Perjalanan Nabi Muhammmad SAW pada suatu malam dari masjidil haram ke masjidil aqsa disebut isra' mi'raj.
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The statement is incorrect. The correct statement should be "Perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW pada suatu malam dari masjidil haram ke masjidil aqsa disebut isra'". The term "isra' mi'raj" refers to the night journey and ascension of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the heavens.
Perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari masjidil aqsa ke Sidratul Muntaha disebut mi'raj.
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The statement is correct. It states that the journey of Prophet Muhammad from Masjidil Aqsa to Sidratul Muntaha is called Mi'raj. Mi'raj refers to the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the highest levels of heaven. This journey is a significant event in Islamic history and is mentioned in the Quran.
Ketika isra' mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW mengendarai unta
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The given statement is incorrect. It states that during the Isra' Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) rode a camel, which is not true. According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) rode a creature called Buraq during the Isra' Mi'raj, not a camel or an unta.
Sahabat nabi yang pertama kali membenarkan tentang peristiwa isra' mi'raj adalah Umar bin Khatab
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The given statement is incorrect. Umar bin Khatab was not the first companion of the Prophet to confirm the incident of Isra' Mi'raj. The correct answer is "salah" (false).
Secara bahasa arti isra' adalah perjalanan
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement correctly states that the meaning of "isra'" in the Indonesian language is "perjalanan" which translates to "journey" in English.
Pada peristiwa isra' mi'raj mengandung perintah tentang kewajiban sholat 5 waktu
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The statement is correct because during the event of Isra' Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad received the commandment from Allah to establish the five daily prayers. This significant event took place when the Prophet was taken on a miraculous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended to the heavens. The obligation of performing the five daily prayers was established during this event and remains a fundamental pillar of Islam.
Isra' mi'raj terjadi pada periode akhir kenabian di Mekkah, sebelum nabi hijrah ke Thaif
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The given statement is incorrect. The Isra' Mi'raj, which refers to the Night Journey and Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad, took place during the period of his prophethood in Makkah, before he migrated to Madinah. It occurred approximately a year before the Hijrah (migration) to Madinah.
Peristiwa Isra' mi'raj terjadi pada malam 27 Rajab tahun ke 10 kenabian
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is correct. The event of Isra' Mi'raj occurred on the night of the 27th of Rajab in the 10th year of the Prophethood. Isra' refers to the night journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem, while Mi'raj refers to his ascension to the heavens. This event holds great significance in Islamic history and is celebrated by Muslims worldwide.
Bukti bahwa nabi Muhammad SAW telah melakukan perjalanan Isra' mi'raj terdapat dalam Alqur'an surat Al-Isra
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is correct. The evidence that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) performed the journey of Isra' Mi'raj is found in the Quran, specifically in Surah Al-Isra. This surah mentions the miraculous night journey of the Prophet from Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and then his ascension to the heavens. The details of this journey are described in the Quran, validating the occurrence of Isra' Mi'raj in Islamic belief.
Malaikat isrofil adalah malaikat yang menemani nabi Muahammad ketika Isra' Mi'raj
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The given statement is incorrect. The correct statement should be "Malaikat Isrofil adalah malaikat yang menemani nabi Muhammad ketika kiamat." This means that Malaikat Isrofil is the angel who will accompany Prophet Muhammad during the Day of Judgment, not during Isra' Mi'raj. Therefore, the answer is "salah" (incorrect).
Saat masih kecil nabi Muhammmad pernah di operasi hati ( dibersihkan hatinya ) oleh malaikat Mikail
Correct Answer
B. Salah
Pada peristiwa isra' mi'raj perintah Alloh yang pertama sholat yang diwajibkan adalah 50 kali sahari semalam
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is true. During the event of Isra' Mi'raj, Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad to establish fifty daily prayers. However, upon the Prophet's request for the number to be reduced due to the difficulty, Allah eventually reduced it to five daily prayers.
Nabi Isa adalah nabi yang menyuruh nabi Muhammad untuk kembali menghadap Alloh untuk meminta keringanan dalam mengerjakan sholat
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The statement is incorrect. Nabi Isa (Jesus) did not instruct Prophet Muhammad to return to Allah and ask for leniency in performing prayers. This statement contradicts the beliefs and teachings of both Islam and Christianity. In Islam, Prophet Muhammad is considered the final and greatest prophet, while in Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the son of God and the savior of humanity. Therefore, the given statement is false.
Perintah melaksanakan sholat adalah sesuai rukun islam yang ke 3
Correct Answer
B. Salah
Ketika Isra' mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW bertemu nabi Musa pada langit lapis ke 6
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The statement is correct because it states that during the Isra' Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Musa in the sixth heaven. The Isra' Mi'raj is a significant event in Islamic belief where the Prophet Muhammad was taken on a miraculous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended to the heavens. It is believed that during this journey, he met several prophets including Prophet Musa in the sixth heaven. This encounter is mentioned in Islamic literature and holds great importance in the faith.
Peristiwa isra' mi'raj adalah menunjukkan kebesaran Alloh SWT
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is correct because the event of Isra' Mi'raj is a significant event in Islamic history that showcases the greatness and power of Allah SWT. Isra' refers to the night journey of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Mecca to Jerusalem, while Mi'raj refers to his ascension to the heavens. This miraculous event demonstrates Allah's ability to transport the Prophet from one place to another and elevate him to the heavens, highlighting His supreme authority and magnificence.
Kecepatan Buraq ketika isra' mi'raj digambarkan / diumpamakan seperti cahaya
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is correct because during the Isra' Mi'raj, the Buraq's speed is described or compared to that of light. This indicates that the Buraq was incredibly fast, emphasizing the miraculous nature of the journey. The comparison to light suggests that the Buraq's speed was beyond human comprehension, further highlighting the extraordinary nature of the event.
Orang - orang yang menghina nabi Muhammad telah melakukan isra' mi'raj yaitu dari kaum kafir quraisy
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement suggests that those who insulted Prophet Muhammad have committed the act of Isra' Mi'raj, which refers to the miraculous night journey of the Prophet from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascension to the heavens. The statement implies that the people from the Quraysh disbelieved in the Prophet's journey and mocked him, leading to their act of insulting him.
Peristiwa Isra' mi'raj dilakukan pada siang hari
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The given answer is "salah" which means "wrong" in English. The statement in the question is "peristiwa Isra' mi'raj dilakukan pada siang hari" which translates to "the Isra' mi'raj event took place during the day." However, according to Islamic belief, the Isra' mi'raj event took place during the night. Therefore, the given answer is correct as the statement contradicts the commonly accepted belief.
Satu - satunya wahyu yang diterima nabi Muhmmad SAW secara langsung adalah perintah sholat
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is true. The only revelation that Prophet Muhammad SAW received directly from Allah was the command to perform the prayer. This means that Allah communicated this specific instruction to Prophet Muhammad SAW without the intervention of any intermediary, such as the angel Gabriel. This emphasizes the importance of prayer in Islam and highlights its significance as a fundamental pillar of the faith.