Seseorang dengan badan yang lemah mempunyai sifat rendah diri sehingga menemukan kesulitan dalam menjalankan proses sosialisasi. Dalam proses sosialisasi, gejala ini termasuk faktor....
Correct Answer
E. Biologis
The given statement suggests that someone with a weak body may have low self-esteem, which can make it difficult for them to socialize. This difficulty in socialization can be considered a biological factor because it is related to the individual's physical condition.
Hakikat proses sosialisasi adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Mempelajari nilai dan norma di masyarakat
The correct answer is "mempelajari nilai dan norma di masyarakat." This is because the process of socialization involves learning and internalizing the values and norms of a society. It is through this process that individuals acquire the knowledge and understanding of the accepted behaviors, beliefs, and customs within their community.
Keterlibatan para remaja dalam kasus penyalahgunaan narkotika dan obat-obatan terlarang lebih disebabkan oleh adanya pengaruh dari ....
Correct Answer
E. Sosialisasi teman sepermainan dan kelompok persahabatan
The involvement of teenagers in drug abuse cases is more influenced by socialization with playmates and friendship groups. This suggests that peer pressure and influence play a significant role in teenagers' decisions to engage in drug abuse. The influence of friends and close peers can be strong during adolescence, as teenagers often seek acceptance and validation from their peers. Therefore, it is crucial to address the issue of peer influence and provide effective prevention and intervention strategies to protect teenagers from the risks of drug abuse.
Hubungan antara sosialisasi dan kepribadian adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Kepribadian terbentuk karena adanya proses sosialisasi
The correct answer is "kepribadian terbentuk karena adanya proses sosialisasi." This answer suggests that personality is formed as a result of the socialization process. Socialization plays a significant role in shaping an individual's personality by influencing their beliefs, values, behaviors, and social interactions. Through socialization, individuals learn societal norms, cultural practices, and social roles, which contribute to the development of their unique personalities.
Sekolah berusaha memberi teladan bersikap dan bertingkah laku bagi siswa agar mereka menjadi pribadi yang tekun beribadah kepada Tuhan. Upaya tersebut membuktikan lembaga pendidikan berfungsi....
Correct Answer
A. Menciptakan pribadi yang bertakwa dan beriman kepada Tuhan
The given correct answer, "menciptakan pribadi yang bertakwa dan beriman kepada Tuhan" (creating individuals who are pious and faithful to God), aligns with the statement in the passage that the school strives to set an example in behavior and conduct for students so that they become diligent in worshiping God. This implies that the purpose of the educational institution is to instill religious values and beliefs in students, encouraging them to be devout and faithful individuals.
Pengertian sosialisasi adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Proses penerimaan dan pembelajaran individu tentang norma dan nilai yang berlaku
The correct answer is "proses penerimaan dan pembelajaran individu tentang norma dan nilai yang berlaku." This answer explains that socialization is the process of individuals accepting and learning about the norms and values that are prevalent in society. It emphasizes the importance of individuals acquiring and internalizing the societal norms and values through the socialization process.
Tujuan utama sosialisasi bagi seseorang ialah untuk
Correct Answer
D. Memperoleh nilai, norma, pengetahuan dan keterampilan
The main purpose of socialization for an individual is to acquire values, norms, knowledge, and skills. Socialization is the process through which individuals learn and internalize the cultural and societal expectations, beliefs, and behaviors. By socializing, individuals gain an understanding of the accepted norms and values of their society, acquire knowledge about various subjects, and develop skills necessary for their personal and professional growth. This process helps individuals to become well-rounded members of society and enables them to effectively navigate social interactions and contribute to the community.
Keluarga merupakan media sosialisasi yang penting karena keluarga....
Correct Answer
C. Perantara pertama pengenalan nilai dan norma terhadap anak
Keluarga merupakan media sosialisasi yang penting karena keluarga menjadi perantara pertama dalam mengenalkan nilai dan norma kepada anak. Keluarga memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk karakter dan perilaku anak melalui pengajaran nilai-nilai, norma, dan etika yang berlaku dalam keluarga. Anak belajar tentang etika, moral, dan tata krama melalui interaksi dengan anggota keluarga. Oleh karena itu, keluarga memiliki peran utama dalam membentuk pola pikir dan perilaku anak sejak dini.
