly used in accounting to represent the Indonesian Rupiah. In accounting, this symbol is used to denote monetary values and transactions related to financial statements, budgets, and other financial records.
Fasilitas Border berguna untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Membuat garis bingkai pada tabel
The correct answer is "membuat garis bingkai pada tabel". Fasilitas Border pada tabel digunakan untuk membuat garis bingkai pada tabel, sehingga memungkinkan pengguna untuk memisahkan dan membedakan antara sel-sel dalam tabel. Dengan menggunakan fasilitas ini, pengguna dapat memberikan tampilan yang lebih terstruktur dan terorganisir pada tabel yang dibuat.
Menekan tombol Ctrl disertai dengan menekan tanda panah ke bawah berguna untuk berpindah ke ....
Correct Answer
B. Akhir baris
Pressing the Ctrl key along with the down arrow is useful for moving to the end of a row.
Data yang berupa angka pada awalnya akan diposisikan ... pada kotak sel.
Correct Answer
B. Rata kanan
The correct answer is "rata kanan" because it means "right-aligned" in English. This suggests that the numerical data will be positioned to the right side of the cell.
Untuk mencari nilai rata-rata, gunakan fungsi ....
Correct Answer
To find the average value, the appropriate function to use is "AVERAGE". This function calculates the sum of all the values in a set and then divides it by the number of values in the set. Therefore, it is the most suitable option for finding the average value.
Pertemuan antara kolom dengan baris membentuk kotak yang disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Sel
The correct answer is "sel". This is because "sel" is the Indonesian word for "cell", which refers to the intersection point between a column and a row in a table.
Sekelompok data dari sel A12 sampai A15 akan dijumlah dengan fungsi SUM. Pengetikan rumus yang benar adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. =SUM(A12:A15)
The correct answer is =SUM(A12:A15). This is the correct formula for summing a range of cells from A12 to A15. The SUM function is used to add up the values in the specified range, and the colon (:) is used to indicate the range of cells to be included in the sum. Therefore, =SUM(A12:A15) is the correct formula to use in this case.
Data terbesar dari sekelompok data dicari menggunakan rumus ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is MAX. The question is asking for the largest value in a group of data, and the MAX function is used to find the maximum value in a set of numbers.