Kerajaan Islam yang pertama kali didirikan di Pulau Sumatra adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Kerajaan Samudra Pasai
The correct answer is Kerajaan Samudra Pasai. Samudra Pasai was the first Islamic kingdom established on the island of Sumatra. It was founded in the 13th century and became an important center of Islamic learning and trade in Southeast Asia. The kingdom had strong maritime power and controlled the Strait of Malacca, which allowed it to dominate trade routes in the region. Samudra Pasai played a significant role in spreading Islam to other parts of the Indonesian archipelago.
Kerajaan Islam pertama berdiri di Pulau Jawa adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Kerajaan Demak
The correct answer is Kerajaan Demak. The kingdom of Demak was the first Islamic kingdom to be established on the island of Java. It was founded in the 15th century and played a significant role in spreading Islam in the region. The kingdom was known for its strong navy and trade networks, and it became a center of Islamic learning and culture. The rulers of Demak were able to unite various local kingdoms under their authority and establish a powerful Islamic state.
Agama Islam yang berkembang di Nusantara memiliki keunikan antara lain berupa...
Correct Answer
B. Tetap mengakomodasi budaya lokal
The correct answer is "tetap mengakomodasi budaya lokal". This means that Islam in Nusantara (the Indonesian archipelago) has the uniqueness of accommodating local culture. This suggests that while Islam is practiced in the region, it is also influenced by and incorporates elements of the local traditions and customs. This highlights the adaptability and inclusivity of Islam in Nusantara, allowing it to coexist with and be influenced by the local cultural practices.
Setelah perlawanan mengusir penjajah yang bersifat kedaerahan gagal, maka para cendekiawan saat itu mengubah bentuk perlawanan dengan berorganisasi. Hal tersebut dipelopori oleh...
Correct Answer
D. Budi Utomo
The correct answer is Budi Utomo. Budi Utomo was a prominent organization in Indonesia that played a significant role in the country's struggle for independence from colonial rule. After the failure of regional resistance movements, intellectuals at the time decided to change their approach and organize themselves. Budi Utomo was at the forefront of this shift, advocating for political and social reforms and promoting national consciousness among the Indonesian people. They believed that through education and cultural development, they could create a united front against colonial oppression.
Pada tahun 1912 K.H. Ahmad Dahlan mendirikan organisasi Muhammadiyah. Pada awalnya, organisasi ini bergerak dalam bidang...
Correct Answer
B. Pendidikan dan kemasyarakatan
The correct answer is "pendidikan dan kemasyarakatan". In 1912, K.H. Ahmad Dahlan founded the Muhammadiyah organization, which initially focused on education and social welfare. This organization aimed to improve the education system and provide social services to the community. Therefore, it can be concluded that Muhammadiyah's main activities were in the field of education and social welfare.
Di antara para wali sanga dalam mendakwahkan ajaran agama Islam menggunakan media seni, pagelaran yang ditampilkan antara lain...
Correct Answer
D. Wayang kulit
The correct answer is wayang kulit. Wayang kulit is a traditional Indonesian art form that uses shadow puppets made from leather. It is commonly used as a medium to convey Islamic teachings and stories. The puppets are intricately designed and manipulated by a puppeteer, accompanied by traditional music and storytelling. Wayang kulit performances often depict stories from Islamic literature, such as the adventures of the Muslim hero, Amir Hamzah. This art form has been used by the Wali Sanga, a group of Islamic saints in Java, to spread the teachings of Islam to the local communities.
Dalam bidang arsitektur hasil karya para ulama’ muslim dapat ditemukan berupa...
Correct Answer
E. Bangunan masjid
The correct answer is "bangunan masjid". In the field of architecture, the works of Muslim scholars can be found in the form of mosques. Mosques are religious buildings where Muslims gather for prayer and worship. They are an important part of Islamic culture and have distinctive architectural features such as domes, minarets, and prayer halls. Muslim scholars have contributed to the design and construction of mosques, creating beautiful and functional spaces for the Muslim community.
Persatuan Islam (Persis) didirikan di Indonesia bertujuan...
Correct Answer
E. Memberlakukan hukum Islam berdasarkan Al-Qur’an dan hadis
Persatuan Islam (Persis) didirikan di Indonesia dengan tujuan memberlakukan hukum Islam berdasarkan Al-Qur'an dan hadis. Ini menunjukkan bahwa organisasi ini ingin menerapkan aturan dan prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Dengan mengacu pada sumber-sumber utama agama Islam, yaitu Al-Qur'an dan hadis, Persis berusaha untuk mempengaruhi sistem hukum dan kehidupan sosial di Indonesia sesuai dengan ajaran Islam.
Tokoh sejarahwan yang berpendapat bahwa Islam Nusantara di samping dari India juga dari Arab adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Hamka
Hamka adalah tokoh sejarahwan yang berpendapat bahwa Islam Nusantara berasal tidak hanya dari India, tetapi juga dari Arab.
