Berbagai jenis mangga seperti mangga golek, mangga gadung dan mangga madu merupakan keanekaragaman tingkat
Correct Answer
B. Gen
The given statement suggests that different types of mangoes, such as golek, gadung, and madu, represent genetic diversity. This means that these mango varieties have distinct genetic characteristics that differentiate them from one another. Genetic diversity is important for the long-term survival and adaptation of species, as it allows for a wider range of traits and variations within a population. Therefore, the correct answer is "gen."
Keanekaragaman hayati terbangun oleh tiga tingkatan keanekaragaman, yaitu keanekaragaman ….
Correct Answer
E. Gen, jenis dan ekosistem
The correct answer is "gen, jenis dan ekosistem". This is because biodiversity is built upon three levels of diversity: genetic diversity (gen), species diversity (jenis), and ecosystem diversity (ekosistem). These three levels encompass the variety of genes within a population, the variety of species within an ecosystem, and the variety of ecosystems within a region or planet.
Perbedaan bentuk, penampilan dan sifat pada pisang ambon, pisang raja, pisang kepok menunjukkan adanya keanekaragaman tingkat ….
Correct Answer
A. gen
The difference in form, appearance, and characteristics of different types of bananas such as pisang ambon, pisang raja, and pisang kepok indicates the existence of genetic diversity.
Variasi antarindividu muncul karena adanya perbedaan ….
Correct Answer
D. Struktur gen
The variation between individuals arises due to differences in their genetic structure. Genetic structure refers to the arrangement and composition of genes in an organism's DNA. These genes determine the traits and characteristics of an individual, such as their physical appearance, behavior, and susceptibility to diseases. Therefore, variations in the genetic structure can lead to differences in traits and characteristics among individuals.
Berikut ini yang merupakan tumbuhan khas Papua adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Buah merah dan matoa
The correct answer is "buah merah dan matoa". Buah merah and matoa are both typical plants found in Papua.
Mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati dapat berguna seperti tersebut berikut ini, kecuali ….
Correct Answer
A. Mengetahui manfaat jenis-jenis makhluk hidup
Mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati dapat berguna untuk mengetahui kekerabatan antar makhluk hidup, mengenal jenis-jenis makhluk hidup, mengenal ciri-ciri makhluk hidup, dan mengetahui pangsa. Namun, tidak berguna untuk mengetahui manfaat jenis-jenis makhluk hidup.
Lebih mudah membedakan ciri antara padi dengan jagung daripada membedakan ciri antara padi cisadane dan padi mamberamo karena ….
Correct Answer
E. Padi dan jagung berbeda spesies
The correct answer is that padi and jagung are different species. This means that they belong to different groups within the plant classification system. It is easier to distinguish between the characteristics of padi and jagung because they have distinct genetic and physical differences that set them apart. On the other hand, distinguishing between padi cisadane and padi mamberamo is more difficult because they belong to the same species and share many similar characteristics.
Kebun pemeliharaan jenis-jenis flora langka dan kerabat liarnya disebut ….
Correct Answer
B. Kebun raya
A kebun raya is a type of garden that specializes in maintaining and preserving rare and wild flora species and their relatives. It is a collection of plants from various regions, including endangered species, and serves as a conservation and research center. The term "kebun raya" is commonly used in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, to describe botanical gardens that focus on the preservation of rare and exotic plant species.
Gambar hewan di bawah adalah khas…
Correct Answer
A. Orientalis
The correct answer is "Orientalis." This suggests that the animal in the picture is characteristic of the Oriental region or culture.
Istilah yang menunjukkan gambaran kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati pada suatu wilayah disebut ….
Correct Answer
C. Biodiversitas
Biodiversitas adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati pada suatu wilayah. Istilah ini mencakup keragaman genetik, spesies, dan ekosistem yang ada dalam suatu wilayah. Dengan kata lain, biodiversitas mengacu pada jumlah dan variasi organisme hidup yang ada dalam suatu ekosistem.
Usaha pelestarian satwa langka di kebun binatang dan taman safari termasuk pelestarian secara ….
