Sebutkan ciri-ciri Hadis Qudsi...
Mengapa manusia diperintahkan Nabi untuk melihat orang dibawahnya dalam bidang materi / harta benda, Jelaskan !
Jelaskan maksud kesederhanaan dalam berpakaian sesuai hadis Nabi riwayat Imam Ahmad ?
Bagaimana cara kita memberikan sadaqah kepada kaum duafa ?
Jelaskan hadis dibawah ini عَنْ سَهْلٍ قَلَ رَسُوْلُ اللّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم وَاَنَا وَكَافِلُ الْيَتِيْمِ فِيْ الْجَنَّةِ هَكَذَا وَاَشَارِ بِالسَّبَّا بَةِ وَالْوُسْطَى وَفَرَّجَ بَيْنَهُمَا شَيْاءً ( اخرجه البخارى )
Tingkat tertinggi keimanan seseorang adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Taat kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya diatas segala-galanya
The highest level of a person's faith is to obey Allah SWT and His Messenger above all else. This means that one's obedience to Allah and following the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) should take precedence over any other desires, temptations, or worldly matters. It implies complete submission and devotion to Allah and His guidance, which is the ultimate manifestation of faith.
Taat dan patuhnya seorang mukmin terhadap Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya bersifat...
Correct Answer
A. Mutlak / Absolut
The correct answer is "Mutlak / Absolut". This means that the obedience and devotion of a believer to Allah SWT and His Messenger should be absolute and unconditional. It implies that there should be no compromise or exceptions in following the commands and teachings of Allah and His Messenger. The believer should strive to be completely obedient and submissive in all aspects of their life, without any hesitation or reservation.
Faktor internal yang mempengaruhi seseorang KUFUR kepada Allah SWT adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Tidak mempunyai prinsip hidup
The correct answer is "Tidak mempunyai prinsip hidup" (Not having principles in life). This suggests that one of the internal factors that can lead someone to disbelief in Allah is the lack of a clear set of guiding principles or values. Without a strong moral compass or belief system, individuals may be more susceptible to questioning or rejecting religious beliefs.
Arti penggalan matan hadis berikut adalah... اَلْعِزُّ اِزَارُهُ وَالْكِبْرِيَاءُ رِدَاءُهُ
Correct Answer
C. Keagungan adalah pakaian-Nya dan Kesombongan adalah selendang-Nya
The correct answer is "Keagungan adalah pakaian-Nya dan Kesombongan adalah selendang-Nya." This is because the given phrase in the hadith states that "Keagungan adalah pakaian-Nya" which means "Greatness is His garment" and "Kesombongan adalah selendang-Nya" which means "Arrogance is His shawl." This implies that greatness and arrogance are attributes of Allah, and they are metaphorically described as His clothing and shawl respectively.
Hadis dibawah ini menunjukkan sifat-sifat kebesaran Allah SWT tentang ... إِنِّي حَرَّمْتُ الظُّلْمَ عَلَى نَفْسِي وَجَعَلْتُهُ بَيْنَكُمْ مُحَرَّمًا فَلَا تَظَالَمُوا
Correct Answer
C. Maha suci dari kezaliman
The given hadith states that Allah SWT has forbidden oppression upon Himself and has made it forbidden among people as well. This indicates that Allah is free from any form of injustice or wrongdoing. Therefore, the correct answer is "Maha suci dari kezaliman" which means "Free from injustice".
Makna Penggalan hadis dibawah ini adalah...فَمَنْ يُنَازِعُنِيْ عَذَّبْتُهُ
Correct Answer
B. Hamba yang bergaya seperti sifat-Ku, maka Aku siksa
The meaning of the hadith fragment is that anyone who tries to compete or challenge Allah will be punished by Him. The phrase "Hamba yang bergaya seperti sifat-Ku, maka Aku siksa" translates to "A servant who tries to imitate My qualities, then I will punish him." This implies that Allah does not tolerate arrogance or anyone trying to elevate themselves to His level.
Menurut Al-Khatabi, sifat khusus yang hanya dimiliki Allah SWT adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Sifat kebesaran dan keagungan
According to Al-Khatabi, the special qualities that are only possessed by Allah SWT are the qualities of greatness and magnificence.
Pendapat Rasyid Rida dalam kitab Tafsir al-Manar tentang 'Arsy adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Pusat pengendali alam semesta
Rasyid Rida dalam kitab Tafsir al-Manar berpendapat bahwa 'Arsy adalah pusat pengendali alam semesta.
Sanad hadis kewajiban bersyukur yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad disandarkan kepada...
Correct Answer
C. Nu'man bin Basyir
The correct answer is Nu'man bin Basyir. This is because the hadith about the obligation of gratitude is narrated by Ahmad and attributed to Nu'man bin Basyir.
Rawi hadis tentang dua nikmat yang menipu adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Imam Bukhari
The correct answer is Imam Bukhari. Imam Bukhari is known for his collection of hadiths called Sahih al-Bukhari, which is considered one of the most authentic and reliable collections of hadiths in Sunni Islam. The hadith about the two deceptive blessings is likely to be found in Sahih al-Bukhari.
Benar atau Salah ( Hakikat syukur adalah adanya pengakuan di hati bahwa nikmat itu semata-mata datangnya dari Allah SWT ( syukur bi al-qalbi ), diucapkan dilisan dengan ucapan yang baik, seperti memuji Allah SWT.)
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is correct. It states that the essence of gratitude is recognizing in one's heart that blessings come solely from Allah SWT, expressing it through good words, such as praising Allah SWT. This explanation aligns with the understanding of gratitude in Islamic teachings, where believers are encouraged to acknowledge and express gratitude to Allah SWT for His blessings.
Benar atau Salah ( Hadis tentang membantu kaum duafa اِنَّماَ يَنْصُرُ اللّهُ هَذِهِ الْاُمَّةَ بِضَعِيْفِهَا بِدَعْوَتِهِمْ وَصَلاَتِهِمْ وَاِحْلَا صِهِمْ diriwayatkan oleh Imam bukhari ?
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The given answer is "Salah" because the hadith mentioned in the question is not narrated by Imam Bukhari.
Benar atau Salah ( Wasiat Rasulullah SAW kepada Mu'adz bin Jabal agar setiap selesai shalat selalu berdo'a " Ya Allah bantulah aku untuk ingat kepada-Mu, mensyukuri nikmat-Mu,dan beribadah yang baik kepada-Mu")
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement is correct. It states that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised Mu'adz bin Jabal to always pray after every prayer, saying "O Allah, help me to remember You, to be grateful for Your blessings, and to worship You in the best way." This advice emphasizes the importance of constantly seeking Allah's guidance, expressing gratitude for His blessings, and striving to worship Him sincerely.
Benar atau Salah ( Amr bin Syu'aib adalah sanad dari hadis tentang Hidup sederhana yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad )
Correct Answer
A. Benar
Amr bin Syu'aib adalah seorang perawi yang meriwayatkan hadis tentang Hidup sederhana yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad.
Benar atau salah ( Pola hidup sederhana yang diajarkan Rasul dan sesuai hadis Rasul yang diriwayatkan Ahmad ada 5 Hal )
Correct Answer
B. Salah
The correct answer is "Salah" because the statement is incorrect. The question is asking whether the simple lifestyle taught by the Prophet and mentioned in the hadiths narrated by Ahmad consists of 5 things. However, the given options do not provide any information about the number of things in the lifestyle, so it is not possible to determine if the statement is true or false.