Sahabat Rasulullah yang datang ke Indonesia untuk menyelidiki penyebaran agama Islam di Jawa kala itu adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Muawiyah bin Abu Sofyan
Pada tahun 1509 Raden Patah dinobatkan oleh wali sanga sebagai...
Correct Answer
E. Sultan Demak
Raden Patah was crowned as the Sultan of Demak in 1509 by the wali sanga. Demak was a powerful kingdom in Java during the 15th and 16th centuries. Therefore, the correct answer is Sultan Demak.
Organisasi dan lembaga pendidikan umat Islam yang bersifat tradisional adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Pesantren
Pesantren is the correct answer because it refers to traditional Islamic educational institutions that focus on religious teachings, Quranic studies, and Islamic values. These institutions provide a holistic education that includes religious, moral, and academic aspects. Students live in a boarding school-like environment and are taught by religious scholars or ustadz. Pesantren plays a significant role in preserving and promoting Islamic teachings and cultural heritage in many Muslim-majority countries.
Pada abad ke18 – 19 M, terjadi gerakan pemurnian ajaran Islam. Gerakan tersebut dapat mendorong anti kolonialisme. Pada saat itu, Islam berperan sebagai…
Correct Answer
C. Pemersatu bangsa untuk melawan penjajah
During the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a movement to purify Islamic teachings. This movement played a role in uniting the nation against colonialism. Islam served as a unifying force for the people to stand together and resist the colonizers.
Proses penyebaran agama Islam di Nusantara melalui beberapa tahapan. Tahap pertama yang ditekanhan oleh para da’i adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Penegak dasar – dasar agama Islam
The correct answer is "penegak dasar – dasar agama Islam". This is because in the process of spreading Islam in the Nusantara region, the first stage emphasized establishing the basic principles of the Islamic religion. This includes teaching and enforcing the fundamental principles of Islam, such as the belief in one God, the importance of prayer (salat), and the guidance on reading and writing the Quran. By establishing these basic foundations, the da'is (Islamic preachers) aimed to lay the groundwork for further dissemination of Islamic teachings and the formation of Islamic organizations.
Menurut seorang ahli sejarah sebenarnya Islam masuk ke Indonesia sejak abad VII M atau awal abad pertama Hijriyah yang di bawa oleh…
Correct Answer
D. Para da’i dari Mekah dan Medinah
Sikap adil kepada Allah swt dapat diwujudkan melalui perilaku ….
Correct Answer
C. Menjalankan segala perintah-Nya
The correct answer is "menjalankan segala perintah-Nya" because it means to follow and obey all of Allah's commands. This shows fairness and justice towards Allah by fulfilling one's obligations and responsibilities towards Him. It is an act of submission and devotion to Allah's will, which is an important aspect of maintaining a just and fair relationship with Allah.
Beramal saleh perlu adanya landasan keimanan yang sempurna, artinya …
Correct Answer
A. Meyakini sepenuh hati terhadap enam rukun iman
The correct answer is "meyakini sepenuh hati terhadap enam rukun iman" because having a strong foundation of faith is necessary for performing righteous deeds. Believing wholeheartedly in the six pillars of faith is essential in order to have a complete and sincere practice of good deeds.
Hikmah yang akan didapatkan seseorang dari perilaku qanaah antara lain...
Correct Answer
A. Merasa tenteram dan merasa berkecukupan dalam hidupnya
Qanaah is the concept of being content and satisfied with what one has in life. When someone practices qanaah, they will feel a sense of tranquility and sufficiency in their life. They will not constantly chase after material possessions or compare themselves to others. Instead, they will appreciate and be grateful for what they have, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
”Menerima hak tanpa lebih dan memberikan hak orang lain tanpa dikurangi.”Pernyataan tersebut adalah pengertian dari...
Correct Answer
A. Rida
The statement "Menerima hak tanpa lebih dan memberikan hak orang lain tanpa dikurangi" translates to "Receiving rights without excess and giving others' rights without reduction." The term "rida" in Arabic refers to contentment or acceptance of the divine will. In this context, the explanation suggests that rida is the correct answer as it aligns with the idea of accepting and fulfilling one's responsibilities and rights without seeking more than what is necessary.
Perintah menegakkan keadilan dan berbuat kebijakan tercantum dalam Al-Qur’an Surat...
Correct Answer
C. An – Nahl ayat 90
Membentuk keluarga (rumah tangga) yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa merupakan tujuan nikah menurut...
Correct Answer
E. Undang – Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974
The correct answer is Undang – Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974. This law is a marriage law in Indonesia that emphasizes the importance of forming a happy and lasting family based on the belief in God. It is a legal framework that governs the rights and obligations of individuals in a marriage, including the purpose and objectives of marriage. The other options, such as Al-Qur'an, Kompilasi hukum Islam, and Hukum adat, may also have their own teachings and principles regarding marriage, but the specific law mentioned in the answer is the one that directly addresses the purpose of marriage in the context of Indonesian legal system.
Adanya ijab dan kabul merupakan...