Correct Answer
E. Eksitu
The correct answer is "eksitu". Eksitu refers to the conservation of rare wildlife species outside their natural habitat, typically in zoos, botanical gardens, or captive breeding programs. This method involves breeding and protecting endangered species in controlled environments to prevent their extinction. It is an important strategy for preserving biodiversity and ensuring the survival of endangered species.
Berikut ini yang termasuk fauna langka dan dilindungi, kecuali ….
Correct Answer
D. Cendrawasih, gajah dan badak
The given answer, "cendrawasih, gajah dan badak" (birds of paradise, elephants, and rhinos), is incorrect because these three animals are indeed rare and protected species. The other options in the question all include at least one animal that is not considered rare or protected.
Usaha pelestarian sumber daya alam hayati ekosistem hutan dapat dilakukan dengan cara…
Correct Answer
D. Menerapkan system tebang pilih dan penanaman kembali
The correct answer is "Menerapkan sistem tebang pilih dan penanaman kembali." This means that the preservation of the natural resources of the forest ecosystem can be done by implementing a selective logging system and reforestation. This method involves carefully choosing which trees to cut down, ensuring that only mature trees are harvested, and replanting new trees to replace the ones that have been cut down. By doing so, it helps to maintain the balance and sustainability of the forest ecosystem while still allowing for the utilization of its resources.
Gambar hewan di bawah ini dilestarikan di kawasan….
Correct Answer
B. Taman nasional
The correct answer is "Taman nasional." This is because taman nasional refers to a national park, which is an area that is protected and preserved for the conservation of wildlife and their habitats. It is a designated area where various species of animals and plants are protected from human activities such as hunting, logging, and development. National parks are usually larger in size and have stricter regulations compared to other types of protected areas like cagar alam (nature reserve), suaka margasatwa (wildlife sanctuary), kebun raya (botanical garden), or hutan wisata (tourist forest).
Hewan berikut merupakan khas daerah….
Correct Answer
C. Peralihan
The correct answer is "Peralihan". This suggests that the animal mentioned in the question is a transitional species or a species that is found in between two different regions or habitats. This implies that the animal may have characteristics or adaptations that allow it to survive in both regions.
Pasangan tumbuhan berikut yang dapat dikelompokkan dalam tingkat keanekaragaman gen yaitu…
Correct Answer
B. Ketan hitam dan ketan putih
The correct answer is Ketan hitam dan ketan putih because they are two different varieties of the same plant species, Oryza sativa. They have different genetic characteristics and traits, which contribute to the overall genetic diversity within the species.
Berdasarkan perbedaan flora dan fauna yang mendominasi, terumbu karang di Pantai Pangandaran dan kawasan hutan di Gunung Gede Pangrango menunjukkan adanya keanekaragaman hayati tingkat…
Correct Answer
E. Ekosistem
Based on the dominant flora and fauna differences, coral reefs in Pangandaran Beach and forest areas in Gunung Gede Pangrango show the existence of biodiversity at the ecosystem level.
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
Correct Answer
A. Bengkulu, Riau dan Kalimantan
The correct answer is Bengkulu, Riau, and Kalimantan. This is because the given options are a list of different regions in Indonesia, and Bengkulu, Riau, and Kalimantan are the only regions mentioned in the given list. The other regions mentioned in the options are Sumatera Barat, Aceh, Nusa Kambangan, Pangandaran, and Jawa Barat, but they are not part of the correct answer.
Kawasan suaka alam yang digunakan untuk melindungi dan menjamin perkembangan secara alami terhadap jenis tumbuhan yang khas di tempat tersebut disebut…
Correct Answer
E. Taman hutan raya
Taman hutan raya is the correct answer because it refers to a nature reserve that is specifically designated to protect and preserve the natural development of unique plant species in a particular area. It is a larger and more extensive form of conservation area compared to other options such as cagar alam, suaka margasatwa, taman nasional, and taman wisata alam. Taman hutan raya focuses on the conservation of the entire forest ecosystem and its biodiversity.
Contoh upaya pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia secara ex situ yaitu...