Sosialisasi yang mengutamakan adanya partisipasi dari anak memberikan apa yang diminta anak apabila anak berperilaku baik adalah sosialisasi ....
Correct Answer
B. Partisipatif
The given question is asking for the type of socialization that prioritizes the participation of children and provides them with what they ask for when they behave well. The correct answer is "partisipatif" because participative socialization involves involving children in decision-making processes and taking their opinions and desires into consideration. This type of socialization encourages children to actively participate and engage in positive behavior by rewarding them with what they ask for.
Salah satu sifat dasar yang dapat memengaruhi proses sosialisasi adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Seluruh potensi yang diwariskan orang tuanya
The correct answer is "seluruh potensi yang diwariskan orang tuanya" (all the potentials inherited from their parents). This answer suggests that one of the basic characteristics that can influence the process of socialization is the inherent potentials that individuals inherit from their parents. These inherited potentials can include physical traits, intellectual abilities, talents, and other characteristics that shape an individual's development and socialization process.
Proses sosialisasi dimana seseorang diberikan suatu diri yang baru disebut ...
Correct Answer
C. Resosialisasi
Resosialisasi adalah proses sosialisasi di mana seseorang diberikan suatu diri yang baru. Hal ini dapat terjadi ketika seseorang mengalami perubahan dalam lingkungan sosialnya, seperti masuk penjara atau bergabung dengan kelompok baru. Resosialisasi melibatkan pembelajaran ulang nilai-nilai, norma, dan perilaku yang sesuai dengan lingkungan sosial baru. Dalam proses ini, individu akan mengalami penyesuaian dan perubahan dalam identitas dan perilaku mereka untuk dapat berfungsi di lingkungan sosial baru tersebut.
Seorang anak yang dititipkan di lembaga pendidikan khusus anak-anak nakal dibimbing untuk menerima aturan dan nilai-nilai baru agar mampu bermasyarakat serta dapat diterima oleh masyarakatnya. Kasus tersebut dinamakan sosialisasi....
Correct Answer
E. Sekunder
The given question describes a situation where a child is placed in a special educational institution for troubled children to learn new rules and values in order to integrate into society and be accepted by their community. This process of learning and adapting to societal norms is called socialization. The term "sekunder" in Indonesian refers to secondary socialization, which occurs outside the immediate family and is typically facilitated by institutions such as schools or peer groups. This aligns with the scenario described in the question, making "sekunder" the correct answer.
Keberhasilan ibu mengajarkan etiket bergaul kepada adik membuktikan bahwa....
Correct Answer
A. Kepribadian dapat dibentuk oleh nilai dan norma
The success of the mother in teaching social etiquette to her younger sibling demonstrates that personality can be shaped by values and norms.
Sosialisasi melalui televisi akan memberikan dampak positif dan negatif. Dampak positifnya adalah meningkatkan....
Correct Answer
B. Pengetahuan
Sosialisasi melalui televisi akan memberikan dampak positif dan negatif. Dampak positifnya adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan. Melalui program-program televisi yang informatif dan edukatif, penonton dapat memperoleh pengetahuan baru tentang berbagai topik. Dengan peningkatan pengetahuan, individu dapat menjadi lebih cerdas dan terinformasi.
Masuknya informasi melalui film dan buku-buku bacaan memengaruhi sikap remaja. Hal ini merupakan penanaman nilai pada media sosialisasi....
Correct Answer
E. Media massa
The correct answer is media massa. Media massa refers to mass media, such as television, newspapers, and the internet, which play a significant role in shaping the attitudes and beliefs of teenagers. Films and books are part of the mass media that provide information and influence the values and behaviors of young people. Through media massa, teenagers are exposed to various perspectives and ideas, which can impact their attitudes and shape their worldview.
Seseorang pertama kali memperoleh nilai, norma, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan dari keluarga. Berarti keluarga mempunyai fungsi sebagai ...
Correct Answer
D. Sosialisasi primer
The correct answer is "sosialisasi primer". This is because the question states that individuals first acquire values, norms, knowledge, and skills from their family, indicating that the family plays a primary role in socializing individuals and shaping their behavior and beliefs.