Correct Answer
E. Rukun nikah
The correct answer is "rukun nikah". In Islamic marriage, there are five essential pillars or rukun nikah that must be fulfilled for the marriage to be valid. These pillars include ijab (proposal) and kabul (acceptance) from both parties, the presence of witnesses, the payment of the mahr (dowry), and the consent of the bride and groom. These pillars ensure that the marriage is conducted in accordance with Islamic principles and that the union is legally recognized.
Rusaknya ikatan pernikahan yang disebabkan seorang suami bersumpah, bahwa dirinya tidak akan menggauli istrinya, tindakan tersebut disebut...
Correct Answer
E. Ila’
Ila' is the correct answer because it refers to the situation where a husband takes an oath to abstain from having sexual relations with his wife. This action leads to the breakdown of the marriage bond, as the husband is unable to fulfill his marital duties.
Pelanggaran hukum nikah yang disebabkan karena ila’, suami dikenakan denda (kafarat)...
Correct Answer
E. Membayar kafarat puasa 3 hari
When a husband commits a violation of marriage due to ila' (a form of oath), he is required to pay a penalty (kafarat). In this case, the correct answer is "membayar kafarat puasa 3 hari" which means the husband must fast for three consecutive days as a form of atonement for his offense. This is a prescribed punishment in Islamic law for certain violations in marriage.
Mantan istri telah menikah dengan laki – laki lain, telah dicampuri oleh suami barunya kemudian diceraikan serta telah habis masa iddahnya. Hal tersebut merupakan syarat rujuk bagi suami istri yang bercerai dengan sebab...
Correct Answer
E. Talak ba’in
The given scenario describes a situation where the former wife has remarried, been consummated by her new husband, and completed her iddah (waiting period). This fulfills the conditions for talak ba'in, which is a permanent divorce that cannot be revoked. In talak ba'in, the husband and wife cannot reconcile or remarry without the wife marrying someone else and completing another iddah. Therefore, talak ba'in is the correct answer in this case.
Talak yang diucapkan suami dengan cara pihak istri membayar ganti rugi atau mengembalikan mahar disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Khuluk
Khuluk is the correct answer because it refers to a type of divorce where the husband pronounces divorce and the wife pays compensation or returns the dowry. This type of divorce is initiated by the wife and is considered a form of separation by mutual consent.
Kembalinya suami isteri pada ikatan perkawinan setelah terjadi talak raj’i disebut...
Correct Answer
E. Rujuk
Rujuk is the term used to describe the return of a husband and wife to their marital bond after a divorce. In this case, the question states that the divorce was a talak raj'i, which is a revocable divorce. Therefore, the correct answer is rujuk, as it signifies the reconciliation and reestablishment of the marital relationship.
Seorang suami merujuk istrinya dengan niat dapat menguasai kembali harta istrinya sekaligus membalas dendam karena sakit hati kepada istrinya, karena pernah disakiti hatinya. Hukum rujuk tersebut adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Haram
The correct answer is "haram". In Islam, seeking reconciliation with the intention of regaining control over one's spouse's wealth and seeking revenge is considered forbidden (haram). Marriage should be based on love, compassion, and mutual respect, not on ulterior motives or vengeful intentions.
Salah satu rukun nikah adalah adanya wali dari pihak calon istri. Adapun salah satu syarat sahnya untuk dapat menjadi wali adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Harus orang tua kandung
The correct answer is "harus orang tua kandung" because one of the conditions for being a guardian (wali) in a marriage is that the person must be the biological parent of the bride.
Ucapan talak secara kinayah artinya…
Correct Answer
E. Sindiran
The correct answer is "sindiran". In the context of the question, "ucapan talak secara kinayah" refers to indirect speech or expression. "Sindiran" means sarcasm or satire, which is a form of indirect speech or expression used to criticize or mock someone or something. Therefore, it is the most suitable option among the given choices.
Kerajaan Samudera Pasai terletak di kampung Samudra di tepi Sungai Pasai dan berdiri sejak tahun 1261 M. Di bawah ini raja- raja yang memerintah di kerajan ini, kecuali…
Correct Answer
C. Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnaen
The correct answer is Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnaen because he is the only one who did not rule in the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai. The other four sultans mentioned all had a reign in the kingdom.
Menurut Snouck Hurgronje, masuknya agama islam pertama kali ke wilayah Nusantara dibawa oleh...
Correct Answer
E. Para pedagang dari Gujarat
According to Snouck Hurgronje, the first entry of Islam into the Nusantara region was brought by traders from Gujarat.
Di bawah ini nama para wali sanga atau wali sembilan yang menyebarkan ajaran Islam khususnya di Pulau Jawa, kecuali...
Correct Answer
D. Maulana Ismail
The given answer suggests that Maulana Ismail is not one of the wali sanga or wali sembilan who spread the teachings of Islam in Pulau Jawa (Java Island). This implies that the other four names mentioned in the list are indeed wali sanga or wali sembilan.