Correct Answer
B. Penangkaran harimau di kebun binatang
Penangkaran harimau di kebun binatang refers to the conservation effort of breeding tigers in captivity in a zoo. This is an example of ex situ conservation, which involves the preservation of biodiversity outside of its natural habitat. By establishing breeding programs in zoos, the endangered tiger population can be protected and potentially reintroduced into the wild in the future. This method helps to ensure the survival of the species and contributes to the overall conservation of biodiversity in Indonesia.
Penggolongan dunia tumbuhan ke dalam golongan tumbuhan tinggi dan tumbuhan rendah didasarkan kepada beberapa ketentuan. Dasar-dasar penggolongan tersebut adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Tinggi tendahnya tingkat organisasinya.
The correct answer is "Tinggi tendahnya tingkat organisasinya." This is because the classification of plants into high and low plants is based on the height of their organizational level.
Lumut (Bryophyta) merupakan tumbuhan peralihan antara tumbuhan talus dan tumbuhan kormus yang mempunyai ciri, yaitu . . .
Correct Answer
C. Mempunyai rhizoid
Lumut (Bryophyta) is a transitional plant between thallus plants and stem plants that has the characteristic of having rhizoids. Rhizoids are root-like structures that anchor the plant to the substrate and absorb water and nutrients. Unlike true roots, rhizoids do not have specialized tissues for conducting water and nutrients, which is why lumut does not have vascular tissue or a true stem. The presence of rhizoids is a defining characteristic of bryophytes like lumut.
Tumbuhan lumut mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti tersebut di bawah ini, . . .
Correct Answer
C. Heterotrof
The given characteristics of the plant, such as living in a moist environment, having roots, and transporting water and minerals through xylem, are all true for mosses. However, the characteristic of being heterotrophic is not accurate for mosses. Mosses are actually autotrophic, meaning they can produce their own food through photosynthesis. Therefore, the correct answer is not heterotrophic.
Generasi gametofit tumbuhan lumut daun mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut Kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Terdiri dari protalium
The gametophyte generation of moss plants has several characteristics, including the ability to perform photosynthesis, produce ovum and spermatozoids, and have a haploid chromosome arrangement. However, it does not consist of a protalium.
Generasi sporofit tumbuhan lumut mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :
Correct Answer
A. Jumlah kromosomya diploid
The correct answer is "Jumlah kromosomya diploid" because it states that the sporophyte generation of moss plants has a diploid number of chromosomes. This means that the cells in the sporophyte generation have two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. This is in contrast to the gametophyte generation, which has a haploid number of chromosomes.
Pernyataan yang TIDAK benar mengenai tumbuhan lumut di bawah ini adalah . . .
Correct Answer
E. Sporanya berkembang menjadi prothalium
The incorrect statement about moss plants is that their spores develop into prothallium. Moss plants do not have prothallium, as prothallium is a structure found in ferns and some other types of plants. Moss plants have a different reproductive structure called a gametophyte.
Tumbuhan paku memperlihatkan ciri-ciri kecuali :
Correct Answer
D. Akarnya berbentuk rhizoid
The correct answer is "akarnya berbentuk rhizoid". This is because rhizoids are root-like structures found in non-vascular plants like mosses and liverworts, not in ferns (which are vascular plants). Ferns have true roots, not rhizoids.
Tumbuhan lumut maupun tumbuhan paku mempunyai tempat yang lembab. Tumbuhan tersebut disebut . . .
Correct Answer
E. Higrofit
Higrofit is the correct answer because the sentence states that both moss plants and ferns require a moist environment. Higrofit refers to plants that thrive in wet or damp conditions, making it the most suitable term to describe these types of plants.
Generasi gametofit pada paku-pakuan menunjukkan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut . . .
Correct Answer
E. Ujung daunnya menggulung
The given characteristics describe the gametophyte generation of ferns. The statement "Ujung daunnya menggulung" means that the tip of the leaf curls inwards. This is a characteristic feature of ferns, where the leaves are coiled in a tight spiral when they first emerge. This adaptation allows the young leaves to be protected as they grow and unfurl.
Contoh tumbuhan paku yang menghasilkan dua jenis spora yaitu makrospora dan mikrospora adalah
Correct Answer
D. Selaginella
Selaginella is a type of fern that produces two types of spores, macrospores and microspores. This characteristic sets it apart from other options such as Filicinae, Equisetum, Lycopodium, and Marchantia, which do not produce two types of spores. Therefore, Selaginella is the correct answer for this question.
Menurut fungsinya daun pteridophyta untuk fotosintesis yaitu . . .
Correct Answer
B. Tropofil
The correct answer is "Tropofil". Tropofil refers to the leaves of pteridophytes that are adapted for photosynthesis. These leaves have specialized structures and adaptations that allow them to efficiently capture sunlight and carry out the process of photosynthesis. They have a large surface area and are typically thin and broad, which helps in maximizing the absorption of light. Tropofil leaves also have stomata, which are small openings that regulate the exchange of gases, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, during photosynthesis. Overall, the tropofil leaves of pteridophytes play a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis.
Ciri utama yang menyebabkan pteridophyta tidak digolongkan ke dalam kelompok antophyta adalah . . .
Correct Answer
D. Tidak ditemukan bunga
The main characteristic that distinguishes pteridophyta from angiosperms is the absence of flowers. Pteridophytes reproduce through spores instead of seeds, and they do not produce flowers or fruits like angiosperms do. This is why they are not classified as part of the angiosperm group.
Persamaan tumbuhan lumut dan tumbuhan paku kecuali . . .
Correct Answer
D. Mempunyai akar serabut
The correct answer is "Mempunyai akar serabut". This is because both mosses and ferns have rhizoids instead of true roots. Rhizoids are thread-like structures that help anchor the plants to the ground and absorb water and nutrients, but they do not perform the same functions as true roots. Therefore, the statement "Mempunyai akar serabut" is not true for both mosses and ferns.
Tumbuhan yang merupakan peralihan antara talophita ke kormophita adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Bryophita
Bryophytes are plants that represent the transition between thallophytes (algae, lichens, and fungi) and cormophytes (vascular plants). They are non-vascular plants that lack true roots, stems, and leaves but have specialized structures for water absorption and reproduction. Bryophytes include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. They have simple structures and rely on water for reproduction, similar to thallophytes. However, they have some characteristics of cormophytes, such as having specialized tissues for conducting water and nutrients. Therefore, bryophytes are considered a transitional group between thallophytes and cormophytes.
Alat pada lumut yang berfungsi untuk menempel dan menyerap air dan garam mineral adalah . .
Correct Answer
B. Rhizoid
A rhizoid is a structure found in mosses and some other non-vascular plants that functions to anchor the plant to a substrate and absorb water and minerals. Unlike true roots, rhizoids do not have specialized tissues or structures for conducting water and nutrients. Instead, they rely on direct absorption from the surrounding environment. This adaptation allows mosses to thrive in moist environments where they can absorb water and nutrients directly from the substrate they are attached to. Therefore, the correct answer for the given question is rhizoid.
Generasi sporofit pada tumbuhan lumut adalah generasi yang menghasilkan . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Spora
The correct answer is "spora". In moss plants, the sporophyte generation produces spores. Spores are reproductive cells that can develop into new individuals. This is a crucial part of the moss life cycle, as the spores are dispersed and can germinate into new gametophytes, which then produce gametes for sexual reproduction. Therefore, the sporophyte generation in mosses is responsible for producing spores.
Pada daur hidup lumut, protonema berkembang membentuk . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Tumbuhan lumut dewasa
The correct answer is "tumbuhan lumut dewasa". In the life cycle of mosses, the protonema develops into the mature moss plant. The protonema is the first stage of growth in mosses, which is a thread-like structure that forms from the germinating spore. As the protonema grows, it eventually develops into the mature moss plant, which consists of the leafy gametophyte and reproductive structures called archegonia and antheridia. Therefore, the tumbuhan lumut dewasa (mature moss plant) is the correct answer.
Tumbuhan lumut mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti tersebut di bawah ini kecuali . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Berumah satu atau berumah dua
The given options describe characteristics of moss plants. Moss plants are known to live in damp environments, have an annulus to control the release of spores, and have chlorophyll for photosynthesis. They also have a structure called sporogonium that produces spores. However, moss plants do not have the characteristic of being monoecious or dioecious, which means they do not have separate male and female reproductive structures.
Gambar paku dibawah ini adalah…
Correct Answer
E. Equisetum debile
The correct answer is Equisetum debile because the image shown is of a plant that belongs to the genus Equisetum, commonly known as horsetails. Equisetum debile is a species of horsetail that is characterized by its thin and delicate stems. The other options listed are different plant species and do not match the characteristics of the image.
Bagian yang diploid adalah nomor . . . .
Correct Answer
B. 3
The correct answer is 3 because it is the only option that is not a duplicate. The other options, 1 and 2, are repeated in the list. Therefore, option 3 is the only unique number in the list, making it the diploid part.
Sporofit adalah nomor…
Correct Answer
C. 3
Tumbuhan paku dapat dibedakan dari lumut berdasarkan ciri-ciri khas yang terdapat pada semua struktur di bawah ini KECUALI . . . .
Correct Answer
E. Bangun dasar daunnya
Paku dapat dibedakan dari lumut berdasarkan ciri-ciri khas seperti susunan akarnya, susunan anatomi batangnya, morfologi sporangiumnya, dan sifat haploid sel kelaminnya. Namun, bangun dasar daunnya tidak menjadi ciri khas yang membedakan paku dari lumut.
Tumbuhan paku yang merupakan bentuk peralihan adalah…..
Correct Answer
B. Equisetum
Equisetum is a type of fern that is considered a transitional plant between ferns and horsetails. It has characteristics of both groups, making it a perfect example of a transitional plant. This is why Equisetum is the correct answer to the question.
Pada tumbuhan paku, bagian yang memiliki jumlah kromosom 2n (diploid) adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Tumbuhan paku sendiri
The correct answer is "tumbuhan paku sendiri" because in fern plants, the sporophyte stage is the diploid stage with 2n chromosomes. The sporophyte is the mature fern plant itself, which produces spores through meiosis. The spores are haploid and develop into the gametophyte stage, which is the haploid stage of the plant's life cycle. Therefore, the diploid stage in fern plants is the mature fern plant itself.
Perhatikan gambar sporogonium berikut
Seta dan peristom ditunjuk oleh....
Correct Answer
C. 5,1
Tumbuhan paku dapat dibedakan dari lumut berdasarkan ciri-ciri khas pada pernyataan berikut, KECUALI….
Correct Answer
A. Spora
Tumbuhan paku dapat dibedakan dari lumut berdasarkan ciri-ciri khas pada pernyataan seperti susunan anatomi dan batangnya, morfologi sporangiumnya, sifat haploid sel kelaminnya, dan bangun dasar daunnya. Namun, spora bukanlah ciri khas yang membedakan tumbuhan paku dari lumut. Spora adalah struktur reproduksi yang ditemukan pada kedua kelompok tumbuhan tersebut.
Tumbuhan paku di bawah adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Marsilea crenata
The correct answer is Marsilea crenata. This is because the question is asking for the name of the plant, and Marsilea crenata is one of the options given. The other options are different types of plants, but the correct answer is specifically Marsilea crenata.
Tumbuhan lumut memiliki ciri-ciri seperti berikut, KECUALI….
Correct Answer
D. Berumah satu atau berumah dua
The correct answer is "berumah satu atau berumah dua" because moss plants do not have a well-developed reproductive system with distinct male and female structures. Instead, they have structures called gametophytes that produce both male and female reproductive cells. Therefore, they are not classified as having "one house" (monoecious) or "two houses" (dioecious) like other plants with separate male and female individuals.
Fungsi Rhizoid pada tumbuhan lumut adalah untuk….
Correct Answer
A. Menyerap air dan hara
Rhizoid pada tumbuhan lumut berfungsi untuk menyerap air dan hara. Hal ini karena lumut tidak memiliki akar sejati yang dapat menyerap air dan nutrisi dari tanah. Rhizoid berperan sebagai struktur penyerap yang menyerap air dan nutrisi dari lingkungan sekitarnya, membantu tumbuhan lumut untuk tumbuh dan berkembang.
Bagian yang melindung spora adalah nomor...
Correct Answer
B. 2
The correct answer is 2 because it states that the part that protects the spores is number 2.